My sister ( years ago) decided she wanted a puppy. She got her and she went walking everyday after that. Then she was so happy with her that she got another. She had them for a very long time until they were very old. When they died a very short time between them, she got another one.
Labs were her breed because their energy level matched hers.
Dogs can be like little babies at first though. All the night time wakings. I remember when we got our dog ( first marriage) I was exhausted! It doesn't last as long as with human babies though so that's a plus.
I think it's important to match the dog's personality with yours. My dog was half shepard half husky which was a really big, energetic dog who HAD to have mucho exercise.
She pulled me all the way down the street because the sled dog part of her wanted to pull. Even after obedience training she was a pull and dragger LOL I was the ball thrower person because I always loved throwing a ball. My husband became the walker because I wasn't a going for a walk on demand every day kind of person.
So, it worked for us.
How energetic are KCS? They so so beautiful looking! I'm anxious to hear the news about whether Jeff is on board yet!