Zeus and his does

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I think maybe this is just part of rescuing/adopting a bunny, the reason they were able to find their way to you is because someone else gave them up. In any animal or person that does often mess with trust issues, I think he just needs time. It took Wash a year + before he really trusted me. Just let him adjust and let him know that you're there to take care of him and love him forever, eventually he'll come around.
Peg, you need to remember he was in a rescue. He probably has issues with trusting people - he had ear problems - people had to treat him for that.

You haven't had him a week yet. Sometimes it takes awhile. He'll be happy. Tony is a bit subdued also. He likes to play and harass Clover and Bo, but he's not like jumping and running all day.... He actually looks really sleepy sometimes when he's wide awake.

Also, Peg, maybe you and Zeus are supposed to teach each other joy. :dunno
Thanks for the comments. I think I knew there might be some trust issues.....for those who don't know the whole story behind Zeus....he went into the shelter April 2006 ~ was adopted for a short period of time ~ had a bondmate ~ they both got returned to the shelter last October I think ~ and she passed away shortly after that.

When he lived in his other home - he was an indoor bunny - at the shelter he was an outdoor bunny (please folks - no criticism - he could've been a "put to sleep" bunny - so outdoors beat that option and he had a pretty decent set up I'm guessing). Also I could be wrong - maybe they were in a shed - I don't know.

When I got Tiny - it took us 1 and 1/2 month to get to where Zeus and I are today....as far as letting me pet him. With Tiny - the first times I went to pet him or touch him - he flinched. He was afraid - and it was because of the rough handling he got at the breeder's place.

With Zeus - its different. He's not afraid of being touched. He just looks sad. Tiny looked happy (even if he didn't love me) early on in the relationship. I mean - let's face it - he was in the house - had lots of freedom and free time - as long as he wasn't touched - life was far better than what he'd come from.

Zeus...looks sad and confused. He's been down this road before...been adopted and in a stranger's house. Then he went back to what he knew - the shelter.

I wish there was some way I could express in bunny language that he's staying here - that this is a lifetime commitment on our part. I wish I could help him understand that I love him....that even though we've both loved and lost....I want to love him for who he is....and trust me - he is definitely no Tiny. I'm ok with that.

I am feeling a bit more hopeful though. A few minutes before I started writing this - he woke up from a nap. He was all stretched out and grooming his front paws....and he looked almost happy - and comfortable. Then suddenly - I think something spooked him....and he went back to what I call his "meatloaf" position. I tried to grab the camera but he switched back too quickly to get a picture.

I do love him....I think I'm going to email Wendy at the shelter to see if he was attached to her or if she has any ideas.

He's my boy.....so please don't take my comments as saying he's not staying or anything. Its just....I want to find a way to help him adjust. I'm not sure if staying away helps - or if I should sometimes push myself into his life and have him just get used to me.

I don't have the time and voice to read books to him for hours per day like I did when we got Tiny....so I have to find another option.

I may be a little late with this.....

Does Wendy have ANYTHING that was his at the shelter that she could send you?


Maybe something of Wendy's would make him feel more comfortable.

Smell is one of the strongest memory triggers.
Peg, he could sort of be looking for his mate too - if he didn't figure out or even if he just thinks she could be there.

He's going to be fine. I know he will.
Well - he will risk Miss Bea's wrath to steal her yogurt chip....

He's fast too......

She's really mad too - he steals her yogurt chip AND won't groom her...

Separating them now..

OR NOT....

HE JUST GROOMED HER! It lasted all of two seconds...she's begging him to groom her...

I think Zeus is going to come around and once he starts grooming her (OMG he did a bit!) they will bond eventually. Not everybun has love at first sight! :p
I was messing with the camera settings and playing with the sepia color setting - when he started grooming her.

It went pretty well for.....a bit. I'm uploading it tonight.

I heard back from Wendy.....and I have a video of him looking happy tonight that I'll be uploading in a bit.

I suspect he and I will be teaching each other about joy....here's Wendy's note...

Zeus always has had a sort of "unhappiness" about him, and more so after Hershey died. I was (and am still) hoping that he can find a bondmate, Mrs. Bea or otherwise, that can make him a happy man again!

Zeusy didn't get a certain amount of pellets, just a filled bowl which he emptied about every other day. He loved all sorts of hay, and was given timothy all day every day, and some alfalfa when available.

For treats we usually give whatever is turned in with a bun, or fruits & veggies leftover from our dinner table. :) His favorite fruit that we tried was bananas, and he ate the few veggies we were able to give (romaine, carrots, parsley). As for store-bought treats, the yogurt drops, especially blueberry, was the one he enjoyed most.

Here he was housed in a 3'x6' home-made hutch and he mostly sat in one corner observing the world. Even when Hershey was around, they would sit in the corner and they would watch over the yard and other buns together. :) He likes toss toys, but wasn't an overly playful bunny at all. He did enjoy going out into the yard and bounding around, but generally he was a lazy bum. :p

I hope this answers most of your questions and concerns, and if anything else comes to mind I will definitely let you know. Some days he's up for petting, and some days he wasn't, it just depended on his mood. He's an odd one!

I love that video but WOW the end is something!

Do you think he got too aggressive in his grooming (bit her?) or she just got witchy?

He wanted to groom himself like he had an itch - wonder if he kinda bit her trying to scratch himself y aknow?

As I share this - Zeus is sleeping in his "bed" (litter box) and his mouth is just a moving - as if he's eating in his dreams.

Miss Bea is about 2 feet away from him - snoozing too. She would probably be in the litterbox with him - but the cat is in there..

I need to add this - I swept his pen last night- I mopped it a bit yesterday afternoon - but it still has the pee spots. I'm going to mop it again tonight with something a bit better to get them up.

The poops though are all from about midnight last night till this morning....and he has unpooped carpet he could go on...

*I can't breeved woman, you hair gettin' up my nodes!* (Zeus)

1. The cat has a new bed I see.

2. Miss Bea is smitten

3. Zeus is definitely a guy *groom me, feed me, I didn't mean to pee on the floor*

4. I still love him!

Also, Peg, you might have to do what we do with kittens to litterbox train them. CONFINE him to a small area - however he seems quite fine laying in his poos so that might not work either but it is worth a shot.
