I just stumbled across this because I was looking for posts on Lionheads, just to read more about them
. Anyway, I never got to reply to this thread...I never saw it!
I think she is handling the rabbits just fine! Marlin will let me do ANYTHING to him. When I groom/check over Marlin I flip him over, lift him up, open his mouth, feel all over, look in his ears, ect.
The breeder may look like she is grabbing and holding the bunny up by it's ears, but it looks to me like she is grabbing the hair around the ears.
When I pick Marlin up, I grab him by the thick hair on his upper back...below his neck, to scoop him up into my arms real quick. I actually learned how to do this at Peg's house. It gives you better control over the bunny, so you can pick the bunny up without it squirming. It doesn't hurt Marlin (or any of Peg's Lionhead's). Their hair is very thick and it's for about 1 second that you lift them off the ground and into your arms. I lift Marlin 1 foot off the floor by his "hair", then quickly into my arms.
Yep, it may sound shocking or dangerous to most, but...really....it's not dangerous if your bunny knows that is it going to be picked up, trusts you, and knows that it will be safe in your arms. Dog breeders who breed Terrier dogs will lift the dog up and off the show table by it's tail and one hand under the neck...because the tail is so strong and it's for about 1 second as well.