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  1. krsbunny


    I would be interested in knowing what anesthesia your vet used -- isoflurane or sevoflurane? I have heard both good and bad about Sevo (which is newer, more expensive,and therefore some clinics are being urged to switch to). I vaguely recall having heard others talk of bunnies thrashing about as...
  2. krsbunny

    Belle is having problems again.

    Wow... $50 for teeth. It has been a long time since I've gotten out of a vet's officefor $50. It runs $175-$200 with Dr. Allan... closer to $100 for the vet I used two weeks ago. The latter included a bag of fluids as I had opened my last bag. Most vet visits include picking up some "basic"...
  3. krsbunny

    Belle is having problems again.

    Naturestee makes a good point that not all rabbit-savvy vets are equally skilled -- or comfortable -- doing teeth ... nor will all use the same technique. Also, "more expensive" does not always equate to "better." If money is an issue, shop around on price. I recently had to use a new (but...
  4. krsbunny

    Belle is having problems again.

    Most vets I know of will not remove "cheek teeth" (that is, anything except incisors) unless they are either loose or badly infected. My understanding is that the risk of breaking the jaw is too great. While I know of several bunnies who did well with almost no teeth, they are/were toothless for...
  5. krsbunny

    Teeth/eye problems (RESOLVED)

    I would guess that Baytril is not the right antibiotic (at least not alone) for this type/severity of infection. Here are a couple of scientific references you can take to your vet about treatment of abscesses and periodontal bacteria in rabbits...
  6. krsbunny

    My Vet Experience

    I am open to questions/comments on both the Special Care book and Rabbit Health in the 21st Century. If a thread is started on the subject, would someone be sure to PM me so I'm aware of it ... especially if it is not in the Infirmary. Your questions/comments willhelp me know what needs to be...
  7. krsbunny

    Syringing medicine

    Actually, I've never had trouble giving the unflavored (purple, not brown) Baytril (not the liver flavored -- ICK) by just dissolving it in water. (Well, except for the one time that Holly decided she had been taking it long enough and kicked the syringe out of my hand and it landed on top of...
  8. krsbunny

    Chase - UPDATED 5/22/10

    Thanks for the reminder about Chase being on Lasix. I went to one of my "drug sites" ( to look at side effects.Systemic vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessels)is listed among the potential side effects. I would definitely discuss the bleedingwith your vet and mention this as a...
  9. krsbunny

    My Vet Experience

    When I read Cepha-drops I wanted to "assume" that was cephalexin, but when I looked it up found it was cefadroxil ... a completely different drug. Angieluv is correct in clarifying that I am NOT recommending giving either (even though my experience turned out OK). Drugs are complex ... and I...
  10. krsbunny

    Chase - UPDATED 5/22/10

    I have the book your vet wrote in my library. As vet texts go, it is one of the easier to understand and I like how it is arranged if you are looking up a particular condition. However, I also really like the variety of content (including some great info on diet and nutrition) in the...
  11. krsbunny

    My Vet Experience

    In 2004 I put together a table of drugs by class. It is available as a PDFat: On the left, click on Drug Cross-Reference Table. Included are generic names, common US brand names, route of administration (oral or injection). I have included ones to...
  12. krsbunny

    Bailey got a bad bite wound to her vagina

    SSD + Baytril is essentially what Baytril Otic is. In the mid-90's the vet I was taking Smokey to for ear problems was the one who developed Baytril Otic. Dr. Allan has had me use Baytril Otic on Holly's bottom. Kathy
  13. krsbunny

    Bailey got a bad bite wound to her vagina

    It sounds like the emergency vet did a good job and the meds she is on are a good start. I would still try to get her in to your regular rabbit-experienced vet tomorrow -- take the pictures along to help her evaluate how it looks tomorrow compared to today. My personal "intuition" on antibiotics...
  14. krsbunny

    Chase - UPDATED 5/22/10

    Four Paws Five Directions by Cheryl Schwartz gives a good overview of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is specific to cats and dogs... and I must warn you that it includes diet suggestions for some conditions in dogs that will bother you. But if you can get past that... it really does explain...
  15. krsbunny

    Keep Naomi in Your Prayers

    You may "know" in your heart that you are dealing with pasteurella... but IMOthe benefit of the culture/sensitivity is about identifying what antibiotics will (and equally importantly won't) be effective in treating it. I understand your feeling that for some bunnies an every-other-day...
  16. krsbunny

    Chase - UPDATED 5/22/10

    I did some more research since I responded. My When Your Rabbit Needs Special Care coauthor, Lucile Moore, explains in the section on giving fluids that this happens more in cases wherefluids/injections are given on an ongoing basis:"The area [where injections are being given]may vascularize,or...
  17. krsbunny

    Chase - UPDATED 5/22/10

    That is going to happen from time to time when you are giving fluids. It scared the heck out of me the first time it happened to me with Murray. These incidents are few and far between and, in my personal experience (has happened with more than one bunny) it bothered me a lot more than it...
  18. krsbunny

    Chase - UPDATED 5/22/10

    Sorry.... I meant to respond to the comment about traditional medical people (human and veterinary) not knowing about the interactions between drugs and herbs. That is a very valid concern and I failed to mention originally that Dr. Allan pretty much leaves it in my court to research...
  19. krsbunny

    Rabbit With an Eye Problem(RIP)

    I am so very sorry for your loss. Please know that you did everything possible for Aurora. Sometimes the best vets and the most diligent caregivers cannot change the inevitable. Healing hugs. Kathy Smith
  20. krsbunny

    Resolved! Dotty looking better

    Although bunnies do eat, drink, poop, and pee throughout the day, we have to remember it is not "constant." There are normally periods in the day when my guys are not eating or pooping. That becomes hard to keep in mind when you have just gone throug a crisis. For me, the hardest thing is...