So here's what I have and I already know that my rabbits like dried thyme, mint, lavender, chamomile, sometimes sage too, Leo loves dried banana peels and there I have some melon peels and dried carrots and parsnip as well. Now not sure about ginger and turmeric they're on cutting board there's lavender, thyme, bay tree leaves and fennel seeds as well. But you say seeds are a no-no? Why?
Ginger (root and leaves) is safe in very small amounts (
Banana peels should be fed as sparingly as bananas themselves (melon rind also falls into this category of being high sugar and equivalent to eating fruit).
Turmeric, I don't see a definitive answer, so probably best to skip that one.
Rosemary is safe, as are bay leaves.
This site has a good list of safe foods (scroll down for herbs and garden plants)
Seeds are a no-no for a couple reasons - the main one is that rabbits can't break down the shells around the seeds, so they can cause digestive upset or even contribute to a blockage (combined with hair, etc.). Even if they *could* digest them, seeds are very concentrated nutrition - extra carbs and calories rabbits don't need that can contribute to obesity and diabetes.
A lot of things you've named count as either fruit or non-leafy veggies for daily ration purposes (and keep in mind that dried foods should be measured based on their volume *before* dehydration). It would be best to focus on the leafy herbs and use the other stuff very sparingly so as not to add too much sugar/too many calories to your bunn's diet.
As for your previous post, I once bought one of those chew toys with the porous/volcanic rock bit when Nala and Gaz were little. They took no interest in it, but every bunny is different. I usually buy untreated willow wreaths from Dollar Tree to satisfy chewing urges in my warren.
That braided hay thing looks really cute... did you make that or get it from the store? I'm thinking about trying to make one for my bunns!