I will pick up my new rabbit in two weeks

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Hehe we have a pecan store that my family
always gets a ton of stuff from there pecan brittle, dark chocolate pecans, ect
(Looks lIke that).

Ok I’m obviously hungry so I‘m gonna raid my brothers “secret“ candy statch.
She’s beautiful! Congratulations on the new addition!!

She is truly a cutie and her personality I could pick up seem to fit me as a person. She boinked me twice to get a small pet on the head ☺

While the other bunny I will drop off to her new home is a cute mini rex which look like a cheetha as in fur coulur.
Her stomach is still a bit off but she’s eating well, so it’s just a time question until it will be okay.

She’s quite active and curious about her surroundings. Quite hard capturing a picture of her 🤣


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I will have to fix a bigger box as a hide house, but she somehow manage to squeeze into Odins hide house 🤣


She’s eating a lot of hay, definitly easier time to settle down than Odin and Toste. Odin always hid and refused eating when a person was around and Toste was extremly scared and stressed. While I’ve seen Embla flopping and running around in the cage. Totally chilling out in the cage.

She will only be in the cage until I know the stomach have settled down a bit and it’s easier for litter training. I also need to move the treats and bunny food out from her range in my room. Next week I will open the cage up for her and let her roam the bedroom.

While next month I will take her to the vet to do a health check up and vaccinate her. So everything will be covered for her, while she will get spayed next year. When I can supervise her and I know there no shortage of pain medications. I’ve already fixed her insurance ☺
Gorgeous! "She boinked me twice to get a small pet on the head." <3 Have to admit my jealousy: Our girls are so bonded they don't care for other bunnies. (They don't harm them, just ignore them. And they're always lounged as if they're 1 entity.) Hope she's a blessing for you and your furfamily!

Thanks, she’s really a brave small girl. I totally hope she will become really tame. She’s my first bunny that want that is so forward with her personality which is really nice.

She will avoid my hand if I try to pet other parts that’s not the forehead area. But it’s something that can be trained. She already eats food from my hand which my boys the shortage took a month while the other one took a year. While Embla was less than a day, totally a difference between them 🤣
How long does it take for 2 rabbits to settle in to there new home, I got them yesthday afternoon, they are a bit nervous
How long does it take for 2 rabbits to settle in to there new home, I got them yesthday afternoon, they are a bit nervous

It’s better to create your own thread to ask, so you can get your answer faster. But it take different long time it all depends on the bunnies personality.

For example my bunny Odin took around a week until he calmed down but it was 2 months later that he stopped hiding when you moved around in the room.

While Embla settled down within a day. As you can see it vary quite a lot between bunnies. Often one week is a good tumb rule for settle down but it can be longer. While bonding and get them tame will take a longer time.

Just keep an eye on the droppings and that they are eating their food. Wait until their stomach is normal and seem to settle in their home base. You can later sit next to their area and just talk with them, to let them get used with you.

With new bunnies I always focus first on their stomach and that they start to eat food properly. After that myself start to spend time with them and slowly build a bond 😊
Thankyou for your advice, they ate a bit of hay, not much and there nuggets they drunk a bit, one is more nervous than the other
Thankyou for your advice, they ate a bit of hay, not much and there nuggets they drunk a bit, one is more nervous than the other

That’s just personality traits, let them settle and you can later start to make them get used to you. Myself have mostly owned skittish bunnies and on the nervous spectrum. But they will warm up later, as long you take it slow and let them get to know you. Never force yourself onto your bunnies and have a lot of patience. Hope you will enjoy being a bunny parent and that you manage to build a good bond with your cuties 💕
Embla is so pretty! I'm so glad she is settling in well. I hope bonding goes smoothly, you plan on bonding her with Odin right?
Embla is so pretty! I'm so glad she is settling in well. I hope bonding goes smoothly, you plan on bonding her with Odin right?

Yeah it will be with Odin, but it will have to wait until she get spayed. So it might be half a year from now until I spay her. I will just focus on making her tame and used to be handled. Because if I need to force feed her, she will need to be used to be handled.

I can just change between Odin and her, to let them get used to each other scent 😊


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