Bo's sick again :(

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Bo B Bunny

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
, Indiana, USA
Bo was doing great as of yesterday but today he just doesn't seem to be pooing. I let him out in the xpen and he usually has to fling poos all the way around the thing to mark it - especially if Heidi's been playing in there.

Well, he didn't poo much and when he did it was soft. He seemed to be eating several cecals but I'm not sure - he did chew (lovely lol)

I've tried to force pumpkin, mylicon and he's had oats, a papaya pellet, hay (not much) and water - and 2 cheerios and a wheat bite (without the frosting).

He's passed about 2 gooey large ones (double normal size) and 3 or 4 regular ones.

:(I'm worried about him.

Aw, poor boy! It might be a good idea to cut back a lot on the pellets for a while, if he seems to be having problems like this more often. Do what you can to get him to eat as much hay as possible. What brand of pellets does he get and how much? Could you switch to something that has less protein and more fiber?

Also, have you had a vet check his poop recently? If not, take a fecal sample in and ask them to test for worms, coccidia, and any bacteria problems in case he has an infection.

Nose rubs to Bo! :pet:
Oxbow Timothy pellets

I'll take them away now - done!

oxbow hay (timothy) and I've given him some of the grass hay from the barn since he likes it and it's good and fibery LOL!

no, he hasn't been to the vet in about 18 mos or so. I might call MOnday and take him in. Sooner if he doesn't seem to improve.

I got a little pile of moist poos - smooshy, big again.

My poor baby :cry4:

Thank you.
Aw, poor Bo...

Is he still molting?

I'd putcarrot juice (or pedialyte or something) in his water to make him drink a lot to make sure everything keeps moving and he stays hydrated.

The grass hay is a great idea.

Nose pats for Bo!

sas :hug1
Oh yes, he is moltng. He's nearly done, but today, I was just sort of checking him over and noticed this kinda old looking hair on the back of his back legs.... so I tugged a bit and by the time I was done - he had only all new little hairs all the way down the backs of his back legs. Lookinghim over more I found he most likely already groomed his front legs. I had piles of hair, I had to change clothes, he's never molted there that I have seen.

His new hair is pretty and healthy.

Bo likes water, I can't imagine anything making him drink more. He's so picky! I'll run for some carrot juice in a little while tho.
Main things I can think of are cut the treats and make sure het gets lots of hay- Id try spritzing it with something yummy to entice him.

Poor Bo :(

I'll be praying this will pass.
I gave him the treats hoping to get him to just EAT! and he did. He's passed a couple of more poos - actually not bad ones.

I put him in a blankie (I read the health forums) and kept him warm - he seemed to feel better and was pretty well relaxed and I snuck a dab of mylicon in his mouth and he had to lick it.

Then he "fluffed" the blankie and I have him in the xpen playing with a nice fluffy blankie and he's moving around so I hope it's a good sign.

WOOO HOOO! We have about 8 nice poos - a bit dry but they're poos!

Make that about 25 and he's just done a rolly flop! He's feeling a bit better!

He's on hay and about a teaspoon of pellets for a couple of days. He's not going to be happy.

Tummy rubs and warm blankies helped!
I like to spritz their hay with diluted mint tea....some of my picky hay eaters just eat it up...

Bo hates mint! He'll nip if you have mint gum and he will box you if you offer him mint leaves!

I wonder if I could make a liquid from cheerios! ;)

Poor Bo :hug:I think it's probably a good idea to have his droppings tested. It sounds like something is causing his gut to be too often out of whack.
Yeah, I think I'll phone the vet up and see if she can test his poos and then I'll set his appointment to get his checkup as well.

He's always had a funny tummy tho. He had hard little poos for a long time until I realized he wasn't getting enough moisture. Then he got too much moisture and had poopy butt. Now he's back the other way again...... *sigh* So I need to find a balance.

I went to get the kids from the football game and we went to Walmart. I got cranberry juice and apple juice to make a spritz for his hay. I think Clover would like a juicebox to just drink LOL! She loves most everything and was THRILLED that Bo had to eat pumpkin today - cause she gets some too!

It's amazing to me how many legs Bo grows when he's being given medicine or pumpkin! they are everywhere and I end up covered in what he's to eat!

Oh no, poor little Bo! :(

I haven't read about your other episode with his irritable tummy, but are you sure he doesn't have some kind of intestinal parasite? That would be one of my guesses, since it's still coming in ups and downs (But I really don't know what I'm talking about--just throwing something out there to think about, since you haven't seemed to find the cause yet.) Good luck with the vet visit! :)
I'm glad he started pooping again/feels better! Things like that are always scary

Best wishes for an icky-stomach-free future!:p

~Diana and Butter

and thanks everyone. I appreciate the support and thoughts about what it can be. I get so worried when one of the animals falls ill.

I have two bunnies that had looser poops - I changed their pellets to higher fibre and both have improved (except munchkin but his can also be stress related) But Oxbow is very high in fibre so it can't be that - cut back the treats for a while would be my advice too.

It kinda sounds like it was connected to his moult and you have got through it now - fingers crossed anyway.

You know the first incident happened at the beginning of his molt. Which He molts like the front and then when that's done - his back half starts. He is in full molt on the back (like his legs!) and I think that might be what it is. Still going to call the vet. I had nightmares about it last night LOL!

He's really unhappy about no brekfuss pwellets! :X
Don't stop the pellets completely!
Just up his hay and lower the pellets but you might upset his tummy by stopping them altogether (if you have - maybe I misunderstand that bit ;))

I usually cut munchkins pellets back slightly but not completely and that does the trick.
Yeah, he's going to get somebut not until later today. He needs to eat all the hay I can get him to this morning. He had his pellets yesterday. He gets more than enough normally. It is time to cut him back - he used to eat only what he needed in those - now he's been eating everything he can get! which was probably double.
That sounds about right :)

FTR, molting has almost always upset Rex's tummy (not so much Peanut's) and more than once I've had him skip a meal of pellets to ensure that - for his tummy's sake - he'll fill up on hay. That really seems to settle things down.
TinysMom wrote:
I like to spritz their hay with diluted mint tea....some of my picky hay eaters just eat it up...


How does this help them? Is it the mint or the tea that does it? Im not questioning you, I really don't know.

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