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Lol thanks Vircia. No worries, everything is going okay. My health isn't nearly as bad as it was when I was working. I am very blessed. :)Hehehe silly, no crying. I am glad you love us. :biggrin2:
So just a quick update as there isn't too much really interesting going on...

Yesterday, while I was at school, Jeff went to feed the bunnies. He said that Maybelle was circling around his feet and let him pet her. (She does like him as he never picks her up) Jeff proceeded to emptying the new bag of food into the bin and she was very curious and decided to stick aroud to watch him. The problem was that she got in the way so Jeff sort of shoo'd her away... She threw a temper tantrum. Grunting and lunging and being plain grumpy because he shoo'd her. LOL. :p

Class went well yesterday too. Yesterday's funny moment came when the teacher was teaching us about giving directions. She selected 2 guys from the class and had them act it out. Basically guy A had to ask guy B for help to get from where he was standing to the windmill. Anyway guy A asked for help and guy B, instead of attempting to figure out how to direct him, apologized, told him he was new to the Netherlands and couldn't help him. LOL. We're a bunch of smartbutts. Hehehe. At least the teacher has a good sense of humor. :pAnyway, he finally ended up giving the directions but he gave them really quick because, as he explained to me, if you say it really quick and with confidence, it makes you sound smart. Problem is, the teacher is onto him and made him repeat it really slowly and corrected him throughout. Hehehehehe. He wasn't as proud the 2nd time around. :pToo funny.

As for me, well the teacher is definitely onto me. :expressionlessShe knows now that my biggest problem is overcoming the shyness so she tends to call on me more now. I keep trying to hide but she seems to catch me everytime I try to look distracted. :pThat, and it doesn't help that she is terrible at remembering names but does remember mine as well as two others. So, whenever she draws a blank, she calls on one of us. Bleh :expressionlessLol.

I keep bringing up the puppy. Jeff seems to be breaking. Slowly slowly. Hehehe. I asked again yesterday evening and he didn't say no.When I called him on it, hesaid, "Well, if it means so much to you..." I told him I also don't want him just doing it to make me happy but end up being annoyed with it after.He says that's why he hasn't said no but hasn't said yes yet either.:)

I am pretty convinced at this point. In fact, I did contact a breeder for more information. She seems excellent. I thought I would ask more questions about the breed as well as her breeding program. She's not too too far from us either. Jeff was laughing when I showed him that I had found a breeder. We will see. I don't want to jump and do something we'll regret either.

But hopefully...

Oooh keep us informed!! I'm having the same conversation with my hubby about a specific guinea pig ( not just any one, there is one I am in love with). he isn't saying no anymore but he isn't saying yes either..so I'm waiting too. I just hope I don't have to wait too long. She is up for adoption and I fell in love and have never found myself longing for a guinea pig so it's a bit strange to me that this one means so much.

so..we both wait, sophie!
[align=center]Lol, I hear ya.If I get a dog, I really hope it will be active and not lazy as that will make me lazier. I really did have to think about that aspect carefully because I really am I lazy and I definitely want the best for the dog and I really need to get outside more. I've been longing to go to the lake a lot but I really cannot be bothered to go alone. Howsad of me. Lol. I have wanted a dog ever since I moved out from my parents but my appartment was just way too small. Here though, we have space and nice areas around the house to play with the dog as well.:p[/align]
[align=center]I am glad your hubby was okay with it finally. :biggrin:She's adorable. Jeff hasn't decided yet but we do discuss it and how to train a dog right and what is involved and if a male or female would make a difference, etc. He keeps saying he hasn't said "no"but he's still unsure. Pedigreed dogs are expensive too so we are keeping that in mind. I guess he finds it is a bit much to pay for a dog but at the same time he understands why getting it from a good place is important. We will have to see... :)[/align]
[align=center]Flash Gordon:[/align]
stoppin by to say hello to ya ..i havent beenon enough lately!.AM I POSTING in the right blog?.this making a new blog thing for 2011 is screwing me up!i feel so lost around here now hehe..how are you Sof?

