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  1. I

    My Holland Doe had surgery today, isn't eating yet ...

    Thank you, I will get some Nutri Cal for her this morning and I do appreciate the time you all have given to my rabbit and me.
  2. I

    My Holland Doe had surgery today, isn't eating yet ...

    My bunny had an emergency spaying today, she hada stuck kit. She came home this afternoon and still isn't eating.Yesterday she ate minimal amounts of spinach leaves, today she hasn'teaten at all, well, she was in surgery until early afternoon. How long can rabbits go without eating after...
  3. I

    Holland Doe vaginally bleeding

    Thank you all so very much for your help. I love my bunny, she is so sweet, I thought I was going to lose her. I have her in the frontroom (she's an indoor rabbit), in a kennel on abed of Timothy hay with a heating pad near the front if she wants towarm herself. She still looks groggy and they...
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    Holland Doe vaginally bleeding

    I just walked in the door with my bunny, it'sMonday afternoon. She had a GIGANTIC kit retained in her. She is nowspayed, the kit didn't make it but she did! What a stressful last 24hours this has been for us. Thank you all for the info and the support.She's a wonderful house rabbit and I want...
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    Holland Doe vaginally bleeding

    she is eating her spinach leaves, slowly but sheis eating them. She drinks water from a syringe, about an ounce anhour. I have to force it on her, it's not her idea to drink but shedoes it. Thank you Her bleeding has stopped pretty much, her ears don't feel hot ... gosh,WHERE IS THE VET AT...
  6. I

    Holland Doe vaginally bleeding

    Have I told you guys how much I appreciate you?? I appreciate you!! Thank you very much for your time. We don't have emergency animal hospitals here, you just call the vet,they call you back and you meet them at the clinic. They have to callyou back first, the vet's office isn't open, you have...
  7. I

    Holland Doe vaginally bleeding

    Well, here is what I am doing until "the vet'sopen" in the morning! I have a heating pad next to her cage, she canlean against it if she gets cold but she can't reach it to chew on it.I am forcing an ounce of water into her every hour, she drinks from theend of the syringe. I am trying to get...
  8. I

    Holland Doe vaginally bleeding

    Thank you for the advise, I am so stressed outright now. I know she needs to go to the vets, I can't get one to callme back. I don't need to hear that I need to take her to the vet, Ineed to know what to do until I can get one to call me back, this is aSunday and I live in a small town. Her...
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    Holland Doe vaginally bleeding

    My doe was due July 3rd, never had a litter, never even felt pregnant. She was with the Buck for 1 day only. Built a nest, pulled fur, acted like she labored for a minute, that was it on July 3rd. Never acted pregnant or messed with her nest since that day. Last night 07/16/05 started spotting...