Please talk me out of it

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2007
Reaction score
, Pennsylvania, USA
i am thinking that this is not the place to come to be talked out of gettting a bunny,lol. Well i was on the computer on petfinder, i get myself in so much trouble, and i was looking at the buns in a spca near me and there i saw him Sooty, he looks so pathetic!!!!!!!!!!! Tell me no. a little while back i was thinking about adding a bun to our home for a buddy for Belle and it just wasnt right, and i just kept thinking that the oppurtunity will present itself and i will know. But i just cant get him out of my mind, he looks so sad and he looks like he needs to be in my home getting fresh veggies, and herbs, and the best pellets and being told how cute he is :( but here i sit i have a bun, and i am afraid that they would not bond, and i dont have the space for another cage. Then i have been fostering piggies, and there cage is on top of Belles cage and the money alone that i am putting out on bedding and more veggies is insane :shock:

what size cage would i need for two buns? Belle is in a 2x3 nic cage and i attatch a play pen to the front of the cage everyday fromthe time i wake tilli go to bed so she gets out time. please stop me everyone, lol

here is his link look at him and how sad he looks
I wish I could tell you no but I can't! A cage solution could be a 2 story NIC cage divided in two by panels ( instead of making the opening where the ramp would go for the 2nd story put a panel there) that way they could work into bonding and if they do well, you can just take out the panels. :D
I'm not good at saying no because of the money and stuff either because most of mine goes towards my pets ( I look at it this way, if I was jmarried and had kids at home my money would go to them, so, sonce I don't it goes to Buns and Dogs :D*
Sorry I couldn't help :p
And Sooty is a heart stealer!
But do let us know what you do!

( get off of petfinder! lol :p)

Dang i posted this in the wrong forum i wanted to just post it in the chat section, dang, if a mod would like to move it that would be great.

lol sealy i do have to get off of petfinder, lol, even craigslist that is how this whole bunny craze started, lol. See i have a trillion kids, and a trillion other animals,loland they are all eating me out of house and home, lol. BUt all i do is think about him, i want to just go to the shelter and look at him but i know that is a trap, because i will not be able to just leave if he is not getting hay, veggies, and the best pellets???????? AAARRGGHHHH i need to hit the lottery so that money isnt an issue and i can get a ton of buns
I do know what you are going through and I feel for ya. And you are so right. You go to that shelter and you won't leave without him. Him being on the wire floor is enough without adding all of the other things you mentioned. IT IS A TRAP!
You could always sell the kids :embarrassed:
Sealy wrote:
You go to that shelter and you won't leave without him. Him being on the wire floor is enough....
I agree. Why is it that they have a whole list of things you should avoid, but being on a wire floor isn't one of them?!

I hope they have something solid for him to lay on in there. Poor baby.
He's just too darn cute for words. Look at that face saying "Mommie come get me PLEASE". I think you should git him, but that's just my :twocents.

Susan and the Gang of 4:bunnydance:
Sealy wrote:
You could always sell the kids :embarrassed:

:laugh:believe me there are days that i could, lol,today being one of them,lol.

Snuggys Mom
Why is it that they have a whole list of things you should avoid, but being on a wire floor isn't one of them?! <<<<< yes i know i thought the same thing. It is nice that they are trying to educate people on some important things about rabbits but then the pic is telling them it is ok to put them on a wire bottom cage.

I have a question what size cage for 2, i have a 2x3 nic and i put a pen around the front so that Belle can go in and out? Also Belle is spayed, so i can get a boy, and i love the LOP eared rabbits too. I dont think my husband is going to go for it, i think i might have to get him liquored up, :laugh:
Sell hubby too! Make him the free bonus in the package deal! Muwhahaha
I just had to really laugh at this thread. In the beginning of your post, you mentioned this might be the wrong place to come to be talked out of getting another rabbit.
Yup yup. everyone has told you to go get them, just tickled me.

