Well-Known Member
Here's my new girl. I'm not sure what breed she is or howold she is....she weighs 1 pound.The pet store had no idea.She was in a cage with a bunch of dwarf lops and the tiny ones thathave standing ears. She's got the prettiest pink eyes!
My Holland Lop, Baby:
It's hard to see her face because it's so dark.
OMG! that bunny is absolutley Gorgeous!!!!!BunBun Mom wrote:Here's mynew girl. I'm not sure what breed she is or how old she is....sheweighs 1 pound.The pet store had no idea. She was in a cagewith a bunch of dwarf lops and the tiny ones that have standing ears.She's got the prettiest pink eyes!
BunBun Mom (from your pics on page 17), is it just me or does yourwhite dwarf bun look very much like mine! hehe my buns arebreedEnglish Angora cross Himalayandwarf and theyare 12 weeks old, also 1 pound.