5TH pic down of jelly bean is awesome!!what a sweet wittle mouth!
[align=center]Hehehe awww I'm so happy you stopped by! I noticed you were away for quite some time. I am glad you are back. :)Hehe no, that was the 2010 blog but no worries :biggrin2:I've been alright, quite hormonal, but okay I guess. Poor Jeff. Lol. I can start crying at nothing. Get angry oh so easily too and won't stop whining about the ironing. Jeff wears only 100% cotton :expressionlessI hate ironing :grumpy:LOL. Things are going well though. Spent Saturday evening killing zombies with Jeff. There's something about killing zombies that makes me happy when I am so hormonal. :pThat's about it really. Nothing too new. :biggrin2:What about you? Keeping busy?
Kashi is active which makes it worse. We are NOT! I have made Rob an odd promise. He wants a big dog if we get a house. I said yes but only if he gets more active and get's me to be more active.
My sister ( years ago) decided she wanted a puppy. She got her and she went walking everyday after that. Then she was so happy with her that she got another. She had them for a very long time until they were very old. When they died a very short time between them, she got another one.
Labs were her breed because their energy level matched hers.

Dogs can be like little babies at first though. All the night time wakings. I remember when we got our dog ( first marriage) I was exhausted! It doesn't last as long as with human babies though so that's a plus.

I think it's important to match the dog's personality with yours. My dog was half shepard half husky which was a really big, energetic dog who HAD to have mucho exercise.

She pulled me all the way down the street because the sled dog part of her wanted to pull. Even after obedience training she was a pull and dragger LOL I was the ball thrower person because I always loved throwing a ball. My husband became the walker because I wasn't a going for a walk on demand every day kind of person.

So, it worked for us.

How energetic are KCS? They so so beautiful looking! I'm anxious to hear the news about whether Jeff is on board yet!

Lol, I could just imagine it. :pKashi going nuts wanting to play and you hiding or something. Lol. :wink


Hehehe Maybelle is a hoot. I am very fond of her and her antics. Jeff likes to update me with the latest when he picks me up from school. I'll keep that in mind Dave :pJust kidding really, she loves us slaves too much and wouldn't accept us not being her slaves. Lol.


Yeah I imagined a puppy would be quite demanding. Lol.It's one of the reasons why I think it'd be best to have one now so I can give it the attention it deserves and raise it right. Plus, I think it brings in some aspects that would be good for later on as well. I'm certainly still hooked on the idea of getting one. Hehehe.

Yeah, no. Lol. I can't do big dog now. We don't have a proper yard for it and the house is nice but not really made for a big dog. I also really cannot see myself managing a big dog. Lol. I think I would have a hard time being the "alpha". Omg, when I worked at the pet store, my boss had a St.-Bernard and asked me if I wanted to walk it. Feeling brave, I said sure why not. Yeah. Turns out that dog wasn't the same when on a leash. :shock:Omg... That dog was sooo bad! We didn't make it to the corner. After returning to the store, covered in dirt and grass from being literally dragged through it, I told him to never ever ask me again. I never lived it down... :rollseyes:pDid your dog pull your husband too?

Well, from whatI have read, they are quite easy-going. They love to cuddle and snooze just as much as they love to play so I think it is a healthy mix. Maybe it would want to sleep when I'd want to play and play when I want to sleep? :pLol. Of course, each dog is different so I don't know really how energetic it would be but that's what I read from the general breed guidelines. :)They also say they don't require long walks everyday. Of course, I would take the dog out to walk and play regularly but it's good to know that they seem fairly easy to manage. :)

I think they do look beautiful but I have seen some pictures where they have these big bulging eyes. Lol. Apparently it is one of the characteristics of the breed. It's the only thing that is mildy off-putting to us. I have seen others where their eyes are just big brown puppy eyes... Gah. I would have a hard time saying no then. :pThe coat would require brushing but okay, no biggy. I'm already vaccuuming regularly so I doubt it would change too too much with a dog. I have cat tumbleweeds in the staircase which irk me so I cannot stand not vaccuuming for long. Hehehe.

I have no idea what Jeff will say :pLol. Maybe he is still hoping it's just a phase. :biggrin:
Hey hey, how are you Vircia? Nice to see you back. I hope you are feeling better!

It's been a crappy week healthwise. Heart was acting up all week (140+ bpm, lowest was 117bpm even after med :grumpy:) so I get very tired when it does. Taking the meds but it isn't lasting too long. No biggy. Have my hospital appointment in a bit so I will get results and do the spirometry test if it doesn't get postponed due to my heart rate. Hopefully not.

