Zeke's got balls!!!

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Pipp wrote:
And don't be too hard on the vet, Zeke was a foster bunny, it's quitepossiblesomebody at the rescue org was informed, even if itwas byvia the invoice info, but with the volumeofbunniescoming and going for spays and neuters, quite easy togetlost in theshuffle.
No one in the *rescue was informed* as we found out when Dawn did....ifwe had known, they would have been re-booked as we do not knowinglywant babies coming into rescue that could have been prevented.

Invoices are sent out on a montly basis and we do not yet have that invoice so nothing was lost in the shuffle.
I personaly would be very upset. That is justpeur neglagance. If you paid I would ask for a refund and go somewhareels for the surgery.
Yes, it is annoying but mistakes happen and wewill have everyone altered asap. I assue everyone they didn'tdo it on purpose.

This vet allows us to do what we do by providing a speuter at a costthat allows us to adopt out the bunnies at $50.....if they didn't, wewould not be able to adopt out altered bunnies unless we charged thegoing rate of $90-100 to recover the speuter cost.

Pipp wrote:

Anyhoo, sorry you have to go through this hassle, but I'm sure the SARSpeople will handle it. Julia or whoever all seem very willingto jump right in when there's a problem.
Yes, SARS is on it and yes, we are very *lucky* to have avolunteer like Julia who is willing to *jump* right in when there is aproblem and an animal needs to get to a vet.

Rabbit Hutch wrote:
Invoices are sent out on a montly basis and we do not yethave that invoice so nothing was lost in the shuffle.
I was thinking more of a 'mental' shuffle. ;)

There's a lot of volunteers and a lot of vet office personnel, a miscuelike that isn't quite the same as a civilianbringing in arabbit for a neuter, paying the bill and then finding out the procedurewasn't done,makingthe vet'sofficeridiculously incompetent, which is how some people hereread it.

If theytotally blew the communication, though, I thinkthespays should be free. Hopetheyagree! (Don't think I'll see Dr. Jack cleaning my house,though). :biggrin:


It was an honest mistake....only one volunteer was involved so it wasn't a chain of errors

Dawn dropped them off

Dawn picked them up

They didn't mention it to her....an honest mistake and as I posted -they do alot for us and have never made a mistake....things happen
Yeah, I can understand to a point. They do so much for SARS, and have been very good the times I've gone to see them.

I am dissapointed that they forgot to tell me, as it's caused a greatdeal of worry, and hopefully nothing else escalates the situation (iebabies...).

I have no idea what the circumstances of that day in the vets office, but I'm sure they have a good explanation.

And I do agree that they should do something to help out, but I'llleave that to Lisa to deal with. If she sees it fit to askfor these guys to get free or discounted speuters, then I'm sure shewill. As a volunteer, I don't have the authority to askanything like that.

I would like to also say, that they have been a very good vet clinic,and even though they made this mistake, I would still recommend them tosomeone looking for a vet. They have made it possible forSARS to spay and neuter the bunnies before adopting them out, whilekeeping the fees reasonable.

I'm sure they whole situation will work itself out!

aurora369 wrote:
I would like to also say, that they have been a very goodvet clinic, and even though they made this mistake, I would stillrecommend them to someone looking for a vet. They have madeit possible for SARS to spay and neuter the bunnies before adoptingthem out, while keeping the fees reasonable.
I like them a lot, too, they're very thorough and knowledgeable,although I don't give anybody blind devotion (other than maybe mymother). I've always supported thembecause of theirsupport of rescues, and particularly because Dr. Jack (although not hispartner) wasthe most up-to-date in terms of usingthemost recent meds and procedures (which took a lot ofresearch to ascertain in the first place).

But I ended up diagnosing Pipp's spurs (and subsequent kidney issues)myself, the other vet at the clinicmissed it (she wasn't atextbook case), and Dr. Jackdid miss an xray request of mineonce, so I'll be watching this and future dealings withinterest.And just in case, I'll be continuing tokeep tabson other vets in the area.

Let me know how it goes!

When my foster bunnies had their spays andneuter done, part of the discharge process at the vet's office was tobring me back and show me the incisions. That way. I could see what"normal " looked like and would be able to check later for swelling oroozing at the incision site.

Perhaps you could suggest to your vet that they include this step intheir discharge protocol. It would have been pretty evident that therewas no incision on the boys and some of this heartache/headache couldhave been avoided.
:shock:Wow,now that is one sorry mistake

I hope everything turns out ok,Dawn!

Djakarta wrote:
When my foster bunnies had their spays and neuter done, partof the discharge process at the vet's office was to bring me back andshow me the incisions. That way. I could see what "normal " looked likeand would be able to check later for swelling or oozing at the incisionsite.

Perhaps you could suggest to your vet that they include this step intheir discharge protocol. It would have been pretty evident that therewas no incision on the boys and some of this heartache/headache couldhave been avoided.
When I got my boy done at this same vet he did show me the incision andtell me what to look for in term of inflammation etc... and what to dofor aftercare.

But if you don't know that's what normally happens, then you wouldn't know to miss it. :?

It's an unfortunate miscommunication, but at least it wasn't a botchedsurgery like it seemed to be at first! It's a good reminder(for me)to double check all information particularly if youdon't speak directly to the vet!

Wow...that's just...(what's the word?)...special.

I'm glad to see that things are getting worked out, though...

Keep us updated, ok?

Love and hugs for all!


P.S. You'll have to excuse any curtness to my posts today...woke up with a head cold. :grumpy
Well, I will keep everyone updated and let you know that they get all fixed up.

I know Zeke has his appointment next Tuesday morning, the only day Idon't have 8am class, but I don't know when the rest will goin. It depends on when they can be transported fromChilliwack to Vancouver, and when the vet's has an opening for 7rabbits.

I don't imagine there's a rush to get Zeke done,but if there is, and you can get him to me in the evening, I can takehim in in the AM.

If Andrea is coming into town (her mom lives near me), her bunch can bedropped off, too, although seeing as I'm bussing it, won't be able totake in multiples.

There's no rush for Zeke, other than getting him to stop humping and spraying all the time.

The vet is all booked up till next week anyways. If I can'tget the fosters in on my own, then I know other members of the rescuecan help me. They're good that way.

Thanks for the offer, and if I need the help, I'll let you know!
