Yofi, Anna and the Crew, 2010

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MarisaAndToby wrote:
Oh my gosh that last picture... He looks like the devil's bun! But still somehow cute, only Yofi could pull that off. Poor boy, why won't that infection stay away!

hehe...I agree...only Yofi could look evil and still pull off "cute". I like to think he's the Brad Pitt (or maybe Johnny Depp, or Bradley Cooper) of bunnies. They can play evil, but still look cute. :biggrin2:
Some more pics

"Da nominators"








He ate my karrit!


Cleaning Yofi's face:


"pssst...Anna...she's lookin' at us again"







"The parsley's always greener...."




That head is always crammed into a food source, somewhere...



Another gratuitous tongue pic:



And finally, what can one say to this?

"Word to your mutha..."


Thanks Dave! Yofi sends tons of kisses back (can't say that Anna does; if she knew that two beeootiful does were sending kisses to her guy, she'd probably hit the roof. And believe me, you wouldn't want to see an Anna scorned. :shock:
Oh, I must say I cringe every time I see pictures of Yofi's 'site'. He's been off his antibiotics for a couple of days now, and I am really hoping he remains healthy (crossing fingers and toes). The Boy had developed an ENORMOUS scab this last time, and it finally fell off...but I imagine it must have been driving him crazy while it was there. (I remember as a kid developing all sorts of scabs from my constant personal contact with concrete, and they itched like the dickens.) Anna, unfortunately, is back to not being allowed to be with Yofi unless under strict supervision as she was once again licking his chest and leg, but they do get some time together. On Saturday I went out shopping and when I got home, walked into the rabbit room to discover a huge mess that Yofi had done. He has run of the room for the most part, but Anna does have to be in a cage to keep them separated. Under that cage is a catch tray for all of her droppings...I put a layer of puppy pee pads on the bottom (left over from Izzy's-whizzy days), then a fine layer of Woody Pet over top of the pads. Well, it seems Yofi must have been attempting to see Anna and got frustrated when he couldn't figure out how to get to her...he had managed to yank the tray itself partway out of its resting spot (it's a heavy sucker too, if you're a rabbit) and then he went to work hauling the puppy pads out from the bottom, followed by generously spreading little bits of used Woody Pet everywhere. I surmised that this was all triggered by his love for Anna because, as soon as I took her out of the cage she ran into Yof's cage, and he followed her like a fly to honey, then snuggled up against her as tight as a bunny can snuggle. Must say my heart went out to him, even while I was cursing under my breath as I cleaned up the mess.

Oh, and here's a story I wanted to share. Not bunny related, but it's kinda funny. This one is an Izzyism at its finest, I must say. It took place last evening just as I sat down to enjoy a bit of zombie tv (The Walking Dead: MUST SEE TV :)), and even now as I think about what my weird dog did, I still chuckle a bit.

(Some other time when I get a moment, I might even relate the story of how my comforter was killed...)

A border collie's fear

Being a first-time border collie owner, I must say that I'm learning an awful lot about this unique breed...especially the fact that they can be so sensitive and, when young, fearful. When I first brought Izzy home last April, it didn't take me long to discover that he was afraid of just about everything. If it moved, he feared it. If it barked, he shied away. If it zoomed, karoomed or otherwise bazoomed, he shook in his little Izzy pants. If it even broke wind, he cowered and fled. (Okay, yeah...I've known a lot of dogs who have been fearful of their own gas-passing abilities, so that one's not quite unique to the border collie world. ) However, given time, patience and positive encouragement, the Izzster has managed to overcome just about all of his little-boy fears.

However....last evening I discovered that Izzy has a hidden fear that I didn't realize existed. One brought on, unfortunately, by a tussle that Izzy had with my elderly dog Kaya a few months ago.

I guess it was around 3-4 months ago...one evening I was relaxing in front of the tv and had a bag of Orville Reddenbacher's best at my side. I'm not a huge popcorn fan per se, but every so often will get a craving and will wind up tossing a bag in the microwave, to perhaps enjoy with a favourite movie. That evening I'd decided to do just this, and so was curled up on the sofa and eating some popcorn, both dogs salivating at my lap. So I did something that I rarely do any more....I caved, and tossed a few kernels their way. Everything was fine too; Kaya would snatch a kernel out of the air as I tossed it, while Izzy would make an effort to snag one or two - always falling short (the boy would definitely not be good at basketball). Movie on tv was good, and all was well.

