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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2014
Reaction score
New England, USA
A quick intro, my name is Becky, I am a mom of 3 boys 19, 17 and 11, we are soon going to be adding a bunny to our home and thought this site would be perfect for brushing up on my bunny knowledge. I grew up with rabbits, we always had at least 3 in a huge outdoor hutch, they were kinda like big furry fish as they were not very tame at all, I remember getting my finger bit more than once while poking in the cage trying to pet them. Our first two bunnys were a male and female (Snowball and Bun Bun) they had a litter and a week later someanimalripped the heck out of their hutch and ate Snowball (we never saw Bun Bun again so who knows what happened to him). My mom decided we would bottle feed the babies, I was in misery when each day for the next 3 days one or two of the babies would die...I had various rabbits as pets growing up as a teen but took a break after that till after I got married then got Hannah a mini lop with beautiful gray himalayan markings, she died at two (cancer of her lady parts). I then got Oreo, he died at 3 due to tilt head (vet thought it was some sort of cancer)....both were awesome indoor bunnys. My next bunny is going to be a Spayed/Neutered rescue, looking into getting one soon. I have been reading everything I can get my hands on about rabbits, my next bunny will be properly cared for and will go to the vet yearly regardless. I want a nice healthy long lived bunny pal. Okay so that wasn't a quick intro...:blushan:
I look forward to meeting you all and sharing bunny stories!
:hello and Welcome! I think it's great that you plan on getting a rescue. I started out with two rabbits that I bought for my kids at a pet store, but our third rabbit is from the SPCA. It was nice that she was already spayed after paying for two neuter surgeries for my boy bunnies. There certainly are a lot of bunnies out there that need good homes.
I know how you feel about losing your mommy bunny. My agouti mother of Chico and Chica died the 4th day after having her bunnies outside and two of the four died along with her. We all bottle fed chico and Chica and was prepared for the worst but they are still here a year and 9 months later! I can feel your pain however and because of that experience will never leave my buns outside for any extended periods of time unattended or have them live outside. I have no idea to this day if something attacked the mother when she was pregnant or if there was a virus or whatever... but it spooked me enough to keep everything inside now!

Welcome and looking forward to hearing more from you!

Welcome to RO! I, too, am a new member and just adopted my house rabbit yesterday. Unfortunately, I couldn't bring him home as he is set to be neutered tomorrow, but he'll be gracing my home with his presence on Tuesday evening. I adopted him from the local shelter and am already smitten :hearts.

Growing up, I was in 4H and also had house rabbits. I did some breeding projects as well, but was fortunate not to lose any of the parents during that time. However, we did lose some of the kits along the way and it was always heart-wrenching. So, I do understand having had losses early on. And, that has made it all the more important for me to do everything in my power to ensure that any of my future bunnies are healthy and happy - regardless of the cost!

It sounds like you're prepared to be wonderful bunny parent. I wish you the best and hope that you find this site as friendly, supportive, and informative that I have. And, we will definitely need to see lots of pictures of your new bun when he or she comes home. Happy adopting! And, I look forward to seeing you around!

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