My Holland Doe had surgery today, isn't eating yet ...

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Jul 17, 2005
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My bunny had an emergency spaying today, she hada stuck kit. She came home this afternoon and still isn't eating.Yesterday she ate minimal amounts of spinach leaves, today she hasn'teaten at all, well, she was in surgery until early afternoon.

How long can rabbits go without eating after surgery? What can I do toencourage her to eat? I've tried bananas, grapes, cilantro, parlsey,spinach, carrots, celery leaves, papaya, (spoiled rabbit :D ).

Am I to worried over this? I've always read not to let the bunnies gohungry, how long is too long? She is drinking a little bit of water.
Its usually the pain thatcausestheloss of appetite. I believe she's on pain meds,if they're working,it could bethe stress.If she's drinking a bit, that's good. Don't get worried until12 hours or so. If it gets close to 24 hours, though, it's anemergency,call the vet.
Has she been pooping at all? Sometimesthey will take a little nibble when you are not looking.Especially since she's drinking, which is very good. You cangive her Nutri-Cal as an appetite stimulant and to get some nutrientsin her. It's packaged for cats and dogs and can be found inmost pet stores.

Are you just putting food in her bowl or holding it for her?She may have some discomfort eating from the bowl if it is big orhigh. Sometimes holding it for them encourages them a bitmore- my spoiled little girl would ONLY eat food from my hand forseveral days after she was spayed.

As Radar said, 24 hours is the emergency point. I'd say tocall the vet around 20 or so, to make sure she gets seen in time.

I start them on Nutri Cal a few hours after theyare home. It can take a few days for them to really get theirappetite back, but I don't like to see them go for long without eating.



I had a rabbit that had to have anemergency c-section and spaying about 4 weeks ago for the samereason. I gave her treats, hay, and pellets and for 12 hoursshe didn't eat a thing. But the next morning I went to seeher and all her treats were gone and she was nibbling on thepellets.

Give her some time but I would make sure shes eating, try different treats.
Thank you, I will get some Nutri Cal for her this morning and I do appreciate the time you all have given to my rabbit and me.

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