•°o.O The Tater Tots Family 2011 O.o°•

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Nom nom nom..your pics make me hungry :eats: Wow ! what a nice hospital. It doesn't look like hospital at all, more like hotel, a nice airport or so :) hehe. Lucky you, Nela.
About curly hair, it was last year. I used to have curly hair once, long time ago, it might caused this, I don't know. :) Now I'm happy to stick with straight hair. I need to let my hair get rest :)
Can't wait to know whom is gonna be the new member of your family ! ;)
[align=center]Vircia, hehehe it really is yummy! I need to get you some stroopwaffels. :biggrin2:I understand what you mean about letting your hair rest. It's good that you do. Lol I like Hello Kitty so Hello Kimi caught my eye. Hehehe.[/align]


[align=center]Well, cleaning the shed and hutches took a few hours and the bunnies wouldn't stay still so it was not possible to get any pictures of them. I did take a few pictures though. [/align]

[align=center]Who here likes Maybelle? Who here thinks she is a sweet girl? Anyone want her?[/align]

[align=center]This is what she did to our shed... Yes it was all HER.[/align]



[align=center]She even tried to eat her way through the others' hutch:[/align]


[align=center]Several hours later, we got it looking good again (though the hutches were not yet clean here):[/align]


[align=center]Giggles and Rolo are in that hutch at the moment. Maybelle has no hutch. We'll be getting a cat litterbox for her in the near future. She'll remain free range like this as long as she doesn't eat my bike :pShe's simply too big a bunny to stick in a small hutch. Plus, she's rather good with her litter habits in general and she loves being out. :)[/align]

[align=center]This is a picture of our roof...[/align]


[align=center]As you can see, the window way up onthe right is the attic window. That's the window Houdina got out of. :expressionlessShe was in the gutter on the left. I climbed onto the fence there (beside the hedge is a fence)to grab her. I shiver every time I look at this picture. Oh what could have happen... :nerves1Luckily, aside from some broken claws, she is ok. I do expect her eyes and nose to act up this week though. Stress always exacerbates her herpes virus.[/align]

:) hehehe lovely Maybelle. yep, Nela. I still think of Maybelle as a pretty Diva girl ;) hehe. She just redecorated the place in " Maybelle " style. I bet when you walked into there, maybelle screamed, " Voila, momma ! May I present you... Maybelle Kingdom, tat ta da da ~~~ !!!" :roflmao:
Glad to hear Houdina is ok, but broken claws ?? Ouch ! Wishing her a real quick recovery.
Lol, I love Maybelle's attitude. She's more the type to go "Ooooooooooh is this yours?" and then break it. Lol. Like the evill sibling in the rabbit family. :pShe was rather funny yesterday though and 'helped' as we cleaned by making sure to be in our way or attacking the broom. I swear, the minute you lay a finger on that broom she'll come running at it, and charge it, grunting and boxing at it angrily. Lol. She keeps us entertainedand reminds me daily that I am indeed the rabbit slave. :p
I just love your new blog, Nela!!

YOu have such a way with words :hugsquish: Maybelle is too funny!
I'm glad Houdina is safe and sound, you guys sure had a hectic day that day, lol thy're always keeping you on your toes, that's for sure!!

So the very next morning, I went into the shed to let Divabelle out so she could enjoy the sun. :shock: Guess what? Lil Miss had grabbed her litter corner and dumped ALL of its contents onto the newly cleaned floor. Lil Miss was not statisfied with just dumping it there, nooooo, Maybelle decided she was going to spread it as much as she possibly could to get the maximum effect. So it is EVERYWHERE. Whilst I was standing there, mouth and eyes wide open, the lil brat ran right past me, into the yard and binkied away happily.


When Jeff got home, I told him she made a mess of the shed by emptying her litterbox contents. He grunted in disapproval. However, it's really when he SAW the mess that he realized how much of a mess one rabbit can possibly make with a small amount of litter. He just stood there, looking much like I did when I saw it... :shock:

I had been considering getting her one of those open cat boxes but after seeing this, I think we will go with a closed one. Of course, I had given her a sandbox in the yard to play in but she didn't find that neeeeeeearly as interesting as tearing up the sandbag right in the shed and spreading it all over. The sandbox has been completely ignored.


By the way...

Rolo is acting very much like Maybelle. "GET YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF ME!"*Thump!* Hmmm 'he' is grunting and growling and putting up as much of a fuss as Maybelle. I'm starting to wonder if 'he' isn't really a 'she'. I don't remember any of my boys ever grunting like that. Lol. Must be that 'terrible 2' type phase. 'He' just wants to run out and explore now. It ain't happening. Nah uh, no way. Not until 'he' gets a bigger butt at least. :p Rolo won't be able to pass through the fence with a big butt.