My NIC cage for 2 Lionheads is 28x 42. (2 story) They have plenty of room. I let mine out individually to roam, but a pen attached would work just as well. I'll grab a pic of it here after coffee and I vacumm up all the territory doodles.

So, the big question is.. are you going to the shelter today?!?

( inquiring minds wanna know)
Heres a tip: show your hubby the pic and tell him youre afraid he will be put down if you dont go get him. That one always works :)

Maybe you could call and see if you can bring Belle to meet him? Tell your hubby that two bonded bunnies isnt much more work than one since they share the same cage and everything.

I think 2x3 should be ok if theres a run attached (for two smaller buns). Although I would think about just maybe making it 2x4 if you can. I usually do 2x3 for one bunny and 2x4 for two.

I hope you get him! He looks so sad there.
well i called my DH and told him that i am picking up another piggie to see if i can bond her to the boys that i already have (dont worry the boys are nuetered) and that if it doesnt work my mom will foster her or i will give them back tot he lady who runs the rescue so that she can place her somewhere else. SO while talking to him i threw in about Sooty, and how i had to have him and that i wanted him to see the picture of him to see how sad he is. So we shall see if that works :biggrin2: but the thing with my husband is timing it all right i have to make sure i get him at just the right

Sealy wrote:
A cage solution could be a 2 story NIC cage divided in two by panels ( instead of making the opening where the ramp would go for the 2nd story put a panel there) that way they could work into bonding and if they do well, you can just take out the panels. :D

Yepp that's what I did pretty much and it was perfect.

I think you need him, and he needs you (here I am doing the opposite of what you asked haha sorry)

He is so sweet looking. He looks like my Pepsi.
You said that a oppurtunity will come. How do you know that this isn't your chance?? I can't talk you out of it, sorry. I'm for it!!
you are all EVIL bunny lovers, lol. Seally i cant picture the cage so when you get a chance i would love to see a pic. If i would get him and bond him would be best to get him nuetered right away then bond afterwards?

i called the shelter today :biggrin2: :shock: the only thing they can tell me about him is that he was abandoned, and they know nothing about him. I can bring Belle as long as i have a certificate to prove she is spayed, and that i have to fill an application out and it would take 24hours before i would get a response as to wheter or not they would let me have him. Which i dont see that being a problem. Now the hubby, i talked to him today and told him about him and he didnt say a definite no so i will see. He just came home and i showed him the picture so i will see what he says after we talk. I have the beer already and a contract, so i will get him drunk then make him sign it, ROFLMAO
ok he said he didnt care if i got the rabbit so i need to decide what is going to happen now. i can maybe go tommorrow with Belle to meet him but what do i look for as a good sign? what is going to happen when we put them in together? i want to be prepared because i dont want anyone to get hurt. What are good signs? What are bad signs? should i be concerned that Belle could "catch" something from him , like a cold of some sorts that he could have from being in the shelter?
theicequeen99121 wrote:
ok he said he didnt care if i got the rabbit so i need to decide what is going to happen now. i can maybe go tommorrow with Belle to meet him but what do i look for as a good sign? what is going to happen when we put them in together? i want to be prepared because i dont want anyone to get hurt. What are good signs? What are bad signs? should i be concerned that Belle could "catch" something from him , like a cold of some sorts that he could have from being in the shelter?

What about this- what if since this isnt a rabbit shelter and you havent bonded bunnies...what if you ask if you can foster to adopt?

That way you could bring him home and quarentine him and then try bonding after a few weeks?

I am a little nervous because if they are a humane society they might not know a lot about bunnies. They might not know what to watch for as far as illness.

Or if you're sure he's not sick (talk to the workers first- check his eyes/ears/fur for any signs of infection) then you can give it a go. You'll need a neutral area, so dont put her in his cage or anything. Watch them both- watch for any aggressive signs like tails raised and ears alert. Some smelling and chasing is ok but not biting/fighting.

Check out ourBonding thread in the library for more info. Theres lots in there :) Im so excited for you guys!

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