Holland Doe vaginally bleeding

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Jul 17, 2005
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My doe was due July 3rd, never had a litter, never even felt pregnant. She was with the Buck for 1 day only. Built a nest, pulled fur, acted like she labored for a minute, that was it on July 3rd. Never acted pregnant or messed with her nest since that day. Last night 07/16/05 started spotting, today she's bleeding more. Bright, red blood. No smell, no puss, just bright blood, no clots. She's lost about 1/8th of a cup or so over the last 12 hours. She pushes sometimes as if she has a RETAINED KIT.

My question: Could she have retained a kit and not shown signs for two weeks? No fever or anything? She still doesn't have a fever, her nose is dry, her eyes are clear and bright, her ears are pretty droopy looking and she is still eating. I am giving her fresh spinach leaves. She is pooping and urinating I think, I can't decifer the urine very well right now.

Tomorrow (Monday) I am taking her to the vet to be spayed, can I wait this long? I don't want her to die, how much blood can a little Holland Lop lose?
Thank you for the advise, I am so stressed outright now. I know she needs to go to the vets, I can't get one to callme back. I don't need to hear that I need to take her to the vet, Ineed to know what to do until I can get one to call me back, this is aSunday and I live in a small town. Her bleeding has currently stopped.It has been stopped now for over an hour.

Has anyone had a Doe that has had vaginal bleeding before like this? What was the cause of it?
Well, here is what I am doing until "the vet'sopen" in the morning! I have a heating pad next to her cage, she canlean against it if she gets cold but she can't reach it to chew on it.I am forcing an ounce of water into her every hour, she drinks from theend of the syringe. I am trying to get ahold of a breeder thats an houraway to get some antibiotics into my bunny and I will watch herbleeding through this day. She is urinating with the blood, it smellsof urine.

I just wanted to list the things I have done for anyone who has to takecare of their bunny until a vet calls them back. If anyone else hastreatment suggestions, please let me know.
Have I told you guys how much I appreciate you?? I appreciate you!! Thank you very much for your time.

We don't have emergency animal hospitals here, you just call the vet,they call you back and you meet them at the clinic. They have to callyou back first, the vet's office isn't open, you have to wait for themto call. I have had three calls back now, none of them work on rabbits.The vet that does work on rabbits hasn't called me back yet.

My Doe is stable right now, I prayed for her. I am getting her spayedemergency tonight or tomorrow, whichever comes first. As soon as thevet calls back that will be determined.

How can I tell if this is a bladder thing or if it is her uterus? Dobunnies have bladder problems like this? Her bleeding has pretty muchstopped now.
Spinach is good, it has lots of Vitamin K1 whichhelps slow the bleeding. Alsokale and to a lesserextent, kiwi fruit.

Is she still eating and drinking on her own?

Hope she's okay.
she is eating her spinach leaves, slowly but sheis eating them. She drinks water from a syringe, about an ounce anhour. I have to force it on her, it's not her idea to drink but shedoes it. Thank you

Her bleeding has stopped pretty much, her ears don't feel hot ... gosh,WHERE IS THE VET AT??? I think I'm going to put another call into them,maybe they lost my number or wrote it down wrong.
I recently read an article on this, but I can'tfind it at the moment. I'll keeplooking.If I remember correctly, she can have bladder stones (??) or otherproblems (including ingestion of moldy veggies or feed) that causebleeding. I think if it's a bladder thing, the bleeding wouldcome at the end of her urination, and would probably includeclots.Uterine cancer of course is anothercause. I'm not too up on breeding issues, though.
The bleeding could be related to a kit beingretained, uterine tumor or kidney/bladder infection-- hard totell. Yes, a doe retaining kits can show symptoms a coupleweeks later.

Since a vet is not available . . .

As you are doing -- keep her warm, get fluids in her and keep herquiet. I keep Nutri Cal on hand when the rabbits aren'teating -- gets some glucose into them. Most likely, althoughit appeared to be a lot of blood, it could have been mixed with urineor fluids.

Hope to hear good news tomorrow . . .

I have nothing to add that will help, but youand your bunny are in my thoughts/prayers....please keep us updated,hope she comes out ok.
Prayers for your girl! I know whatit's like not to have an emergency vet close. Our closest is2 hrs away or call the vet and meet them at one 45 min from here andthat vet doesn't do rabbits.

I just walked in the door with my bunny, it'sMonday afternoon. She had a GIGANTIC kit retained in her. She is nowspayed, the kit didn't make it but she did! What a stressful last 24hours this has been for us. Thank you all for the info and the support.She's a wonderful house rabbit and I want her to live for a long time,kits aren't worth losing my baby for. Now comes the recovery, keepingher quiet, warm and from picking her stiches.

Any suggestions, do bunnies pick surgery sites or anything? Will shejust sit quietly or is there something outstanding for me to watch for?
Glad to hear that all is now well! Igive Nutri Cal after surgery to help keep up their strength.Most don't bother with the stitches -- just watch for signs ofinfection (swelling, redness, heat, discharge).


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