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Feb 26, 2023
Reaction score
Connecticut, USA
I'm so exhausted from work and family drama that I forgot I left a bag of grapes on my floor (I was sitting on a pillow and snacking and drawing earlier). I got into bed and, it's hard to hear bc my fan is going and it's thundering. So I only got up when I remembered I left it there. Of course Alice was eating them. I'd say she ate about 20, and left the stems and 2 grapes left. I'm panicking. Will anything bad happen? I can't watch her constantly as I have double shifts for the next three days but I'm scared. She's like 4-5 pounds and I had already given her 2 grapes a few hours ago as a snack. What do I do!!! Will she be ok? Won't be giving treats for a few days at the least, will give lots of water and hay. Anything else??!! Worried about stasis or anything else help!! It's 1am and I don't have my license yet I cannot take her anywhere.
Plenty of hay and water is the best now. I let my rabbits out in the garden, and when the apples fall they gorge on them, never resulted in issues.

A lot of fruit in one go isn't optimal, but since she got them as treat she is somewhat used to them, I would keep an eye on her intake and behaviour - apart from fruit I would keep up her regular diet, just offer more fresh hay additionally.

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