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Ok, let's see if it works this time...

This's a pic I took today (the date on the camera's messed up) of metrying to give Calvin his meds. He was quite alarmed, he stayed in thatpose for about 2 minutes wondering what the heck was going on. hehe
Crap, it didn't work. Ok, I admit that I have noclue on how to make it show up the post...*sigh*...I'll guess have tobreak down and ask you for your help Carolyn. :)I've beentrying to get a good picture of the two of them together though, that'swhy I havn't e mailed you with a pic yet. I changed the pixel size onmy camera though so anything I take from here on out should be ok.
hehe Thanks! I took that pic yesterday...he wason the kitchen counter cuz that's only place I even have a chance ofgetting his meds in him. He began that sitting up thing a few days agowhen I put him on the counter, I guess that position means he'salarmed? He stands up on his back feet like that for like 3 minutestoo. Poor thing...

Here's a picture of my other one, Jordan. I keep their hay in that pinkthing, they often jump inside of it and help themselves. :)
These are my 3 bunnies

My Lop-Eared is Loppy & she is 2yrs old
My Beige Rabbit is Loopy & she is 2yrs old
My Black Rabbit is Poppy & she is 7mths old

Hope you like the pic
Hi All !

Thanks for the warm welcome.

@ Pet_Bunny
My buns names are Loopy, Loppy & Poppy

It took about two months for my youngest (the black one) to be acceptedby the other 2. It was alot of work, but worth it as you can see by thepic.

It was alot easier to bond the girls, than it was when I had 2 boys when I was still in England.

I have a problem with one of them at the moment. She is drooling andlost her hair under the chin. She is still eating bits and drinkinglots. I know from searches I have done that it is her teeth, but hasanyone got any suggestions about how I can check her teeth???

I tried to check them last night, but she wouldn't let me.

Any ideas would be of help

Cheers !!!!

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