Yea! She is finally out of the cage

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Oswald and Alfred both have small second levelsand they both use them quite often. I was worried that Alfred mighthave a hard time so I built him a small step up to the second level.

Alfred uses his mostly for relaxing, but I put one of those hangingballs that holds Hay on Oswald's second level and he goes at that thingall day long. I think it's nice because it adds extra space.

missyscove wrote:
Just a question, can she get to the water bottle withoutjumping to the second level, or does she have another? Idon't want her going thirsty.
The water bottle hangson a rung on the second shelf but the spout sticks through one of theholes into the bottom of the cage
Lori L wrote:
Also, how will she get up to the second level?
I use wodden bird ladders for ramps in my NIC cages. I coverthem withpegboard (so they don't injure their legs) and theywork great! Backside up, the pegboard provides greattraction.

Theladders have hooks on the top that you can hook right ontothe NIC grids. If you get the large one, it's long enough tomake the ramp easier to climb (so it's not too steep).

My rabbits like to jump UP the levels, but use the ramps to go back down.

I put pegboard on the levels, too. It's cheap and works great.
If you think she wont jump up, you could add a ramp..

I think it depends on the bunny. Mine loves to jump up on things andwas actually scared of the ramp. He just jumps up and down as hepleases. Once you get it covered with something secure, put a raisin upthere and see if she goes up!