Questions! 1st time bun owner!

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Kristin McCann

Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2019
Reaction score
Hershey, Pennsylvania
Hi all! I have been apart of this forum maybe a few weeks now? A friend bought a 2 mo old male Lionhead bun for me as a gift. Sweet to think of me & her heart was in the right place but this wasn’t well thought out on her part. Regardless, I am absolutely attached to my bun! His name’s Chewbaca aka Chewy & he’s now I’m guessing around 3.5-4 mos old. I’ve been told on here I’ll need to have him neutered around 4 mos of age because of hormones & to keep him from spraying urine. He hasn’t, to my knowledge, sprayed as of yet so I’m not sure what to look out for? Also, I want to make sure & find the right vet to care for him. Went to a site & put in my state, nothing here came up for PA . Also, I’ve been told to not ever bathe him but he now has lil yellow-stained feet & Im hoping someone knows of a way I can clean him wo bathing him? This is all stuff I’ve been told on here & I’ve done SO much research online & there’s just alot of conflicting info out there especially for an inexperienced bun owner! I take him out daily & play w him, let him run around, he is litter-trained, knows his name, knows the word no & come here & he listens well. I had him on my chest last night & we both fell asleep & I only woke up because I felt him nestling into my hair! I freaked out! I could’ve smushed/smothered him! I just couldn’t believe we BOTH passed out! Never happened before & won’t happen again. I was so scared thinking he was hurt but he was totally fine. He was not happy not one bit when I put him back in his pen! Any way, any help with my questions would be greatly appreciated! Oh yea, what kind of toys can he play with? He loves to chew on his lil cardboard hidey-hole’s I make him & he loves to toss his little metal pellet bowl around. So Im assuming he would like some toys I just don’t know what to get or make for him? Thanks so much!


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Congrats on being a new bunny Mom. I would recommend getting him fixed at 6mo just cause 4mo seems really young. I have two rabbits and my boy is an all white rabbit so I get the yellow feet. I would say maybe clean his cage more so he’s not stepping on it and try some unscented natural baby wipes that are ok for rabbits, other than that they’re feet are just going to be stained. Both of my rabbits are free roam so I wouldn’t know about them being upset but I would say if you feel comfortably with him being out and sleeping with him maybe start doing it more often if you want to transition him into being a free roam bun but be careful because while they’re young they chew on everything. I got my girl rabbit when she was 4 weeks old and after a year and a half she chewed my bed, my door, my base boards, my wall, my dresser, my window sill and ripped three five inch holes in my carpet so I would suggest lots of toys and to bunny proof. Mine love cardboard boxes I set up and little homes with cut out doors and windows, willow cubes and balls and hay mats. They also love little baby plastic car keys and tree branches. Also rabbits are supper territorial so they love to go to the bathroom on your bed if you have other animals as well so maybe invest in a waterproof mattress cover too!
Getting a better litter that absorb the urine in the litter box will help your rabbit to not get stained feet.

I have a bun with white feet, they are never yellow.

You can spot clean a rabbit where they are dirty. Never washed my rabbits feet but if you change litter it will later become white again if it absorb right.

branches most rabbits love chewing and playing with, work to get their food or hay. Like stuffing hay in tubes, hanging food up so they have to work to get them. As you can see my rabbits are more for food.

