I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to see pictures!
Just wondering for when I get another rabbit; since she is coming from a breeder is she going to be spayed before you get her so you can begin the bonding as soon as you get her home? Or will she be housed separately from Toste and Odin until she is spayed?
She won’t be spayed, I will spay her later, it will be next year she will get spayed.
Odin and Toste both live separate from eachother. Which my previous girl Lilja also did, so I have the space for 3 bunnies living separate. Often a neutered boy can live with the girl, so depending on the chemistry I might put them together and later separate them just to make it more easier for me. Because the girl is living together with all her sisters right now.
I’m going to bond her with Odin because he’s the easier one when it comes to other bunnies. He often ignores the other bunny if they don’t attack him, which both Lilja and Toste have been doing to him.
So I will truly hope the girl won’t also be a bunny that go for the bite first. I’m going to spay the girl when I know we have pain medication for the bunnies, because right now there a shortage and it won’t be sure I will get pain medication. Many have complained about not getting any pain medication. They get presciption to buy it but the pharmacy don’t have any in store.
The girl will be getting my room as home base until she’s litter trained. While Odin will stay in the other side of the house. Toste have already moved out to the outdoor cage. He’s quite comfortable living outdoors and sleep like a dead log, I’ve seen him binky and digging nearly daily in the outdoor cage. So he don’t seem that sad over moving out again. If Toste won’t work out with the others I will get a partner for him when I move out. Why I moved him out is because I never truly see him when he’s indoors. He just pop up sometimes during the day to beg for treats and rest of the day he’s hiding or in a room no one is in. So he don’t really get a lot of social interactions while Odin act like a shadow. We at home go out to Toste daily which is me, my dad and my little brother.
So Toste prefer being a bit off from humans still but he occasionally like cuddles. So he’s not getting hurt by living alone for a while. But he will definitely get a bunny friend