Then it happened. I inadvertently tossed a morsel of popped corn on the floor without first checking to make sure no one was in anyone else's line of fire, and - not actually witnessing the next second or two, can only surmise - I think that both Kaya and Izzy dove for the popcorn at the same time. Within milliseconds a huge brouhaha erupted, teeth gnashing and bodies flailing...and then Kaya, albeit 15 and arthritic, got the best of Izzy. She literally pinned him to the floor, doing her best imitation of a canid pro wrestler whilst poor Izzy flailed below her, yelping in terror and calling "UNCLE, UNCLE!!!" as only a puppy can. This only went on for a few seconds before I managed to separate them, and after a quick (and heartpounding) inspection of both dogs discovered that no harm was done.

Or so I thought.

Fastforward to last evening. I had just settled in to watch a great episode of "The Walking Dead" on tv before heading off to bed, and decided that hey, a bag of popcorn might go nicely while watching zombies tear into the flesh of the still somewhat-living. So I reached again for ol' Orville, and after the mandatory 3-minute run through the microwave, brought the freshly-popped bag into the living room and sat down.

Both dogs were already in the room (probably wanting to secretly watch the zombies themselves, just in case of some post-apocalyptic event...they'd want to prepare themselves). Kaya was lazily stretched out on a giant pillow on the floor while Izzy sat quietly on the hardwood, busily chewing away at his latest destuffed stuffed animal. I turned on the television, selected the channel for AMC, and then stuck my hand into the bag to fish out a handful of popcorn.

The next few seconds were a bit of a blur. A giant black-and-white torpedo launched itself off the floor, springboarded off the sofa cushion next to me, and landed in smack dab on top of the back of the sofa, where it remained, a quivering, emotional wreck peering down at me from above. After a few seconds - once my brain was able to comprehend exactly what had just happened - I found my mind was racing, trying to figure out why my already nutty border collie had just gone even nuttier. I put down my snack and turned to face him.

"Izzy?" I asked, looking at him as he stared back with huge canine saucers for eyes, "What's the matter?" He didn't respond, of course, but did shoot me a "What the bloody hell do you think is the matter???" look. I approached him, speaking to him calmly and saying, "Oh Iz, it's okay" (still not completely knowing why he'd suddenly wanted to become a sofa throw), and I petted his head. He relaxed at this gesture, and his eyes softened somewhat.

"C'mon Iz, let's get down now", I said to him, gently guiding him off the back of the sofa and once again to the safety of the floor. He immediately transmogrified back into the Izzster, a waggly-tailed, wanna-play-BALL-all-day puppy. I smiled, tossed his destuffie a couple of times for him, and then settled back once again. I reached out, picked up the bag of popcorn that was still awaiting consumption, and put my hand in to take out a few morsels.

And that's when I came perilously close to wearing an Izzy-fez. The Boy shot straight off the floor, up over my shoulder and was clambering to try and get on top of my head. Paws were thrashing in every direction as he struggled to maintain a headlock on me. I, on the other hand, was now flailing my own paws about, trying to grab my fool dog and get him off of me while I still had hair left to complain about. He did finally release his death-grip on me, but then transferred it to the back of the sofa, where it seemed he decided to stay firmly planted for the rest of his natural days. Then - once I checked myself over for any scratches and bruises that the Izzinator might have adorned on me - it finally dawned on me. Izzy was terrified of the popcorn.

It seems that this little black and white charismatic, happy-go-lucky hound has now associated the sight and sound of a bag of popcorn being rustled with that of getting soundly whooped by a popcorn-lusting Kaya. The sight of one kernel of corn on the floor, or even the sound of a hand pulling a few bits of popcorn from the Reddenbacher bag, triggers a huge, 'ohnoshesgonnagetmeagain' fear in him. Now, I did finally manage to convince Izzy that a kernel of popcorn was not, in fact, going to spell his instant demise, but he still quivers at the sight of a bag pulled fresh from the microwave and sitting peacefully on the end table. So for the next while, I guess I'm going to have to switch my movie snacks. Maybe an apple. Or a pear. Or a banana. At least they're not too threatening.

Though truth be told, I'm not really all that sure about bananas.
Thanks Dave! It was a very nice Christmas here. My son flew home on the morning of the 23rd and he left yesterday afternoon. It was really nice having him here as he couldn't make it home last Christmas, and without him it just didn't feel like Christmas, even though my sister and brother - and their families - are here. After Stephen left yesterday I spent a bit of time nailbiting as I waited to hear that he'd arrived safely, as bad weather was rolling in just as his plane was getting ready to leave. He wound up getting back half an hour late (plane was diverted on the ground so they could de-ice before leaving), but when I called him he was in good spirits, saying, "That's the first time I've been on a flight where they actually serve you free wine!" I suspect the complimentary drinks were in part to put customers at ease, as the flight was rather bumpy. Seems to have worked. ;)

Oh, and we've had no snow to speak of this year at all, but on Christmas day it started, and now we are in a winter wonderland. (Quite cold today, but I don't care.) The timing of the snow was perfect and added to the holiday spirit. I hope everyone had a wonderful, happy holiday, and here's to the upcoming New Year!
Hi Peg! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas this year. :)

My sister is to begin her treatments next week. I went with her to meet the oncologist (she was told that everyone is scheduled to meet with an oncologist to weigh whether or not they should consider chemo). Can't say I cared for that doctor at all, actually. I found her abrupt, talking 'at' us rather than to us, and she didn't offer any option about chemo...she just told her when she'd scheduled her in for the treatments. However, my sister seemed okay with her, so that's what matters. When she got the test results back - these were further, more conclusive tests that they'd run after the initial surgery - they found that the cancer was a bit more aggressive than they'd thought...initially they said it was slow-growing and very small. This time they said it wasn't slow-growing, but was still on the small side. Anyway, I can't recall the entire schedule for her (I'll have to write it all down), but I believe she is to have 6 rounds of chemo followed by radiation afterward. Sounds like she'll be off work for at least 8 months or so. It's frustrating that I don't have a car as it limits me in offering to do things for her, but at least I can be there on weekends, and I can take time off work if she has days where she wants someone to be with her. When she was complaining about having to get a wig, and how bad some of them look, even the better ones, I told her that she should forego all of those and get a big purple wig with sparklies on it. ;) I think that's going to be one of the harder parts of all this...when she loses her hair. Thankfully that's temporary.

I'm still crossing my fingers with Yofi, but so far (said fingers crossed) the infection is staying at bay. He's been wearing his cone day and night - unfortunately he'll always have to wear it - and because he can't get at the site, it remains infection-free. The collar that I'd made for him wasn't quite keeping him away from it after a while; The Boy had learned to manipulate his head around it enough to be able to touch the top part, so I couldn't take the risk in his aggrevating it again. Poor Yofi; I do feel sad for him at times because I'll catch him sitting just outside Anna's cage in the mornings, peering in at her. She is allowed to be with him when I'm home, but at night I separate them - and when I'm not here - because she could start aggrevating the site by grooming him there. However, Yof manages quite well with the cone despite his hating it (who can blame him?) and he'll follow me around the kitchen like a little radio receiver trying to get reception. And when I do take it off he melts into me, loving the shoulder/neck massages that he gets. :biggrin2: Anna, of course, lets him suck up to her for only so long; she'll groom him and clean his face for him, but then is the first one to dive into his food dish and shove him out of the way when it's dinner time. The girl has priorities, I guess.

I have to go and catch up on some blogs here to see how everyone did over the holidays. And of course Izzy is rrrrrrring at my feet, pestering me to play with him, take him out, give him attention attention attention! In the meantime my house is a mess - as I sit here, the living room is literally covered with the guts of a destuffed Christmas dog toy) and I'm overdue in cleaning the bunny room as well (I swear, Yofi now enjoys creating murals on the floor with his (ugh) sticky night poops). What a MESS that boy can cause! I hope everyone is doing well at your house Peg...hoomans and critters both. :) Here's to a wonderful upcoming New Year for you as well! :hug:
Hi Di, that was nice that your son made it home for Christmas. I was very glad to be with my family even though it was a short visit. It felt long leaving the munchkins.

Poor Yofi, having to wear the cone all the time. You don't think the outfits like this he would keep on, maybe with abd pad by his Bo Bo.



