101 Uses for

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dajeti2 wrote:
Cecotropes=roofing tar

Cecotropes=organic crazy glue

Cecotropes=the new eye liner

Cecotropes=the new mascara
You all have definately lost it! Not me! Nope! No way!


Balancing the uneven legs of tv trays and tables.

Throw at starlings to scare them away from the finch feeder.

Make a "cobblestone" path.

Save 'em up for a year and make a "ball" pit for your kids.

Constellation model. Snuggy and Baby made one by themselveslast night! I swear I could make out the Big Dipper!




decorate the insides of a glassjar to make a decorative lamp ( see seashesll etc )

Lamp shade decorations ,

Picture frame decorations , (use cecatropess as the glue binder )

Wind Chimes ! ( see stung up together type )
Instead of a bag of coal for xmas the kids could get a bag of bunny poop!!!
mygrl2k3 wrote:
Instead of a bag of coal for xmas the kids could get a bagof bunny poop!!!
LOL! That would be horrible to find bunny raisins in your stocking!!
I'm absolutely loving this thread!

Gypsy I love the wind chime thing I might have to try it :rofl:

mygrl2k3:thanks:for that. I willuse that on Alyssa to get her to behave. I can just se it now. "Alyssabehave or Father Christmas will leave Bunny Poop in your stocking thisyear!" Great stuff:laugh:.

I'm gonna put mine in a gun and shoot them at PuterGeekGirl when I go get Fred!


Yes, Jim D! I think it wasSnuggy. We line up our shoes against a wall in thekitchen. She HATES to walk on the linoleum, so she walks overour shoes.

Funny there have never been poos in MY shoes. I guess she know who loves her most!


Carolyn wrote:
I'm gonna put mine in a gun and shoot them at PuterGeekGirl when I go get Fred!



....and don't forget to spread some on the floor behind you as you make your getaway :run:..................

*** "Bun.....James Bun..." ***