Not all male rabbit will start to spray when they get hormonal, but most will stop using the litter box and will be hard to become 100% litter trained again.
My bun has yellow feet but she only gets it after sitting in her litter box for s longish time
I don't know what litter you are using but as long as it's not cedar and if it is pine it is ok if it's kiln-dried. I know a lot of people on here use wood pellets from the hardwood store for litter and they like it a lot, helps with odor control and it should help with him not to get urine stains. To get the urine off of his feet I have used hydrogen peroxide and just poured it on their feet and wiped it off with a washcloth, just make sure to dry him off really good when you are done so he doesn't consume any of the peroxide.
He's very cute :) I also have lionhead white with a few black spots, his feet always white I use wood pellets for his litter and it is never wet, also he cleans himself very well. I would also recommend wood pellets they absorb urine very well and there's no bad smell as well, just try you'll love them I guarantee!
I have him temporarily in a pop-up play pen with a litter box that has both pins & u scented paper.
He's very cute :) I also have lionhead white with a few black spots, his feet always white I use wood pellets for his litter and it is never wet, also he cleans himself very well. I would also recommend wood pellets they absorb urine very well and there's no bad smell as well, just try you'll love them I guarantee!
***thanks so much! I’ll have to go out & find some wood pellets! I have been using unscented paper & pine shavings for his litter. I do keep his cage super clean but he likes to sit in his litter & groom himself?! So frustrating lol. His feet aren’t too yellow but I noticed they’re starting to turn yellow yesterday & I don’t want them to be nasty & just wanted to know how to clean them safely. Thanks again so much for your input ***
I don't know what litter you are using but as long as it's not cedar and if it is pine it is ok if it's kiln-dried. I know a lot of people on here use wood pellets from the hardwood store for litter and they like it a lot, helps with odor control and it should help with him not to get urine stains. To get the urine off of his feet I have used hydrogen peroxide and just poured it on their feet and wiped it off with a washcloth, just make sure to dry him off really good when you are done so he doesn't consume any of the peroxide.
Thank you! I am going to try the litter pellets! I have been using pine shavings, the safe ones & also the unscented paper litter. I am going to try the peroxide on his lil feet to clean! I keep his house very clean, I will scoop out any dirty litter 2-4 times/day as he, for some reason, loves to sit in his litter box & groom himself ‍♀️♀️ I’m new to being a bunny mommy so I’m trying to learn all I can to take the best care possible of this cute lil guy! Thanks again!
Getting a better litter that absorb the urine in the litter box will help your rabbit to not get stained feet.

I have a bun with white feet, they are never yellow.

You can spot clean a rabbit where they are dirty. Never washed my rabbits feet but if you change litter it will later become white again if it absorb right.

branches most rabbits love chewing and playing with, work to get their food or hay. Like stuffing hay in tubes, hanging food up so they have to work to get them. As you can see my rabbits are more for food.

Not all male rabbit will start to spray when they get hormonal, but most will stop using the litter box and will be hard to become 100% litter trained again.
Thanks, yea, I’m going to get the wood pellets everyone says is great for absorption & smell! I will definitely be trying some of your toy tricks to help keep him occupied while I try to get some work done lol, he’s so spoiled! He LOVESSS attention! I do want him to become free-roaming around our living room so little by little I let him out a couple times a day. I’m not looking forward to his potty habits changing once he hits 4 mos old or horomones kick in! He was way too easy to litter train, I keep hearing I may not be able to re-train him once he hits puberty ‍♀️ We shall see! Thanks again!
Thank you! I am going to try the litter pellets! I have been using pine shavings, the safe ones & also the unscented paper litter. I am going to try the peroxide on his lil feet to clean! I keep his house very clean, I will scoop out any dirty litter 2-4 times/day as he, for some reason, loves to sit in his litter box & groom himself ‍♀️♀️ I’m new to being a bunny mommy so I’m trying to learn all I can to take the best care possible of this cute lil guy! Thanks again!
Oh my, you will see with wood pellets you will only clean his litter once or twice a week :) I have a lionhead/dwarf mix myself and his toilet doesn't stink I only change once a week, for my lop rabbit I change every 3-4 days as she is bigger and makes more poop&pee.
They love their litter boxes and use them as beds as well so it is nice when they are dry. Good luck :)
I would not try the peroxide yet. That would be me, anyway. First give him a chance to clean his feet off himself. Once he has a better litter set up, he should be able to keep himself clean enough.

You can find wood pellets at hardware stores. They are sold for wood pellet stoves. Being in PA, you should have no trouble finding them. (I, on the other hand, have a difficult time in the Phoenix area. Not many people heating their homes with wood stoves out here. ;) )

Alternatively, wood pellets are sold as horse bedding at feed stores. They are basically the same thing.

