My doe was due July 3rd, never had a litter, never even felt pregnant. She was with the Buck for 1 day only. Built a nest, pulled fur, acted like she labored for a minute, that was it on July 3rd. Never acted pregnant or messed with her nest since that day. Last night 07/16/05 started spotting, today she's bleeding more. Bright, red blood. No smell, no puss, just bright blood, no clots. She's lost about 1/8th of a cup or so over the last 12 hours. She pushes sometimes as if she has a RETAINED KIT.
My question: Could she have retained a kit and not shown signs for two weeks? No fever or anything? She still doesn't have a fever, her nose is dry, her eyes are clear and bright, her ears are pretty droopy looking and she is still eating. I am giving her fresh spinach leaves. She is pooping and urinating I think, I can't decifer the urine very well right now.
Tomorrow (Monday) I am taking her to the vet to be spayed, can I wait this long? I don't want her to die, how much blood can a little Holland Lop lose?
My question: Could she have retained a kit and not shown signs for two weeks? No fever or anything? She still doesn't have a fever, her nose is dry, her eyes are clear and bright, her ears are pretty droopy looking and she is still eating. I am giving her fresh spinach leaves. She is pooping and urinating I think, I can't decifer the urine very well right now.
Tomorrow (Monday) I am taking her to the vet to be spayed, can I wait this long? I don't want her to die, how much blood can a little Holland Lop lose?