They come in small medium and large he'd probably be a large.

Poor Anna too having to be separated from her Love.

Happy New Year Di.

Susan, Daisy Mae, Winston & Vega
Oh, I don't think I received a notification about your post, Susan! Haven't been here in a while, so this is a very belated Happy New Year to you!

I doubt that Yofi would wear an outfit for very long, especially on his own...he tends to chew and rip at anything he doesn't like, unfortunately. However, he's now on a schedule where he wears The Cone during the day when I'm not here, and at night when I'm asleep...but when I'm up and around I take it off of him so he can be himself. And so far (fingers crossed) he's been doing very well. I recently put Anna back with him too and she doesn't seem to bother with his previous boo-boo area. So the two of them are a lot happier now, I think. :)

Anyway, to update the blog - as I said, haven't been around in a dog's age(!) - here are a few photos I took last week of Anna and Yofi...

Enjoying ****erries:





Getting upset when all the ****erries are gone:





Anna spoiling Yof:








And on an adventure out to visit The Dogs:





Izzy getting a bit of a 'tude (had to give Izzy a reminder that bunnies are part of the family too, at that point):


hehe...when Yofi first entered the room (lookit Izzy's face, vs Kaya's 'eh...so what'):




Kaya warning Yofi to keep his distance (as if he's ever listened to her):


And off-bunny-topic; a shot of Izzy having fun in the snow recently:


Thanks jj! :) I love taking pictures of all my animals, but don't do so nearly often enough. It's a wonder Yofi hasn't started complaining about his lack of camera time. :p

Dave, you're absolutely right...Yofi is a ****erry hog (actually he's a hog when it comes to all things edible). He shoves his big fat head into the dish and blocks Anna, keeping it there until his mouth is completely crammed with food. Only then will he move out of the way; and even then it's only for a few seconds before his head is once again in the dish. I had to move him a couple of times to make sure Anna got her fair share of berries. Not that she doesn't try, mind you; she shoves Yofi with her head and tries to heave his body, but The Boy is just too stubborn and too determined. And when he's sporting The Cone, forget it...that thing is like a forcefield to Anna. It completely engulfs the food dish, creating a barrier so only Yofi's head can fit.

Oh, and lately his appetite has been through the roof! Whenever I bring some food in for the two of them, Yofi is allllll over me, ramming and shoving into me, pushing any containers I might have in my hands, grabbing and yanking greens from me before I have a chance to put them down. The funniest thing though, is his tail. For some reason Yofster's developed this new "thing"; as soon as food is on it's way to the dish his tail starts twitching and wiggling in excitement. He's become a bunny weirdo. ;)

My sister just had her second round of chemo last Thursday. So far (fingers crossed) she's doing quite well both physically and emotionally, or at least seems to be. Last evening was the first time I heard her say that she's getting tired - a side effect of treatments - but she is being given lots of meds for nausea, and so far hasn't had any. She began losing her hair around a week and a half ago, and it was all very sudden, which she wasn't expecting. Both she and I thought it would be gradual, but she said that on a Friday evening she had several strands of hair come out, and then on Saturday morning it was coming out in huge clumps. Something the doctor didn't warn her about - they told her that she'd lose her hair, but no one said it would be almost all at once. I suppose it varies from person to person though. She's still working, though does leave early if she gets tired, so I guess so far she's doing pretty well. There's 6 rounds of chemo in total, then a break for a month and then 4 weeks of radiation. A long haul, but it's being done more as a preventative of a recurrence. LOL...one minor bonus through all of this: her ex stopped being nasty to her. :biggrin:
I am glad your sister is doing good so far. Its too bad it took this to happenfor her ex to stop being nasty. She's in my daily prayers.

Nothing stands between Yofi and his fud! I like the twitching tail, maybe being around the dogs all this time is having an affect on him.
Fingers crossed for your sister as she goes through her chemo. Watch as my son's hair came out in clumps. It is a bit unnerving when it happens. So we cut the rest of the hair off. He thought it cool being bald. My husband did the same thing to help with Henry's confidence. It helped completely.

Wishing your sister complete remission.

Love the weird rabbit move. My Dobby does the same thing when he sees Jake come in the room. They are becoming fast friends.

K :)

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