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  1. Munchkin

    When bunny knows you too well!!!

    Oh my goodness - I just went to answer the phone, leaving Moon and Flopsy out in the dining room / kitchen area. After a long conversation with my brother I decided to go make a cup of tea. On entering the dining room I say hello to Moon and ask "Where's Flopsy" at which point Flopsy comes...
  2. Munchkin

    My Caving Holiday

    Those pics are amazing! Thanks for sharing the angora experience - thats really fascinating. Glad you had a great time! :D
  3. Munchkin

    Men with Bunnies

    I don't have a man in my life but I have to say this is one of my fav threads. There is something really special about guys bonding with bunnies. :biggrin2:
  4. Munchkin

    Agressive behavior

    It sounds like Rilee is defending your territory for you by scaring your friend off your bed. When your friend is waving her arms about on the floor - Rilee, like any bunny would, thinks she is under attack and lunges. That's the mentality of bunnies - attack first, think after. A big thing...
  5. Munchkin

    Bo's sick again :(

    I have two bunnies that had looser poops - I changed their pellets to higher fibre and both have improved (except munchkin but his can also be stress related) But Oxbow is very high in fibre so it can't be that - cut back the treats for a while would be my advice too. It kinda sounds like it...
  6. Munchkin

    is this something I should be worring about?

    Personally I would put it down to stress and consider stopping the school visits. I have a little guy who has stress related poopy butt too - most recently after I introduced him to a playmate, a younger, unneutered bunny. He was fine for a few days but then the runny poops came on, and as a...
  7. Munchkin

    Arghhh so frustrated!

    Gosh - 80 bunnies in her house. Now THAT'S alot of bunnies! How does she cope?!! I am with you on hating some people for their lack of humanity. I far prefer the company of my rabbits - they make me laugh, give me kisses and are never mean for no reason. Love them all so much. The crazy thing...
  8. Munchkin

    Arghhh so frustrated!

    No offence taken whatsoever! :);) For the record though: The fact is I do give her respect - I have no problem taking orders from someone regardless of age but I expect respect back when I give my opinion. My boss, the manager, gives me respect for what I know, as does the other assistant...
  9. Munchkin

    NIC Cages Only-Now Closed

    Love it!!!
  10. Munchkin

    Arghhh so frustrated!

    Thanks Polly! I'm going to see what her mood is like on monday, but if she gives me attitude - I'll be taking her to one side and telling her what I think of this childish crap. She is only about 21 and I'm 35, so there is no way on earth I'm going to allow her to make this about me and her and...
  11. Munchkin

    Cool Lionhead Video

    Oh my goodness - he is so gorgeous!! Such a cutie! :D
  12. Munchkin

    Cool Lionhead Video

    Thats good to hear, and the fact is those lionheads are the most beautiful looking ones I think I've ever seen as far as quality and cute factor is concerned. I'll happily take your word for it that it isn't how it looks ;) Is Jose very tame and easily handled then?
  13. Munchkin

    Fallen in love...

    Haha! ;) She is gorgeous and is out on the floor now, so no doubt when I go in on monday she'll have been sold. I remain strong because I just don't have time to give to another bunny until I get Gizmo neutered, and bond all 4 of my buns (a girl can dream), which would give me space and less...
  14. Munchkin

    Arghhh so frustrated!

    I have to rant - I apologise in advance. I love my job and I love working with younger people, because you have fun and all. I really like all the people I work with but sometimes their attitudes about rabbit welfare really sucks. One of my young coworkers came up to me this afternoon as I was...
  15. Munchkin

    Would Anyone Be Interested In ...

    Hehe - getting the harness on would be a great start ;) Oh and fitting them properly - I can't figure that out either. Pretty much all the help you can give - I, for one, will happily take in and try out on my buns!
  16. Munchkin

    Cool Lionhead Video

    I work with rabbits and I do not like how they are being handled at all. Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, but to me these creatures deserve better than being moved around as if they were some kind of kids toy It reminds me of my kids as babies playing with barbies - pushing and...
  17. Munchkin

    Do you put anything on the bottom of your litterbox?

    Are you guys talking about diluted vinegar or neat? If diluted - how much water to how much vinegar? I used vinegar neat to clean out a cage I was selling and it did a smashing job but it didn't half pong after ;)
  18. Munchkin


    I don't know what to say other than I feel horrible for your loss. :(
  19. Munchkin

    Fallen in love...

    Woah - at this rate I'm gonna be forced to bring her home. No, no noooo be strong! Hehe :biggrin2:
  20. Munchkin


    Oh so cute!!! I wish my buns would let me dress them up alas there is no chance. This is a brilliant idea for a contest and if I have the time, and the luck...preferably both - I'll be sure to enter my bunny butts! SnowyShiloh wrote: