WORST XMAS GIFT EVER!!!!!111oneoneone

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seniorcats wrote:
Woo hoo! Great legs on that man!

you have no idea. haha.

My friends say he has ''incredible calf muscles''. And he has to walk .6 miles from his car to work every day, uphill no doubt. And before he got a job there he was big into DDR for years.

Now if I can just get him to work off that gut, maybe he'll fit into that sexy onsie.
I know this is a bit late... but...
my 22 year old cousin got those exact pj's for christmas. They're a child xl from target.
She, on the other hand, is keeping them though they're a bit tight because she's simply too tall.
Jesse...those are some awful looking jammies. Oh man! I have a monster in law too...but she doesn't buy me gifts. Just gets us gift cards to places my hubby will like and doesn't necessarily get anything for me (thank GOD!). But, if I were to picture her getting me anything, it would probably be those pjs. It's the most unsexy thing to wear for to bed with your husband.

I could only imagine saying to Chris aka myhubby of a little over 1 year"Hey I'm not wearing anything under these feetie pajamas. Do you want to unzip them down to me feet?" Oh man I would get the strangest look and I bet that would be the only time a guy would ever say "No thanks!" LMAO

BTW, as a kid I HATED those things and those were all the jammies my mom would get me. But they make your feet sweat like mad. So one night when my mom was at work, I took safety scissors and cut the feet off every single pair I had. Take that! ;)
JAK Rabbitry wrote:
Ok so i'm sitting here being miserable from my day and Erron decides to cheer me up.

Apparently he found my kitten jammies and attempted to squish his 6 foot frame into something thats hardly big enough for ME. And then he came out here and put on a fashion show for me and I laughed my arse off. He let me take a picture.

"Put THAT on RO!"

So I am.


You know Jessie, iff'n there's any bunnies in those cages, I'll bet they're now scarred for life...:wink
hahahaha that is fuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnny, you should make him wear that and clean the bunnies cage with his mum there.

Oooh that red, I love it.

I like yours too Zin. That is a good idea about that to keep your hair color faiding.
O0o0oO SEXY personally i think you should exchange them for a lager size and gift them to your hubby keep the kittens tho theyre utterly gorgeous though. You should be thanking her lol. My friend has a pair with moons on them and i gave her so much stick tehehez
one year my step mom gave me a used jewelry box with one used earring in it... while my other sisters got gift cards ... I know it supposed to be the thought that counts ... and I could understand if she was low on cash but the woman makes a lot of money and so does my dad... She always buys expensive things for her daughter and grand daughters all year long... I treat her the best out of my other two sisters and i felt is was a slap ion the face...
bat, that is mean really. I would feel hurt.

I can understand giving more to the younger ones such as grandchildren. Like my dad, he always give me and my sister money but gives my sister a bit more cause she has 2 kids. So I can understand that.

but you with used jewlery box and 1 used earings. Something wrong with that picture. And they got gift cards.
i didn't say nothing... i still have thejewlrey box... i told hubby if something ever happened to me i want it to go back to her sice it meant so much for her to give it to me..lol also they gavemy husband a nice gift that year... i try not to go over there to much when she is home...
Okay, I am ALWAYS cold...and I love fuzzy, warm jammies! But a onesie? Hello, monster-in-law? WTH is up with that? I mean, if you are cold enough to have to wear that much to bed where you can pile on blankets, quilts, etc....why in the world would you want to have to strip down to your toes to sit on the toilet? That is just insane. Forget the fact that they've got pink kitties...they just don't make sense.

Still, Erron looks pretty cute in them. I about wet myself giggling over that pic. Thanks for posting it. I am hoping to make the PARBA show...may have to chip in a few bucks to see you in those pjs...

~Mary Ellen
I'm always so cold at night that my skin is actually cold to the touch. Erron doesn't let me touch him. :(
But I like to use his chest as a pillow and he is always so hot at night that he sleeps without a shirt and I get so ticked because then my face sticks to his manb00bs. And I wake up with nipple pastered to my ear. So I make him wear a shirt to bed now. I know i'm terrible.

Seriously, you guys meet up with me on the Saturday PaSRBA show, see if you can make a deal, and i'll wear them on Sunday for a while. With my converse.
