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  1. iluvmybuns

    I don't know what to do...

    Aww Shay I just read this. You poor thing, sorry you're so stressed. I really think that no matter how badly off Sisi is, I guarantee she is better off with you than MOST people. You care enough about her to get this upset and go through all this. That says it all right there. And like someone...
  2. iluvmybuns

    Hay question

    OMG Randy I love you haha. I called a horse place and they said they have huge bales for $5 and it is really good quality hay!!! Thank you!!!!
  3. iluvmybuns

    Litter box habits

    Thanks that gives me hope:)Considering I just got rid of a couch and will be buying a computer desk and chair. Hopefully she gets used to it like yours. Ozzy doesn't seem to care at all though thank God
  4. iluvmybuns

    Rest in Peace Jules

    Rochelle said that from what they could tell it was pretty quick and he probably didn't suffer. She said they probably thought he was a lot younger than he really was too. I had no idea how much of an effect this would have on me. I keep thinking about the poor little guy and about how Franny...
  5. iluvmybuns

    Our little baby getting spayed!!

    :bunnydance:I'm so glad you are getting her!! And I'm sure she will do fine, it is so wonderful that Meghan is doing it now for yah. I'm sure bonding will be a breeze with the sounds of these two's personalities. Good luck!
  6. iluvmybuns

    Please talk me out of it

    Sealy wrote: Yepp that's what I did pretty much and it was perfect. I think you need him, and he needs you (here I am doing the opposite of what you asked haha sorry) He is so sweet looking. He looks like my Pepsi.
  7. iluvmybuns

    Hay question

    Okay thanks guys, I called a bunch of places and the only place I found with a bale of pure timothy was 50lbs and it was $60.00 How much is in a regular bale anyway? That seemed ridiculous to me.
  8. iluvmybuns

    Rest in Peace Jules

    I was about to come on and do this. Poor baby, he was a sweet bunny. At least his friends were able to say goodbye. It was so hard putting Franny back in her cage she just wanted to stay by him. Rest in peace Jules
  9. iluvmybuns

    OMG Complete and utter SUCCESS!!!!!!

    Congrats!!! They are so super cute together! I love easy bonding. We are just good at picking buns that are meant for eachother! Good job!!
  10. iluvmybuns

    THE Best Vaccum Cleaner

    That's cute! And may I just say how much I adore your avatar :biggrin2:
  11. iluvmybuns

    Hay question

    So the feed store (The only one anywhere near here) only sells bales of Timothy/Alfalfa mix. They sell 9lb bags of timothy but it's $17.00 Will it be bad if they get the mix? I am too scared to buy it and then have a whole bale of hay I can't use.
  12. iluvmybuns


    Thank you everyone. We will miss her but she had a very long and happy life with them, right up to the end. Thanks again everyone RIP Little Brandy
  13. iluvmybuns

    New bun... Pics inside, admission = a potential name.

    Zeus. I love it. He is amazing by the way. And Pepsi is flattered that you liked her name, and don't tell Ozzy but Pepsi (being a Holland Lop as well) thinks "Zeus" is a pretty big stud.....
  14. iluvmybuns


    Are you getting Katie and renaming her Meadow? Or did you pick a different bun? I'm so excited for you hehe
  15. iluvmybuns

    Litter box habits

    Greeeaaaaat. Haha shoot me cause it has to get rearranged again!
  16. iluvmybuns

    Your Bunny-Napping list!

    :shock:! My buns! Amy you live too far!!:PBut if you're coming out this way...I'll take Marlin hehehe The rest (Small, no space haha): Katt's -Herman Haley's- Tumnus (BUT Lucy is pretty scary) Susan's- Daisy Mae Alicia's Mom's Levi OMG he's adorable Amy's- Marlin first then...
  17. iluvmybuns

    I need foster or permanent homes in Michigan!

    Holy cute. I love her!!! Yay I'm so happy for yah Silvie!!! Phinn will love her I'm sure!:inlove:
  18. iluvmybuns

    Litter box habits

    I moved the furniture around in the living maybe that's it?! Okay I'll put out the smaller litterbox behind the couch and see if that helps. I need to get their nails clipped anyway so I'll call my vet and see what she can do for me. Pepsi seems fine in every other aspect though...
  19. iluvmybuns


    My boyfriend'd doggie Brandy passed today. She was 12 years old and she was put down due to cancer. I've known her for 7 years and she was a very sweet girl. She will be missed deeply
  20. iluvmybuns

    Litter box habits

    Why would a bunny with perfect litterbox habits revert into pooping randomly again? I thought it was just the couch, and that's where it started but now she just drops poops randomly throughout my house. No peeing anywhere else but the poops are driving me crazy and my boyfriend thinks it the...