Your nick-names!

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2010
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*formerly, hotmaildeal, , Brazil
Hi, I'm MILU. I guess. My 1st name was Poulet, and I'm still Poulet, but I prefer to be called MILU. Or TU ("tu" means "you"). Or Momet. Or Bobet. Or Caqui. . Or...........

I've recently found out that I'm not the only bunny who's called hundreds and hundreds of names by a human. I also got to know my pals even get "mean-ish" nicknames regarding their "bathroom activity" - humans seem to find this funny... :? well, I confess I like those nicknames... :p I'm always striving to get a new one!! :biggrin:
My mean-ish nicknames (those regarding my bathroom skills) are:

- "Caco" this is a common name in Brazil for people (it is actually the Brazilian version for naming Kermit the frog), but "Caco" also sounds like the masculine form for "caca", which is a childish way to say "poop".

- All sorts of similar names, like "little Caco" or "Caqui" (this one sounds somewhat similar to "caca", but it means the color beige). People must wonder why I'm called "beige" when I'm white.

- "Little Yellow" - oh... I guess everybody gets this one.. (blushing)

- "Pixadinho" (in Portuguese, it derives from the verb "pichar", which means "spray paint", but it also regards the Italian verb "Pisciare" = "pee")
My name was "Annie" when my mom bought me because she compared pictures on the internet to me and thought I was a girl. Then once I got older she compared me to the pictures again and thought I was a boy, so my name became "Bun Bun". Yea...that's right...Bun Bun. So then she took me to the vet to get fixed and found out I was a girl...again! So mom had to take me home and go back to the vet to get fixed (I didn't like that place). So now that I'm a girl again my name isn't back to "Annie", apparently mom still likes "Bun Bun."

Recently she started calling me "Ham" though. I think that's a hint I'm a little chunky.

I have girly nicknames, the most boyish one suits my gansta charactor.

but i get called:
barney bunny
mr barney
barney boy
mr barney sir(thats right, im the king!! )
and my personal favourites:
My actual name: Barney
and, The Barnsta, for when im strolling on the streets with my green and white spotty lea..d..........(*blushes dramatically*)
and she says a lot i llove you!:bunnyheart:and she smothers me in teeny kisses! trhen i groom her back and lick her and do her hair for her if she lets me. i am a VERY good hairdresser actually bunnieskiss
Hazel: Da lady sometimes calls me Hazel-Bum, or King of da Bunnies or Fluffybum.
Fiver: I was called Rubar before mummy got me. Now I'm called Fiver, but daddy sometimes calls me Fiveroo
My new name is HAVOC. I like this one :)

Annie, my owner and I passed through the same thing. My owner was told that I was a boy when she got me, but for some reason she thought I was a girl... she gave me girl names too. My 1st male name is / was Poulet, and she then thought I was a girl, she called me "Poulette" - the female version for my 1st name, and other silly French names like "Petit-Poi"... Then my owner found out I was a boy, I mean, I AM a boy. It took some time for her to figure out, but now she knows it. Some bad vets still think I'm a female though, and many human friends still call me "Poulette" or "she", even after 5 YEARS being told I'm a "HE". And some say We bunnies can't learn tricks.. humpf!
I am not even sure what my name is. When my mom first got me she called me Fuzz Ball. Then because I was so little she started calling me Little Bunny. Now I get called Little Bunny, Little One, Piglet, Meanie, Crabby Butt, Pooper. Usually it is Little One or Little Bunny though. More important, I know when she says here, she has something for me.

Chase-I have been called Chase for a long time. Then my crazy mom had to make all these cute names to go with Chase. Such as Chasers Racers. Now sometimes she calls me Chase but I get called Racers or Race a lot too. My mom also calls me Baby, Fighter, Pooper, My Race. But my favorite word to hear is 'Here". My mom started saying that word when she first got us and was trying to hand us a treat and wouldn't take it from her because we were still scared. So she would say here over and over again. Now, anytime we hear the word here, we come running. Even if I am upstairs and she is 2 floors below me, if I hear the word here, I am running!
Hey, Chase, you know what? I'm often called "Piglet" too! Well, the Portuguese version for it, which is "Porquinho"... then of course my owner creates her own versions for the word, that becomes "Ponquinho", "Ponco", "Porquetinho", "Porqueto", etc.. They say I look like animals depending on what they call the "angle" and call me animal names like snake, pig, deer, dog, cat, etc., in Portuguese. My owner's brother calls me a "rat". He thinks he's funny. Well, I think it's funny when he's around for the holiday and tries to sleep and I jump on his head and chew his hair. People know not how to have fun!
I don't blame you for jumping on him and eating his hair. It sounds like you are showing him who is boss in that house. I am more shy, I hide from my humans friends and family. You are a brave bunny! I say keep doing what you are doing. Show him who is boss in your house! People really don't know how to have fun. I mean how is it not fun to eat a box or poop on the floor. Not sure what is wrong with these humans.
Oh Chase, you said it all - how come they don't eat boxes, or spread decorative poops on the floor? You're so right! They're so jealous that they can't have fun like we do that they steal all our poops from the floor. I work so hard to decorate this place and everybody likes my poop so much that they steal it all and put it in what they call "trash". That must be the place where they keep all the good stuff. I've seen fruit peels and even greens there. My owner doesn't let me revolve it, though, she tells me I look like a beggar rabbit from shantytown when I try to sniff the trash. I think she wants to keep it all to herself. There's always new stuff there but she never shares. :(

Ask Amy to put you on her lap and hold and cuddle you forever and then give you your favorite food and gently kiss you all the time. Ask Amy to spend as much time as possible next to you (out of the cage) and you won't be shy anymore, you'll dominate her like I do at MY home. My owner learned how to speak my language. Why would I learn hers, nobody speaks spoken languages anymore!
ma mummy calls me pimp, cause when she got me i was the only boy (that the ppl knew of) out of the litter. then my da calls me butt-head. thats cause when he would lay down on the floor, i would come over, sniff him then put my but in his face, and he would just laugh lol thats ok though. he scares me, so i don't like him too much. he has wayyy too much energy for my liking...
Solara's nicknames consist of "Spaz" and "Baby" and "Fatty". She's a lil chubby XD

Sabriel's nicknames consist of "Cuddlebuns" and also "Baby".

When I go into my room, I always go "Hi babieeees! How are my babies?" And just make a fit :) Cause I just love them so much. They are really my babies. I adore them.

I had originally wanted to have a two-syllable name for both of my buns, cause it's easier, and you can come up with more nicknames.. yet I adored those two names way too much XD

Like, I raised a German Shepherd named Ruby, I always called her "Roobie Rubes".

And my Shiba Inu, Kiba, I call him "Keebies".

But with three syllable names, it's so much harder to come up with nicknames D':
Thanks for sharing your nicknames here - I feel much better knowing I'm not the only bunny who has so many nicknames, not only about how cute I am but also about my "digestive capacity".. haha :)

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