Yea! She is finally out of the cage

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Wow..great job! Did you do all that today??

you know, I built one of these for my loner boy, Mr. Tumnus, and alarger one for my bonded pair, Basil and Max. Basil and Max would notuse the second level, so I eventually took it out. Tumnus,however, spends most of his time up there.

I would keep all her food and water on the lower level and then put afew treats on the second level to encourage her to explore. Also, youshould probably line the upper level with something so her feet cantslip through (the straw mat is great!). I bought some large stick ontiles from Home Depot and used those on the second level..then coverwith straw mats. Also, you should probably get something to support thesecond level just to be 100 percent sure it can support herweight. I used a dowel rod and cut it to size, then usedcable ties to secure it to the second level (also, shelving L-bracketswork great too!).

The coroplast should be fine to nibble a little bit on. As long as sheisnt consuming a lot of it. If I ever catch Tumnus chewing onhis, I just put something else in front of it, like a cardboard boxwith hay or something.

Great work though!
SOOOSKA wrote:
Are you going to reinforce the cage with electrical ties so it doesn't fall down?

Sooska: I only used cable ties in a few places, and itsdefinitely strong enough. Actually, when I first tried to make mine, Iused the cable ties and it felt flimsy, so thats why I chose to use theconnectors. :)
I have a super duper trick for supporting upper shelfs. L shaped brackets.

You need to use a slender zip tie (also known as cable/electical tiesor zap straps) to fasten the bracket underneath the upperlevel. I find it works best where the grids meet.

Here's a picture:

Works way better than wooden dowelling, my shelfs don't move a bit, nomatter how many buns are up there, and I've had six at one time...

SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi Lori, great looking cage. Ours use the second& third levels all the time.

:apollo:Are you going to reinforce the cage with electrical ties so it doesn't fall down?

I will if you think I should but those things that come with the grids are pretty I wrong?

Also, how will she get up to the second level?
Here's a couple of pictures of Wilbur & Jackie'c cages. Yes they have two. It's a long story.

Most - though not all - bunnies like to jump upand down from level to level. When i got Nibbles, she'd never doneanything like that (poor girl) and it took her a while to figure itout. You could also install a ramp for her. (There are various ways ofdoing that...)

I doubt many elderly bunnies would be able to make the leap, though - best to keep them on one level.

I'll third (or fourth?) the suggestion re. cable ties and other supports... The connectors on their own aren't enough.
the connectors are fine, seriously.

just support the second level with something like L-brackets ordoweling etc, and any area that you feel is a bit flimsy add some cableties.

cable ties also work great for the area you want to be the door :)
Connectors alone didn't work for me. Honest!
:D:DWOW ALL THAT IN A FEW HOURS! im no rabbitexpert...i dont even have a rbaiit nor am i an nic cage expert butthats pretty impressive :D:D
I'm going to put a box under the second level to support it and a towel up there so her feet don't slip through.

The connectors that come with the set really are very sturdy if youmake sure all the connections are really connected the way they shouldbe. They sort of snap into place when they are secure.

It was so easy it took me only a few minutes to make. But as usualy, Toto is satisfied just sitting in her litterbox.

Believe it or not I only used one box since I haven't put a top onwhich I don't think I'll be doing if I find that she doesn't use thesecond level. And even if she does end up using the secondlevel, it's not a big deal if she got out as plan on keeping her dooropen. She can't chew things so I'm not worried
ec wrote:
Connectors alone didn't work for me. Honest!
Where did you purchase your shelving? I think that some stores havedifferent connectors. Ive heard this before from people that theirswerent sturdy enough. I bought mine at Target and they really snap inthere. I can hardly get them apart they are so sturdy.
Haley wrote:
ec wrote:
Connectors alonedidn't work for me. Honest!
Where did you purchase your shelving? I think that some stores havedifferent connectors. Ive heard this before from people that theirswerent sturdy enough. I bought mine at Target and they really snap inthere. I can hardly get them apart they are so sturdy.
Yup Target and they are so secure that I'm cursing all over the place trying to get them apart!
Another picture with some minor changes and toysadded. I highly doubt she will ever jump to thesecond level


Hi Lori, are you going to cover thegrids? If she jumps up she could hurt herself if her feet gothrough the holes? We used plywood one one of ours.

SOOOSKA wrote:
Hi Lori, are you going to cover the grids? If shejumps up she could hurt herself if her feet go through theholes? We used plywood one one of ours.

Oh yes, of course I will, maybe a towel or carpet pieces.
Just a question, can she get to the water bottlewithout jumping to the second level, or does she haveanother? I don't want her going thirsty.