Maybelle is nesting... Lol. I had just told Jeff that I was finding her quite hormonal and would need to look into her spay. Bah. No worries, she's not preggers. Just hormones. She's even pulled some fur. :pI had given her a bin filled with straw and hay so she could snuggle in it if she wanted because the temperature dropped and she no longer has a hutch so she is directlyon the floor... In any case, I doubt she'd really need it with the thickness of the fur she's got. :shock:It's the first time I feel such fur. It's really impressive. Hehehe. Of course, MayMay is still happy as can be. She loves to hum as she runs in circles around us. She's quite vocal really. Yesterday, while I was feeding the buns, Maybelle tried to jump in Giggles' hutch. :expressionlessLol.

Jelly Bean and Twizzler got their first taste of brussel sprouts yesterday. :)They love it. In fact, there isn't anything they don't love yet. Lol. Herbs, carrot tops, carrots, celery, spinach, cucumber,lettuce, oranges, mandarines, apple, strawberry, grapes, banana... Hehehe they love it all.They are very easy to please. Yet, no matter what I give them, what gets them most excited is the meadow hay. It smells really good too. That gets them popcorning automatically. :biggrin:

Ahhhhhhhh yesterday Jeff's father called.... We knew he'd be visiting soon as he always comes here from France for or soon after the holidays. They are been renovating the apartments they own so they couldn't leave yet. However, it turns out that they will be here very soon. I think he said on the 12th or so... Anywho, he has asked us if we could host his birthday on the 15th. That means, he'd be here with his wife for dinner and then his brothers and their families, as well as Jeff's sister and family would be coming... :shock:So, that means a whole lot more people than expected and it means meeting a whole lot of new people since I have not met Jeff's paternal side of the family yet.


But okay, it's a joy to have him here and it will be nice to meet everyone. They've been wanting to see the house and meet me apparently so he thought it would be best to do it like this and kill a few birds with one stone so to speak. :)

I just have to figure out what I am going to make now... Oh and clean and organize the house... And fix the front and back yards.... And and and...

No Biggy, huh ? :( Get some good rest, nela. You need one. I'm getting better, I guess... still cough all the time ( and yes, Kimiko still runs away from me every time I do so :D ). She's been hormonal too since couple days ago. Although she doesn't make any nests...yet :p but she is completely restless and has no appetites. She eats, but it's not usual way she always does. :( poor girl. I wonder how long it's gonna take for hormone to cool down... better be soon.
:) Hugs !
Good luck with the family. I hope that is not why you are having health issues. Stress can do terrible things to the body. Remeber, you can't choose family but you are with Jeff, not his family. :)

I'll make sure it's fun :winkLol.



I so hope your cough passes soon.:rose:Lolsilly Kimi :pHopefully her hormones will settle as well and that's all it is. As for my health, it's really not too bad really. I *think* I may have caused the heart to go a little bonkers becauseI had some iced tea and coke for a few days... I'm not supposed to have caffeine or anything that excites but i do have it once in a while. I just didn't think of the iced tea having anything in it that could cause a problem. I'm still not sure it was that but it's possible. In any case, it seems to be back down to the low 100s now so that is good. I rest plenty. In fact, I was quite insulted about because so drained from doing so little. Lol. It is what it is though.



Hehehe no, luckily it's not stress. I have been having probs for days and it's been before I found out about his father. I got most stuff sorted out today too :biggrin:I'm sure his family will be great. I really cannot complain. EveryoneI have met so far has been wonderful. I´m just always terribly nervous when meeting people :p



I did my spirometry tests today and I am happy to say that I got an above average score :biggrin2:I wasn't worried about it really because I know I have good lung capacity from my singing. :)I did have to take a heart pill because they needed to give me 4 doses of salbutamol so that was a bit of a funny feeling. It was pretty neat because my doctor explained the results entirely Which was really nice because usually I am just told if it's good or not. In the end, what this means is that my meds are working very well.

Blood results were pretty good although they did reveal a mild kidney (what kind of infection can you get there?)infection. He says it would be viral either way so it is safe to ignore. Alright then, no problem. Lol.

No food allergies found... :)In fact, most allergies were quite significantly lower than my previous test. Except one.

I'm apparently severely allergic to cats. :expressionlessNormal was around 3.0 and I was at 12+. :expressionless

I've never had such a result, and I only react to the cats if they are stressed. I react to their litterbox if it is too dirty but that is the ammonia in it... I was seriously surprised. The doc told me the allergy is serious enough that I really need to keep it in mind. On the other hand, he gives me the facts and lets me decide what to do with them. Thank goodness. Anyway, at this stage, I am not on regular anti-histamines anymore because the rabbits are outside. I told Jeff that over my dead body would I lose the cats too. I was nice and wise enough to accept it with rabbits but now the cats is pushing it too far. I told him I'd have to be dyign to even consider rehoming them, and until they pass on naturally, the doc just needs to keep me alive. Lol.

