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You could always make a "shamPOO" for that special "friend" out of poop...

I have a couple "friends" i would love to make ShamPOO for specially out of the glue type ones lol.
Yes, I guess you can say we're all sitting back to wait for the POOP to hit the fan!
Feed them to the buns as in substitutes fortreats!!!! We could pass them off as raisins and commercialtreats. Think of all the money we'd save.

Flopsy wrote:
Feed them to the buns as in substitutes fortreats!!!! We could pass them off as raisins and commercialtreats. Think of all the money we'd save.


Now that's what I call recycling :p
Down here there is this drink called "BubbleTea" that is very popular, expecially with the young asians.I don't know how popular it is with the rest of Canada or in theStates, but it consist of a flavoured drink with little "bubbles" aboutthe size of a blueberry. You even get a giant straw to suckup your bubbles.

Bunny poops would make an excellent addition to the Bubble Tea craze!!

I just now read this post..And my is a popular one! (or shall i say poop-lar):?

I thought of an idea...maybe blow them out of straws and use them for spitwads! Gross, haha:no:
Bubble tea is also popular in the summer inChina. I believe it came from Taiwan. The bubbles are actually tapioca.I haven't tried one yet. After reading your post, I have no desire! Iwould be afraid of what my straw sucked up.

Cocoa puffs rule!
aurora369 wrote:
"Bubble Tea" that is very popular, expecially with the young asians.
Bunny poops would make an excellent addition to the Bubble Tea craze!!
It is gaining popularity. Theycome in tapioca or coconut jello that sits in the bottom of adrink, and you use an extra large straw to suck itup. Like ChinaBun, I never tried it, andI don't think I will after this topic came up. :D

Rainbows! :note:

seeing as this was brought up in another thread, thought it should be bumped (with a note to Honeypot: I'll never be able toeat raisin bread again!!)

sas and the forum gang

Chocolate pudding with chocolate chips with extra "lumpy" cecels for that special someone.

Dye stinky and think cecels red and use it for lava for a volcano science project.

All I can think of for now! :D Fun thread!


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