Well-Known Member
Please don't judge me- I know I should have waited longer to introduce Benji and Pippin, but they've already met once (as you all know Benji started shoving Pippin) and I thought....that is so strange- they are always licking one another through the bars- why the change?? I put it down to 'this is Benji's side of the run!' and Pippin kind of invaded. So I took them to completely neutral territory- I just had to see what would happen. Of course- I had people standing by and squirt guns at the ready incase anything happened- I would NOT let anything happen.
And this is what happened.........I think i actually started crying while taking these photos, I just could believe my little babies were......well you'll see...
(btw can I just point out now to save any worried posts- that red stuff is strawberry
I placed strawberry on the couch to distract them slightly, and they sat munching happily together (I didn't have my camera then) and then this:
Benji licking Pippin- he licked him sooooo much!!! All the time!!! Benji is definately the more dominant one. Pippin would edge up to him as if to say '.......licks??' and then Benji would, and Pippin would sit there, his little eyes closed.
Lying down next to one another
My turn to lick you!!!
Pippin stretching right on Ben's head........lol
And then....
Benji flopped down next to Pippin, right on his side.
I can't believe it!!!!! All the licking and nose rubbing!!! It's just too good to be true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just so wonderful- they got along soooo well!! I was just telling them what good boys they were the whole time, and they were washing, and flopping down, and licking, and snuggling and everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this is what happened.........I think i actually started crying while taking these photos, I just could believe my little babies were......well you'll see...
(btw can I just point out now to save any worried posts- that red stuff is strawberry
I placed strawberry on the couch to distract them slightly, and they sat munching happily together (I didn't have my camera then) and then this:

Benji licking Pippin- he licked him sooooo much!!! All the time!!! Benji is definately the more dominant one. Pippin would edge up to him as if to say '.......licks??' and then Benji would, and Pippin would sit there, his little eyes closed.

Lying down next to one another

My turn to lick you!!!

Pippin stretching right on Ben's head........lol
And then....

Benji flopped down next to Pippin, right on his side.

I can't believe it!!!!! All the licking and nose rubbing!!! It's just too good to be true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just so wonderful- they got along soooo well!! I was just telling them what good boys they were the whole time, and they were washing, and flopping down, and licking, and snuggling and everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!