As I left the doc's office, I looked at the doc and said "But I'm only mildly allergic to dogs though right, so I can get a dog then right?" LOL. He replied by saying "Ah haaaaa the oppurtunities!" Lol :p

He has no idea about the guinea pigs...

*Looks innocent*

At this point though, any thought of working or studying anything veterinary, shelter, wildlife associated is completely out of the question though. :(Ah well...

I'm wanting to take pictures but I couldn't let anyone out today because it's been sooooooooo darn windy. Geez.

We ended up shopping and Jeff found a desk so we'll be able to organize the office room more properly. Also got a filing cabinet so he can put all his darn mail in one place instead of scattered all over the house :pLooking forward to getting all that set up. Also bought some extra coffee cups to have enough for all the visitors... Oh and a laundry basket to sort things more properly...

That's pretty much it. I promise to get more pictures soon. :)
Your doctor sound wonderful!!
I'll be thinking about you for Jeff's father's bday. I know what massive events they can be in Europe.. yikes!
Mucho hugs.. I'm reallly tired, it's 2 am here and I've been busy busy or I would have written more. :p I can be a motor mouth sometimes so maybe this is a good thing that I need to get to bed!! xo
That's it !!!! No more caffeine , no more pepsi for you, young lady !!!! :pssd: If you drink again....I will...I will...I will....
:( I will ask you to stop drinking that one more time...

:) I'm happy you've been taking care by this doctor. He seems to be a wonderful doc.

He's really good. I really am happy with him and his method of doing things so far. :)Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts. Hehehe. I will make fondue for dinner. I'm not sure if I will make dessert myself or not though... I'll see how I feel closer to the day. Lol. :pIt shouldn't be a big thing really. As long as we have coffee we'll be fine. Hehehe. I hope you are getting some well-deserved rest. :)



Hehehe cutie. Yeah, it's hard to avoid it completely though ;)I am careful though, no worries. How are you feeling now? Is your cough gone yet? How is Kimi doing? She eating more? Btw, I wanted to mention... I *believe* many bunnies eat a bit less eagerly when moulting? I think I remember that being mentionned a while back. Maybe some others can tell you if they've heard the same or not. I've been thinking about you guys. :)
[align=center]I've decided to start working on a small project of mine... I have a few projects in mind for this year so I took a step in getting at least one of them done. Hehehe. Anyway, I decided to try out giving Maybelle her own www. space via a blog. :biggrin:I'm not sure how well it will be received and if people will enjoy it but anyway, it's fun to do. I'll keep posting updates about her here of course, but on the blog, it's more like if it were her own voice. Well, from what I can interpret... Hehehe.[/align]
[align=center]You can find it here:[/align]
[align=center]No new pictures yet though... :expressionlessBleh. I really really want to get some soon. [/align]
[align=center]I made an unintentional funny in class yesterday. I got picked to roleplay a doctor and a guy was the patient. Basically, the patient came to see me because of a headache. We had to choose our questions (to make the conversation from a list) so I began by asking him what he had, for how long etc. At one point, I told him I was going to examine him. Now, Iclearly understoodtwo of the 3 choices and knew they didn't fit the ailment and the teacher told me to choose one so I went with the 3rd. Basically I ended up asking him to get undressed, over a headache. Lol. It was quite funny... So when Jeff asked me what I did in class, I told him I have started asking guys to undress. Lol. :pAh well...[/align]
[align=center]We had Jeff's mother over for dinner on Saturday and I made mussels for us and some fried fish for Jeff since he doesn't like them. [/align]
[align=center]Other than that, I'm still pretty drained but things are going well. :)[/align]
Here's a video of Maybelle humming as she runs around my feet. I normally describe her humming as the humming of a bumble bee. However, on the video is sounds almost more like a clicking. Maybe she thinks she's a dolphin... Lol. Anyway I thought I would share cause I think it's funny. :p

You'll need to have your volume up to hear this properly because it's not very loud. The sound is a sort of clicking (maybe you'd think it's nails against the pavement) and it comes around whenever she runs in front of me. Hehehe. Oh btw, I suggest not actually watching the video as it may make you a bit dizzy :p

[align=center] [/align]


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