So glad to have the live shows again!
I can't believe Rikki is there he makes me feel sick he is so so so so so average, how did evil Cheryl put him through over Ethan? :X
I don't mind J&E, they aren't good singers but they are entertaining I think, imo they would do well in some other line of showbiz. But nobody deserves such a hate campaign against them, it's absolutely disgusting. They are just 17, this should be the time of their life and the pathetic British public and the press are just ruining it for them.

But Cheryl saying "You can't sing - fact." OMG I lol'ed at that, does she think she can sing?! [ame=][/ame]
I don't think Kandy Rain should have went out. Ugh Cheryl's comments, who cares what they wear? They sang well I though, actually I think they were better than Miss Frank. But they never had a chance. Of that bottom two, I would have put Rachel out, I don't like her very much.
My favourites were Joe (what a surprise!) and Jamie. I'm not sure if I just liked that one performance of Joe or if I'll keep liking him, but he was my top on Saturday. I love Jamie, I really really wish Simon would give him some recent rock songs. I also like Lucie, she is amazing. I thought I would hate Lloyd (the welsh Eoghan Quigg) but ended up just feeling really bad for him. What was she thinking giving him Cry Me a River? :S Stacey is great too, but I find her a bit uncomfortable to watch? I dunno why. Olly was a bit of a let down... and I won't start on Danyl. =X