I know I take a lot of pictures of Zeus - I don't really share them all here - just crop a few of the better ones and share those.
I think I have more pictures of Zeus in 3 days than I have of Tiny in 3 years...but I think I've learned my lesson.
Zeus is driving me up the wall - he sleeps in his litterbox and he poops anywhere he wants on his floor. My only other option is gonna be to cover his WHOLE floor with litterboxes.
You should've seen him when I put his poops in his litterbox yesterday. I think if rabbits could cry - he would've. Still yet...he went back and slept in the litterbox. It is really his favorite place to be I think.
Contemplating Lord Blumper's blog and if he should be worried..
Making sure I got his eyes as red (although they're not) in case he needs angry pictures later on for Blumper
He refuses to discuss his position on Blumper...uh...Thumper....
He's heard enough discussion.
Don't mess with him..
I mentioned the fact that I crop photos....well - here is what I cropped out of photos taken at the same time as those first two...
These two right now have a love/hate relationship. She wants to groom him and he lets her - but then he refuses to groom her and she chases him. She is locked up right now so he can get some playtime alone without her chasing him - but he's moping in his pen even though it is open.
Here is some video from last night....
I am thinking that she's angry at him this morning because they got separated last night (by me - since I wasn't going to be in here) and she was thinking about this scene...
Let's just say Zeus isn't the most faithful...
There is nothing like a SCORNED Wicked Witch of the West....uh....I mean .... Miss Bea...
And of course he was SO upset when she left in a huff....