I don't know what to do...

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No bashing here

I do think thatright now you are feeling a lil discouraged by the lack of progress you have had with Sisi. That is understandable but I wish you'd know of how rewarding it is to work it out with a bunny. I know you talk about the money and the time, but these weren't issues you were bringing up when you mentionned getting the other bun.

If I were you, since I'd only be able to spay one female, I would spay Sisi. That would most likely make her much much calmer and less aggressive. She may also feel your discouragement so she is pushing to have things her way now. Sisi probably has really strong hormones going and she might even be jealous of Simi. I would spay Sisi, and save to neuter the buck, that way you can bond him with any girl and also get more possibilities with Sisi.

You might be surprised to find that Sisi would bond more easily with your buck even though she may be more aggressive with you ;)Bunnies are funny that way as they all have very unique and strong personalities.

I know alllllllllllllllll about having an aggressive bunny as my very first one was hmmm what my father called a guard bunny. Lol. He even made a sign to put on my bedroom door. She was really nervous and a real biter. She`d chase me around my own room andbite me. She'd growl, lunge, throw her stuff around...Sadly, I must admit that I was losing quite a bit of interest in her and then Wiggles came along and I thought Wiggles was cuter, and would be a much better pet. However, the sadness I felt from my other bunny (Toutounne was her name) made me realize that this wasn't just an animal in a cage and that is when my attitude changed towards her.

I know youlove yourbunnies and you are in no way inexperienced. I really hope you reconsider. If you manage to bond two together, they will entertain each other quite a bit so you won't need to feel like you need to spoil them as much. When Wiggles and Bam-Bam are out, they still play with me but I do much more supervising than playing right now. I am spending a tad bit more time with Dahlia, as she has no other companion (not that she wants one anyway).

If you really feel that rehoming her is what you should do, sneak her into a car and send her my way. LOL. I would love to have her as she is a beautiful bun :pSincerely though, I hope you find her a good home with someone who will take that time to bond with her if that is what you choose.

Big hugs!
I know you truly love all your buns. I am sure it was as hard to post it as it was for me to read it. I do know 1 thing. You always want the best for your rabbits. It is purilly your decision. I stand by either desicion you make as I no it will be the best one for your bunnies. They are truly one of a kind. If you want to raise money you can hold a fundraiser. But you do what you want to do even as painful as it is. Do what is in your heart;):sad:(even if it is painful)
P.S. My Pm box is always open :hug2:

No bashing from me either.
I know from experience how hard a desicion like that can be. I don't have any advice, what has been given couldn't be said any better.
I will suport you either way you choose, now and in the future, what is best for you and your buns. A horrible person wouldn't ask for help in a desicion such as this, the fact that you are wanting help and are worried for Sisi, shows maturity and responsibility.
I will keep you and your buns in my thoughts and prayers.
BIG hugs to you.

Thanks everyone... I have decided to keep her, and I am going ot ask for money for christmas, and birthday... I will start putting away all the change I have, and will save until I can afford to have Simi and Sisi both spayed...

She shows me that shes happy, and maybe just a little scared, so I am going to do everything I can to get the money to spay her so I can keep her...

I still have some time before school starts, and if it get so bad when school is happening, I will think about it again then, but until then I am going ot keep working on our bonding sessines with Simi and Sisi, and just with me and Sisi.
[align=center]Awww I am so happy you decided to keep her! :DI still think that as soon as you can afford it, you should spay Sisi. You'd have a better chance at bonding Sisi with anyone after that. Keep us updated :pink iris:[/align]
Hi again! I'm really busy till Thursday but I can call the vets in the Houlton area then and see if any do spays. Would that be the closest place to you? I know Bangor is another 100+ miles further than Houlton so I'm thinking Houlton or Presque Isle are the closest. I know my mom has a vet in Presque Isle but I don't know if they handle rabbits and she's not the most thrilled with the new vet's bedside manner (then again - her cat IS fat and I'm not surprised she received a lecture on this).

BTW - I know a bit about the area 'cause my mom lives in Bridgewater (near Mars Hill) and my husband and I lived in Presque Isle the first 20 months of our marriage. He's from that area and both my parents are from that area (I grew up in Connecticut and we met at college in Rhode Island...so go figure).

I don't know what the exchange rate is between Canadian and American money and I know that it can change almost anytime.

