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Rabbits Online Forum

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  1. ceilpaws

    Hi, there all!

    Rosemary is a beauty! It's no wonder that you're positively smitten with her. Welcome to RO! This site has become a second home for me on the internet and is filled with such amazing, well-intentioned, and well-informed individuals. I have found a wealth of information on this site thus far...
  2. ceilpaws

    Do rabbits smell?

    Rabbits, as a general rule, should not smell. They prefer clean environments and are quite adept at keeping themselves clean as well. The exception to that is a bunny that may be ill, injured, or otherwise unable to care for itself. Even then, with proper husbandry, the bunny should not have a...
  3. ceilpaws

    My one and a half year old Netherland dwarf has a small pimple like bump on her side!

    I am also going to say that that looks like a nipple. But, that being said, it's hard to discern from the photo exactly where the "growth" is on her body. If it's something you've never noticed before and you are concerned, it may be wise to make an appointment to see the vet. Sure, if it is a...
  4. ceilpaws

    Pics of buns!

    There is a forum specifically for pictures. I think it is called Photo Philes. But, regardless, I'm always up for seeing bunnies! Whether it be here, there, or anywhere else, I'm good with looking and photos and sharing some of mine. I just adopted a bun named Emmet. I brought him home last...
  5. ceilpaws

    Can you help me identify possible breeds in my mutt bunny?

    I appreciate all of the responses I've received so far. And, to reiterate, I know Emmet is not an english spot. I'm not surprised that the shelter labeled him as a spot cross, but I know better than to automatically assume that is true :D. As far as what my bun's lineage is, it really doesn't...
  6. ceilpaws

    Is my rabbit agressive because he's mature? Help!

    I'm not sure where you're from, but if you are looking for an already spayed or neutered rabbit, the best place I know would be a local shelter or humane society. I know that all of the shelters here spay and neuter rabbits prior to adoption - just like any animal, they want to ensure that...
  7. ceilpaws

    Hello from TO!

    Welcome to the forum! I hope you find it as welcoming and informative as I have. Being a new member myself, I'm loving this site. And, besides, there's nothing better than looking at bun pictures all day! Briar is adorable. And, I love her name as well! Lops are some of the cutest rabbits...
  8. ceilpaws

    Faith has a bunny on her nose, lol!

    Faith is super cute! And, now we can officially say that she's as cute as two buns in one! I love watching the molting patterns in bunnies. They're always so interesting and different. It's adorable, though, how, in Faith, you can actually see more than just a pattern in her fur. I agree that...
  9. ceilpaws

    It's official...I have my bun!

    I'm sorry for the repost of the below pictures. But, I didn't realize they were going to upload so small. I was able to attach them a different way on another thread so I am going to do the same here. Emmet is cute in small photos, but he is absolutely adorable in bigger ones :biggrin:.
  10. ceilpaws

    Can you help me identify possible breeds in my mutt bunny?

    I'm going to try to see whether I can get these photos to post a bit larger. I'm not sure why they came out so small. Let's see here... Here's to hoping this works! (I just previewed my post and it looks like we've got success!)
  11. ceilpaws

    It's official...I have my bun!

    My house rabbit is officially home! I brought Emmet home yesterday evening. And, as much as I thought I loved him after meeting him at the shelter, my love has grown tenfold since last night! Emmet is everything I thought I wanted in a bunny and more. He has character and personality oozing...
  12. ceilpaws

    Can you help me identify possible breeds in my mutt bunny?

    I brought my dear Emmet home last night from the shelter. He was listed there as an english spot cross, but I am doubting the validity of that since his conformation, markings, and size are off. I know he is a mutt bunny and I adore him as well as that fact, but, for fun, I was wondering if...
  13. ceilpaws


    I adopted Emmet from a local animal shelter on January 11, 2014. I had to wait to bring him home as he had yet to be neutered, but he finally made his way into my home and heart on 1/14/2014. Emmet is a neutered male, was approximately born in December 2012 (I'm choosing a birthday of 12/5/12)...
  14. ceilpaws

    Help me name my bunny boy!

    Well, my little guy is finally home (info and pictures to be posted as soon as they load :D). And, now it is time to reveal what I've chosen for his name. ...Dum, Dumm, Dummm... Okay, that was probably a little bit too much dramatic flair for y'all. But, I'm super excited and thrilled that...
  15. ceilpaws

    Hello, Newbie from So Cal!

    Hello and welcome :welcome1. I just adopted a rabbit from a shelter this past Saturday (he won't be coming home until tomorrow evening, although, according to the shelter, he could come home as early as this evening). I am a proponent for rescue and also feel that it is far less expensive to...
  16. ceilpaws

    Help me name my bunny boy!

    I'm loving all of the name suggestions and am taking them all into consideration. I'm still not sure, though, what I want to name my boy. Of course, I likely won't make a decision until I do have him in my home and we get to know one another outside of the shelter setting. But, in the meantime...
  17. ceilpaws

    Help me name my bunny boy!

    As I'm waiting with bated breath until tomorrow evening to be able to bring my baby boy home, I have been consumed with trying to find the perfect name. So, because I'm a list-maker, a planner, and a bit obsessive-compulsive, I decided to start making alphabetical lists here of names that I...
  18. ceilpaws

    Who are we all?

    I like the idea of this thread...especially since I am new and still trying to get to know everyone! My name is Lexy and I'm 31 years old. I live in the midwestern US and am a brand new mama to a male bunny (who will be coming home on Tuesday evening). I found him at a local shelter this past...
  19. ceilpaws

    Is my rabbit agressive because he's mature? Help!

    Ah, maturing bunnies with attitude problems. Always a fun topic. Boy do I remember my breeding project bucks. Some of them were sweet as pie. Others were little devils in fluffy, adorable bodies. My brattiest little buck was named Wesley. He was a black otter holland lop and oh-so-cute. But...
  20. ceilpaws

    Hello all fellow bunny lovers!

    Welcome to RO! I, too, am a new member and just adopted my house rabbit yesterday. Unfortunately, I couldn't bring him home as he is set to be neutered tomorrow, but he'll be gracing my home with his presence on Tuesday evening. I adopted him from the local shelter and am already smitten...