Smores is going to the vet's today. I *believe* he is being neutered today but I am not 100% sure. Giggles will be able to go in a few weeks :) I am working on her these days. She's gotten quite scrawny again. :expressionless I don't know what it is with that girl but I don't like it. I do not like her physique, muscle tone, bone density, etc. She's beautiful and I love her, don't get me wrong. The thing is, I am sooo afraid that she'll just break :expressionless Her feet are so scrawny, I'm afraid looking at them wrong would cause her to break a leg. Bleh. I'm so glad we took her from the breeder. On the other hand, Rolo definitely doesn't have that problem so I am glad it wasn't passed down.

Houdina. Yeah Houdina... That girl... :expressionless She really has a good name. I'm still quite freaked out about what happened on Saturday. With a roof that angled... Bleh. I know they say cats land on their feet, but surely she could have injured herself. I've been checking her ever since for any signs of pain at all. Making sure there is no pulled muscles, sprains, aches, breaks, anything really. You wanna know something really funny? The darn cat can't even jump up on the window sill in my bedroom without failing horribly! :expressionless The curtains are closed and she can't seem to process how to work them. They split in the middle but it's as if she is afraid she'll bump into something hard so she always hesitates. Anyway, usually you will hear the classic *toom toom toom toom (paw steps) Voom (jump) and eeeeeee-eeee-eeeeeeeeeee (Houdina slowly sliding down, paws and claws screeching against the radiator as she slides) and Boom (butt lands on the floor). :laugh: She's really smart, but ooooh so stupid. :p

Seconds later, Baloo - having heard the commotion and wanting to show off- will leap from the bed onto the window sill with the ever so gentle "oof" because that is a sound he makes WHENEVER he jumps. Lol.

She may be silly as heck but Houdina is my baby girl. She and I have a special bond. Houdina ALWAYS races me up the stairs and shares my nightly routine of going to the bathroom, changing, brushing teeth etc. I guess she considers it 'our' time. Baloo tried to enter once and she punched the daylights out of him, leaving him sitting on the other side of the door, trying to break in and crying frantically ever since. :confused2: Lol. As soon as we get in, she throws herself on the bathroom carpet at my feet and rolls around uttering that playful "pwree" as she does. I usually scratch her ears, pet her belly etc. and then open the tap for her to play in the water whilst I do whatever I need to do which I believe I need not describe. :p Meanwhile, Jeff is yelling at Baloo to shush because he is crying like a starving kitten abandoned by his mother. When I get out, Baloo greets me with his incessant yapping about how I should never leave him again and Houdina goes to snack. Once Baloo has checked that Jeff and I are indeed in bed, he goes down, fights with Houdina and sends her running upstairs while he proceeds to snack LOUDLY. It's usually at this time that we hear Houdina's classic windowsill fail. Once he is done eating, he will pace up and down the stairs and whine, oh and I do mean whine, until I tell him to shut up and come to bed. At that moment, we are met by total silence until we hear Baloo land on our bed and then he proceeds to stretching out on top of me or between my knees. He is snoring shortly after. Houdina is usually found snoring on the windowsill.

If (these days 'when' would be a more appropriate choice) I do get up during the night, you better believe Houdina will be waiting for me when I get back. Once I settle back into bed, she'll jump on over, lick me and then snuggle right by my head until I get sleepy enough that she can leave without me resuming any petting.

That is how our nights go. Every night is the same routine. And if things haven't happened as such, it is because we've accidentally closed the door on Houdina because she was too sound asleep on the kitchen chair to hear us head upstairs in time to race me. When this happens, I usually ask the standard question "Have you seen Houdina?" At which time, we hear the muffled mew and door banging so Jeff opens the door and she lets out an irritated and insulted "MEW!" then runs up, sighs deeply and proceeds to completing whatever routine step we are at.

That is the life we live. :biggrin2:

Alrighty now, so I am off to check on the buns, let the brat out, and take down the Christmas tree decorations. Hopefully, my migraine will stay 'dormant' until I am done. I've had the stupid migraine since Monday morning. I hate migraines. Oh, and yes, I still go on the laptop. Can we say ADDICTED? :p

Have a great day!


