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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2023
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Henderson NV
Hi, I was wondering why Supreme Petfoods Science Selective Adult Rabbit Food have Alfalfa meal in there ingredient because I thought adult bunnies aren’t supposed to have alfalfa but it has alfalfa in there ingredient why? Can someone please explain why it has alfalfa meal in there ingredient.🫤🧐
Ask the company 😉
If that's the case it's not a food I would feed an adult.
Each rabbit has their own needs for protein, fat, calcium, etc. Best to look at everything and find whats best for your rabbit
Hi, I was wondering why Supreme Petfoods Science Selective Adult Rabbit Food have Alfalfa meal in there ingredient because I thought adult bunnies aren’t supposed to have alfalfa but it has alfalfa in there ingredient why? Can someone please explain why it has alfalfa meal in there ingredient.🫤🧐
It's perfectly fine to give alfalfa based pellets, the amount of alfalfa is very small. They should not get more than 1-2 tbsp pellets a day. What you should not do is give them alfalfa hay. Science Selective are good quality pellets.
Hi, I was wondering why Supreme Petfoods Science Selective Adult Rabbit Food have Alfalfa meal in there ingredient because I thought adult bunnies aren’t supposed to have alfalfa but it has alfalfa in there ingredient why? Can someone please explain why it has alfalfa meal in there ingredient.🫤🧐
Tbh, this brand is not great. It’s got terrible ingredients in it but it’s also the only thing available in the UK, in the US the best brand is Sherwood. They have a few different options for buns. The one I use is the Sherwood Free Choice because it can be fed freely without having to worry about your buns not eating enough hay. Its main and first ingredient is Timothy Hay. It doesn’t have any fillers in it.
Tbh, this brand is not great. It’s got terrible ingredients in it but it’s also the only thing available in the UK, in the US the best brand is Sherwood. They have a few different options for buns. The one I use is the Sherwood Free Choice because it can be fed freely without having to worry about your buns not eating enough hay. Its main and first ingredient is Timothy Hay. It doesn’t have any fillers in it.
Wrong. On all counts. And no pellet should be free fed. Bunnies need to eat lots and lots of hay/grass and very little else.
Even though there is alfalfa, and alfalfa isn't generally recommended for adult pet rabbits due to the higher protein and calcium content, the amount used as an ingredient in those pellets doesn't raise the protein too high (12.5%). The calcium max is on the higher end though (1.2%), compared to some other brands, so I'd feed a reduced amount of the Select, than if feeding a lower calcium pellet (0.75% max), along with feeding a good quality free fed grass hay. And if feeding a bladder sludge prone bun, probably a different lower calcium pellet would be better, if pellets can be fed at all.

Science select is a good brand, and the adult food is adequate when too much isn't fed. It's not necessarily that alfalfa as an ingredient is bad for adult pet rabbits, it's the amount that's fed that can create issues with the kidneys, bladder, and with weight gain. So if a reduced amount is fed, it will reduce the potential issues higher protein and calcium can create. Science Selects House Rabbit and Grain Free pellets have slightly lower calcium levels, which is better in my opinion.

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