You don't want to be able to see bare areas in the litter box. Those are spots that urine can sit and bunny can walk through (soiling his paws). With wood pellets, layer the bottom with about 1/2 inch of pellets (they expand!) and top them with hay. Add fresh hay daily. The hay will keep bunny feet from contact with soiled urine. As the others have stated, this litter set-up can last several days to a week -- no odor!

As for neutering, that can be up to you. Some rabbits are hardly affected by hormones. Others are a nightmare. If yours continues to exhibit no obvious behavior issues (forgetting potty habits, spraying urine, aggression, etc) and you have no intention of bonding him in the future with another rabbit, that it isn't always necessary to neuter a male.
Yes I just grabbed first link with a clear photo and description that Google suggested so Kristin could see what kind of litter I was talking about, I am pretty sure she'll be able to find them pellets in her local pet store for first time and then decide if she likes them order somewhere more and cheaper. :)
I have a 7 y/o male dwarf and his feet have a little tinge to them as well. It’s never given him any problems and I use the recycled paper material litter. But if everyone says the wood pellets will solve that issue, go for it. But I wouldn’t feel the need to clean his feet.
He also still has his members intact and believe me, when your guys starts spraying you’ll know. He doesn’t really do it outside of his cage, but he does it more often when I annoy him. If I take something away from him or accidentally knock into him he’ll spray. It’s not a lot, just rude.
As far as toys, you can go to any pet store and see what small mammal toys he likes, but my rabbit prefers toilet paper rolls, and phone books. He chews through paper like crazy. Also depending on where you are in PA, Upenn has a vet hospital for all creatures, but they’re expensive.
I have a 7 y/o male dwarf and his feet have a little tinge to them as well. It’s never given him any problems and I use the recycled paper material litter. But if everyone says the wood pellets will solve that issue, go for it. But I wouldn’t feel the need to clean his feet.
He also still has his members intact and believe me, when your guys starts spraying you’ll know. He doesn’t really do it outside of his cage, but he does it more often when I annoy him. If I take something away from him or accidentally knock into him he’ll spray. It’s not a lot, just rude.
As far as toys, you can go to any pet store and see what small mammal toys he likes, but my rabbit prefers toilet paper rolls, and phone books. He chews through paper like crazy. Also depending on where you are in PA, Upenn has a vet hospital for all creatures, but they’re expensive.
You know yesterday I visited a pet store with beautiful display cages and they use also recycled paper litter, I have to say it looks very well, I don't know the cost because there were at least 4 ft cages and at least one inch of this bedding, looked very clean but I don't know how often they change it there were 4 sale assistants at the same time so maybe they just take a very good care of display units. But yes looking really cool, I saw using this kind of litter once in real life and it was just a little bit in the corner of the large cage and entire floor was free of bedding, so wouldn't be expensive but there it was fully covered I think maybe a full bag used to cover such large unit.

I've heard of using phone book as a chewing toy and sounds pretty cool I have one old yellow pages phone book will probably give it a go :) I only a bit worry about there's printed paper is it okay for them?
I have a 7 y/o male dwarf and his feet have a little tinge to them as well. It’s never given him any problems and I use the recycled paper material litter. But if everyone says the wood pellets will solve that issue, go for it. But I wouldn’t feel the need to clean his feet.
He also still has his members intact and believe me, when your guys starts spraying you’ll know. He doesn’t really do it outside of his cage, but he does it more often when I annoy him. If I take something away from him or accidentally knock into him he’ll spray. It’s not a lot, just rude.
As far as toys, you can go to any pet store and see what small mammal toys he likes, but my rabbit prefers toilet paper rolls, and phone books. He chews through paper like crazy. Also depending on where you are in PA, Upenn has a vet hospital for all creatures, but they’re expensive.
Thanks so sorrymuch for your help!

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