Lol Ali, I know you like bunnies with loads of rabbitude. :biggrin2: She keeps us on our toes. I really enjoy it. She's so independent... To be honest, she's the type of rabbit that works better for me as I am not able to cuddle and kiss a bunny as I'd wish. She hates it and would eat me for doing so so I don't have the irresistible urge to even attempt it :p She is definitely happy with the way things are now, and seeing her happy makes me happy. :)


Aww Brandy, you always make me smile! Really? You think so? Many people have told me that I write well but I have always found it hard to convey things to people correctly. I read many other's posts and often wish I could write like that. Well, you've made my day now. If I can make you laugh, smile, and tear up then I am doing what I wanted to be doing with this blog :biggrin2: They are a silly bunch, my lovable bunch. :biggrin2:
Oh Nela, I know exactly how it looks like. A room fulled with bunny's bedding. I put one litter box in our living room. Kimiko loves to spend day time and night time around us and since this room is the room where we all stay most of the day. So I decided to put some of her stuffs there, including litter box made from cardboard box. I don't give her plastic litter box here 'cause she doesn't like it. We'll look for something more bigger and with the shape she likes later. For now she's willing to use this cardboard one. Anyway, I have to put couple sheets of newspaper on its bottom to prevent the pee leaking out onto our carpet. Kimiko loves tearing up newspaper and guess what ? She found them in her litter box last night. So she digged out her bedding and started tearing newspapers. I was in the kitchen and hubby reached her too late. Our carpet already covered with bunny bedding. I guess we're having same situation here, LOL.:)
How's your health ? :) Take care.
It must be in the air.. phineas has gone mad. i swear it.
He destroys every room he is in and he is not bored. he makes his own entertainment and is loved/sooked to death but my nerves are shot LOL

This morning I put him in the bathroom during his normally sleepy time. well he got onto the top of the toilet and sink knocking over everything. The ceramic thingies holding the toothbrushes and the soap SMASH on ceramic tile, the toilet paper was unravelled and shredded.

He went into the tub and knocked over all the shampoo on the shelves.

Laid back Flemish Giants my patootie LOLOL
bunny badness , I can so sympathize lol..

That pastry had my mouth drooling btw.. YUMMMMMY and the hospital too AMAZING!!!!
That Maybelle is one baaaadddddd bun! LOL I like bunnitude too. When I picked Becky out one of the things I liked about her is that she hopped around her cage to tell me she owned the place and then kicked the shelter tech's butt for trying to pick her up. She has become more snugly, but still hates to be picked up. I knew she could hold her own with the cats.
So will your new pet have feathers rather than fur? I'm dying of curiosity. How much longer are you going to keep us in suspense?
Good luck with the spay/neuters. I hope your migraine stays away, they are horrible.
[align=center]Bleh, been fighting with the stupid migraine since Monday morning. I didn't go to school yesterday cause I was so pooped from the dozen meds. It hit pretty badly during the night so I was pretty comatose this morning since I decided to take my stronger med. Jeff decided to work from home so we watched Toy Story. I am doing better but just feeling 'heavy' from the med and have an upset stomach.

Maybelle spent the day running around. She's taken a liking to running around our feet in circles and humming. She does like Jeff quite a bit. I guess that's a good thing. Lol.

Our Christmas tree is gone. I miss it. I miss the pretty lights. Lol. Is it Christmas yet? :p

Btw... I missed a funny moment on Monday evening while I was at school. Jeff went to his mother's before picking me up to bring back her laptop. Well anyway, they got to talking and he was explaining to her that my teacher was preggy and that I will not have her after April. Somehow, she understood that I was the pregnant one. LOL! She was quite excited. Awww lol. At least now we know how she feels about it. I'm curious to know how Jeff really reacted. Hehehe.

No. I am not. Sillies.


I seriously promise more pictures soon. I did get a few of the cats and a video of Houdina playing with a bag so maybe I will share that soon. Oh and the piggies... Maybe I will be able to post a few then.


Lol Ali, I might mail her to you once in a while so you can bunsit when she's bad. You know how parents often play around and say "S/he is your kid!"when a kid misbehaves? Maybe we can do the same with her. She'd be at your place quite a bit then. Lol. :p Nah seriously, I love how she has enslaved us. I must be a masochist at heart. :p

Btw, I didn't put away the rabbit you sent. I kept it out because I find it too cute. It's hanging on my desk now. :biggrin2:


Oh Vircia, nooo not Kimi? Surely, your little princess never makes a mess? I am shocked! I thought she'd love things neat and tidy. Hehehe :biggrin2: They do LOVE cardboard and paper don't they? Isn't it amazing just how much of a mess they can make with that? :shock: I love giving the pets a box of cardboard filled with shredded strips of paper. Smores used to particularly love it. :) Divabelle? Not impressed. Of course. :rollseyes

Healthwise, not too bad. I have a lot of medication to take but I am used to it. I'm not sure how many thousands I've spent on meds over the past 5 years or so and I do not want to know. Lol. Luckily, I seem to have found some very nice doctors here so that will make all the difference. We had to postpone my appointment by a week so that is annoying. I hate having to wait for results. Lol. I'm curious to know if anything new was found in my bloodtests. I really cannot complain though as things have been much better since I am not working. I just take it in steps. I can rest when needed and that's what I do. :)


Lol Trist! Laid back flemmies. Hehehehe. I'll remember that if I ever consider one in the future. :p Ouch about the ceramics. Your hubby must be oh so happy. Lol. Didn't you know you had gotten yourself a puppy and not a bunny? Still feel bad about a dog crate? Hehehe.

