Well-Known Member
We can rule the! (AAAAAAGh) I hope she's going home
OMG is it Britney week?!!! :shock::shock:Glad she is gone, but have to give her credit, she was really, really good in her final performance, she can go with her head held high.
Dannii was crying because of that stupid, annoying little man Louis Walsh bullying her. :X Had the smirk wiped off his smug little elf face tonight!
Alex to win.
I am sooo looking forward to next week! Eoghan singing Britney will be hilarious! And I like Britney, will be good to see her back.Why on earth is Miley Cyrus going to be there though? Ugh.
I would personally be very disappointed if Eoghan doesn't sing 'I'm Not A Girl, Not Yet A Woman'
Fran:hearts :brownbunny
How can you say such a thing. I am not watching the X factor any more since Rachel has left. Rachel was the only person on that thing with talent. Although I now wish Ruth wins.I HAAAAAAAAATE Rachel (sorry Paul!)
O.K. from that post right there I have gathered that you don't like anyone who has had a bad past. It's not anything to do with there past it's about talent. Rachel was talented andBritney is good too, even though I don't like herWOOOOOHOOOOO!!! :bunnydance:
I think it was going to happen whether Simon sent her home or not- she's been in the bottom too many times- clearly the public just don't like her!!
I was literally pooing myself before Dermot announced Alexandra was through.... I seriously think she should win!!
So Miley Cyrus and Britney are on next week?.....Yay? :X Not big fans of either... particularly not Britney!!!