Do you put anything on the bottom of your litterbox?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2007
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North of Dayton, Ohio, USA
We had a pair of rabbits in boarding a couple weeks ago and the owners put newspaper in the bottom of the litterbox with yesterday's news type stuff on top of that. That was the first time I saw that, but I did notice it was a little easier to clean up the litterbox. I don't use anything in the bottom of the two boxes my boys have.

Do you put anything in the bottom, kind of as a liner, or just use litter? If you use something, do you find it's easier to clean the box?
I would think with newspaper on the bottom, it would stick hard to the bottom making it hard to clean. Hmm. Only reason I say this is because when my buns were being boarded at the vet, they put shredded paper in their boxes for litter:shock:. So, when I got them home and cleaned them, the darn pieces of paper were stuck to the bottoms real good:grumpy:.

I don't use anything on the bottom of mine. Of course, if you find a trick that works well for you, I'd stick with it;).
I don't put anything. I use Yesterdays news and find it easy enough for me. Just bang on the side and everything falls out. Then i spray with a vinegar bottle and voila. :biggrin2:I love it.

I use smaller "corner litters" now as this makes me sure to clean them often and costs less too. :)
I used to buy those cat litter (plastic) liners that are sort of like garbage bags but it was too expensive. I also used to use newspaper but that starts to smell.

I just use equine fresh or yesterdays news in the litterbox. I think its easiest to clean that way.
I only use wood pellet litter with hay on top. I use a kitty box scooper to scrape the box, then either rinse it in VERY hot water, or spray it with vinegar and let it sit for a bit, THEN rinse it in the hot water. Then I just dry, and put new litter and hay in.

We clean our buns' litterboxes every other day. :)
I put one layer or paper towels, in the bottom, then spray them with the litter deoderizer, and put the shavings in, so when they pee the shavings dont get stuck in the corners. of course with a little hay in the top.


Wood pellets, and a screen on top.

My litter box are plastic so nothing sticks to it as the wood pellets absorbs everything. I cut plastic pails down to size to make my boxes.
I never dump the entire box out. I only scoop the wet stuff out and stir in new pellets.



Careful with those plastic canvas screens though! Some buns do chew on them! Mocha nibbled on hers a little so I took it away. I recently tried it with Fey and she ate a whole bunch of it!:shock: Needless to say, she's on even more reduced pellets for a while so she has to eat more hay. Gotta get all that plastic out. :foreheadsmack:
We use newspaper liner under hay. It works pretty well, I just scrap it out with a stick onto our compost pile.

It's about the same to clean I think, just scrub it out with vinigar, and you can dump out the used vinagar onto weeds growing in the cracks in your walk way and it kills, them; AND you know what's in it so you won't have to worry about if it's okay for the envrioment! :)Then I just rinse it out in the hose and dry it with a ratty old towel.
Our litterbox is similar to Stan's, but was designed for somewhat larger bunnies ;)


Are you guys talking about diluted vinegar or neat?
If diluted - how much water to how much vinegar?
I used vinegar neat to clean out a cage I was selling and it did a smashing job but it didn't half pong after ;)

I use just strait distilled white vinigar, nothing else added.I noticed that if any water gets in in doesn't do as great a job as it does plain.
If I dilute my vinegar (which I actually haven't done in some months, because I figured I rinsed things enough that it's gone), it's half water, half vinegar.

As far as the neat or diluted...lemme check...

What we have is distilled vinegar. :)

Munchkin wrote:
Are you guys talking about diluted vinegar or neat?
If diluted - how much water to how much vinegar?
I used vinegar neat to clean out a cage I was selling and it did a smashing job but it didn't half pong after ;)

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