That pastry is just sinful. I just love that banana one. It's really something! Cool eh the hospital? Best thing, no waiting. Lol :biggrin:


MiniLopHop, lol rabittude is awesome. It's just pure attitude I tell you. Hehehe. Call me evil, but there is something particularly entertaining in watching a small prey animal boss around a bigger predator one. :p May terrorizes the neighborhood cats. I swear, I haven't seen any in the yard for weeks. :expressionless LOL.

No not feathery either. I do admit I considered it. Maybe some small finches or diamond doves. Thought of a quail too :p But no, no birds. As for how long? Probably until it's home. IF we get it. Hehehe.

Migraines suck. :expressionless


Lol Trist, but I have told you about considering a new addition. :p


Mini and Vircia, err nope. No baby :expressionless Lol. It makes me laugh, it's probably not as exciting as you people are hoping for in the first place :p
Omg Sophie... you're torturing me.. new addition.. going through my memory banks.. I don't think you TOLD me what it IS!!!!!!! I realllly want to know. :p
I love Toy Story! It came out when I was younger and I thought I was so cool with my limited edition Buzz Light year :)
[align=center]I have some videos to share today. :)[/align]
[align=center]The first is of Maybelle playing outside. You can see a bit of her personality from this video. Hehehe. We have worked on the yard last weekend when we cleaned the shed and still have more to do but it'll get there eventually. Here is the video:[/align]
[align=center] [/align]
[align=center]The next video is one of Houdina, Baloo, and the piggies. There are a few things I would like to note beforehand:[/align]
[align=center]- Yes, I ask a lot of questions. I was trying to get them to 'answer'like they usually do but, of course, they saw the camera...[/align]
[align=center]- Yes, I was being sarcastic about Baloo joining us. It's hard to get anything done when they want to play :p[/align]
[align=center]- Houdina is usually a lot funnier with the bag. She likes to run and charge at it and slide across the floor while being in the bag. Lol. Unfortunately, it's impossible to sneak up on them with the camera.[/align]
[align=center]- Prior to starting the camera, Houdina had been stealing ornaments and running off with them as I had been taking them out of the tree.[/align]
[align=center]- Please excuse the messy floors, it was cleaning day and, with taking down the tree, I knew I would have another mess to clean.[/align]
[align=center]- We had a problem with the piggies' bottle falling off so the water went all over their bedding on and offfor a few days. Jeff fixed it by sticking it to MDF and sticking the MDF to the wall rather than sticking the bottle directly to the wall. Anyway, that was fixed and the cage was sorted after that. PS: If you want an angry Jelly Bean, take away his giant fuzzy slipper to clean it. :expressionless[/align]
[align=center]- They got carrot tops and a carrot. [/align]
[align=center]Here is the video:[/align]
[align=center] [/align]
[align=center]Aaaand last is a video of Houdina and I in the bathroom (just playing no worries :p) while Baloo is on the other side crying so you will need your volume up for this one. He was actually pretty good so he wasn't as frantic as usual. Though the urge is to run out and cuddle him to death, we are actually trying to work on him and his worries. Jeff is always in the bedroom (right beside the bathroom), trying to distract him and get him to forget that I have 'gone'. Lol. He's not nearly as bad as he was. He used to start shaking and sometimes even make himself sick. :expressionlessPoor lil kiddo.[/align]
[align=center] [/align]
[align=center]It's pretty ugly outside so I am not sure that I will let MayMay out. I probably will not get pictures of them today if I cannot leave the shed doors open. :)[/align]
*Snickers at Trist and Brandy* Alright alright, I'll tell you...[/align]
[align=center]It's a [/align]
[align=center]It's aaa[/align]
[align=center]It's aaaaaaaaaaaaa[/align]
[align=center]Nope, don't remember :p[/align]
[align=center]Lol Grace! Hehehe I could just imagine you with your Buzz. I love Toy Story as well. Actually, the one and only time so far that Jeff and I had a movie theatre date was to see Toy Story 3. So worth it! LOL.[/align]

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