Here's the link to the forum's list of rabbit savvy vets in New Brunswick:


and here are the vets on the list so far....

This info is from Petlover (Shannon):

>>"There are two at the same clinic...it is the DairytownVet clinic in Hampton and Sussex. They are Dr. McGowan andConnely (sp??). Apparently there is smallanimal savy vets at All Creatures in Saint John."<<

And here's the contact info for the above:

25 Vail Court
Sussex, NB
E4E 2R9
Voice: (506) 433-3889
Fax: (506) 433-8042

1216 Sand Cove Rd,
Saint John, NB
E2M 4Z8
Tel : (506) 635-4102

And here's info from another list: (credit pending)

McGregor's Veterinary Hospital
389 York
Fredericton, NB
Phone: (506) 454-2224

Saint John Animal Hospital on the West side
1700 Manawagonish Rd W
Saint John, NB
Phone: (506) 635-8100
Thanks so much peg! You dont have to call, but thanks anyways... I will call around when I have some money or can barrow from family....

I won't be able to getit done any time soon, but I am going to try real hard to get it done.
Maybe if you are finding it a bit stressy with her nature you could take a video (if your camera can do that ) and post it on here then people could give their opinions.

Just take it a day at a time :)

I personally would give it some time like you are doing. :)

It's very possible that Sisi and Simi will be able to bond once both are spayed. My girls were doing the same thing Sisi and Simi were doing pre-spay when I was doing little bonding sessions. Nowthat they are spayed, they are so close to being bonded. There's so many hormones flying around while bonding two intact females, it really gets in the way! The reaction you're getting from two intact females during bonding is very very normal, and it often changes after they are spayed.

Christmas is coming up in a few months, so you could probably get some cash too. Would you be able to borrow some money from your mom? I would get Sisi spayed first too because she seems to be the more hormonal one. You would not believe the difference in some rabbits after spays and once the hormones have calmed down!

Even if Sisi and Simi don't work out, once Ash is neutered, you might be able to bond one to him, or even manage a trio like I'm working on.

I would just give it some time, take a few deep breaths and just see what happens. If in the end you feel it's best to rehome Sisi, I am behind you 100%, but I would just try a few things and see how that goes.

Hi All

I know for a fact...being from Sussex...they will NOT do rabbit spays. They will do neuters no problem but I have talked to Sheila McGowan myself in person and she feels female rabbits don't need to be spayed and that it is to risky of a surgery. That is why I have all male rabbits because I have called all of them on the list and they all prefer not to do females.

So you may want to take Dairytown off the list.

Just thought I would let you know.

Shay on a side note...the SPCA'sspay andneuter their rabbits so maybe contact them and see what vet they use in your area. If not thereMoncton or Saint John.

I wish you the best of luck with getting her spayed.

Hope all works out for you. You will find the time for themdon't worry, if you can't get them out for as longa play time, they will stilllove you, as long as you try your best thatis all theycan ask for.

Well, the list is a reference list for ALL vet needs you might have if you have a rabbit - not just spays.

So I think we'll leave Dairytown on there for now since they might treat rabbits for other things!

But thanks for sharing!


petkeeper wrote:
Hi All

I know for a fact...being from Sussex...they will NOT do rabbit spays. They will do neuters no problem but I have talked to Sheila McGowan myself in person and she feels female rabbits don't need to be spayed and that it is to risky of a surgery. That is why I have all male rabbits because I have called all of them on the list and they all prefer not to do females.

So you may want to take Dairytown off the list.

Just thought I would let you know.

Shay on a side note...the SPCA'sspay andneuter their rabbits so maybe contact them and see what vet they use in your area. If not thereMoncton or Saint John.

I wish you the best of luck with getting her spayed.

Hope all works out for you. You will find the time for themdon't worry, if you can't get them out for as longa play time, they will stilllove you, as long as you try your best thatis all theycan ask for.
Aww Shay I just read this. You poor thing, sorry you're so stressed. I really think that no matter how badly off Sisi is, I guarantee she is better off with you than MOST people. You care enough about her to get this upset and go through all this. That says it all right there. And like someone else said, maybe your boy will bond with one the girls when they're fixed and that right there will make life easier on you all :)Hang in there honey!


I am so glad that you're deciding to keep Sisi for now. In your more recent posts you seem calmer and more rational. Believe me, I KNOW what it's like to get so stressed over an animal situation that you lose all sight of what to do. I'm so happy that you are feeling better about things.

Reading the last day of posts, 2 things occurred to me:

1. You mentioned your sister being willing to house Sisi in her room. That might not be a bad idea. You two could work something out. If she beocmes the primary caregiver, you would still get to see & love Sisi...and you could help your sister learn about caring for bunnies. OR you could still be the "owner" of Sisi...spend time with her...do most of her care...if your sister would be willing to simply allow her room to be where Sisi's cage is...just something to consider...

2. Someone, I think Haley, mentioned the idea of just doing YOUR normal activities in their presence as a way to bond with them...do your homework in the room where they are, etc... I think that's a wise idea. [I work in a school, and once September is here I have far less time to spend with our 13 animals. And one of our doe buns CANNOT be with the bonded pair as she is aggressive. So...one of my goals for the fall is to build a HUGE NIC playpen that I can put up in the living room. That way she can be in there and the other 2 and the cats canbe outside of it. All of us can be in the room where most activity occurs. I can be on the computer or doing school work and still kind of hang out with all the animals. It's not the same as dedicated play time, but it is time spent together.]

Again, I am so glad you are more settled about this and that you are leaning towards keeping Sisi. Keep us up to date...and if you feel down or confused again, just let us know. As you can see, there are a lot of people here who care and will listen and share their ideas.

-Mary Ellen

PS - Thanks, Peg, for the awesome advice in your post...and for being willing to investigate vet possibilities for Shay. It's great to know we all have each other to work through tough situations.

Hi Shaylee,

Just wanted to say it must be very hard for you......but can i ask why you got Sisi in the first place if you cannot afford to have her spayed?

I'm not having a go, but you must think of all this before you bring another bunny into your life - its not Sisi's fault she is agressive and it would be so sad for you to have to give her up :(

Hang in there x
marach8000 wrote:
Hi Shaylee,

Just wanted to say it must be very hard for you......but can i ask why you got Sisi in the first place if you cannot afford to have her spayed?
Sisi was being kept in a 2x2 wire bottom cage, she wasn't getting play time or anything, so I brought her home to a place where she'd have the life she deserves.
I'm not having a go, but you must think of all this before you bring another bunny into your life - its not Sisi's fault she is agressive and it would be so sad for you to have to give her up :(
I understand that I have to think, but I felt so bad for her that I brought her home, I have said before that bring her home was an impulse decissoin, and I know I shouldn't have done it, but thinking back on it now, even if I can never ever get Sisi spayed, she will be in a loving home where the people around her love her when she goes, weather its of old age, or cancer (which I hope it isnt), and I am glad I got her. I love her to bits, and I don't know how everything would be now if I hadn't gotten her.
Hang in there x

I am so glad you have decided to give it another try. If there is anything I have learned since I started taking in rescues, it is that, like Peg said, sometimes you have to love them on thier terms. And I do have a couple of rabbits that have been waiting months to get spayed or neutered, and it's frustrating for me too, because I will not let any rabbit go to a new home intact, and I am so crowded and running my tail off all the time. And I know they all need more attention, and I wish I had them all in nice indoor homes, but I just can't bring myself to send them on without doing everything I can to make sure they will have good lives.

I totally understand what you are saying about not having enough time for them, I have 28 right now, plus two children, and a part time job. Sometimes you just get burned out, and frustrated, and you jsut have to take a step back and look at the situation from a different perspsective. Like, what was Sisi's life like before you got her, and what is it like now? Spayed or not, it's better, right? That's what you have to keep in mind. I am always so nervous anytime one of my rabbits goes to a new home, because as careful as I am about interviewing prospective owners, you don't have any guarantee they will treat them properly. So anytime I can keep a rabbit jsut a little longer, I will, just so I know they are safe. I think you are doing the right thing, and don't feel guilty about not getting her spayed yet, you know she won't be getting pregnant anyway. You're doing fine.
Once again, I'm really glad that you decied to keep Sisi. And frankly I think that she has one of the best home she can get!!:) Just be patient. I know how stressful and annoying it is to get a rabbit and have it not want to bond with anyone. Just give her time. It'll happen. She'll open up :pink iris: and you'll see what a great rabbit she is.

-TK :hug2:

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