WORST XMAS GIFT EVER!!!!!111oneoneone

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oh. my. god.



Has to be a gag gift. I had no idea they made those in adult sizes. I can't believe you survived even putting it on. I thought being covered in pink kittens would make you explode or something!

Definitely get a grandma sweater. Either has to say "Best Grandma Ever" or something like it, or have birds on it like the ones my grandma always wore. Don't forget the granny head scarf!
Can I have it?!

Those are my most favorite pj's ever!!!! :shock::embarrassed:I'm just a weirdo :tongue

Ok it's hilarious cause it's just so not you! LMBO. Poor you! But, I really did enjoy laughing at, errr I mean with, you. I soooo love your video. Lmao. Should have had bunnies on it though! :brownbunny

Thank you for the giggle. I needed it.
that is too funny, you need to take some gross pictures of you in those AWESOME jammies and send them to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is too funny
Freakin' awesome girl! You look so hot in your kitty jams!

Don't you dare return those - wear them to the next rabbit show!

Pam :p
Don't you dare return those - wear them to the next rabbit show!
Just wait till they found out you gave them to her and have a matching pair.... so you can be sisters. ;)

Loved that part of the video!
Now, I agree that it is awful and a bit scary...

but to be honest... as someone who is also always cold... I would probably wear it all the time.


girl don't feel bad My step-mom and dad for the last few years have gotten me crappy wal-mart gift sets. Ya know like last year it was hot chocolate with mugs. The year before that was nascar coffee cups. bah why does she even bother if she's not going to put any thought into it. my father in-law always got me good gifts!
Well the next show i'm going to be at is the Pa convention in February. Now that's a big show with a LOT of people. I'm sure the Pam Nock will be there to vouch should I decide to go in style. But due to fact that this show is large.... I'll require more than just a few bucks. If one can round up maybe $10 I'd do it. I'll put it towards a nice chocolate buck....

OMG they are hilarious!!!! -- This woman is evil and a monster and needs to be stopped...or encouraged for comedy value LOL -- I would never have even thought they made those things for adults!! - I think I need to get me a pair for my boyfriend for Christmas LOL -- Oh my she obviously cant deal with the fact of her son doing the deed and so is doing whatever she can to prevent you from ever doing it again --- OMG can you imagine if, heaven forbid, your house caught on fire and they were the only thing you could put on and had to run out into the street wearing them!

The last time I remember wearing feety pjarmas was when I was 3, and the inside was really itchy and scratchy even though the outside was fluffy, well it was the 80's. I loved them and remember thinking that grown ups should have them too....now I know why they dont LOL

Pictures as promised. I left my makeup on last night and therefore woke up looking like a zombie. I didn't bother to brush my hair after I woke up either. I figured it added to the whole bed time look.



You can't see my cha-chas because there's bunnies over top of them. Sexy. (Bunnies plus pajama photo as per request)


This is what aI usually wear to bed. Note the lack of sexy and that fact that my attire is in 2 pieces is enough to turn any man off.


In case you were wondering about my weird blue socks.... they have santa lobsters on them. And a sleigh being pulled by sea horses. I wasn't kidding when I said I collected/liked lobsters.

Something else I think should be brought to everyone's attention. Note the orb over my left knee. According to Sylvia Browne, all orbs are ''angels''. I see lots of orbs and it can also be believed its jut dust on your camera lens so whatev.

Then I noticed this weird glare on the window behind me. I zoomed in on my computer and I traced the features of a person...complete with 2 eyes, ears, a nose...and hand or a knife or something. I outlined it for you. Here be creeped out.

Or maybe I jsut need to wash my windows.


Basically theres thingies in the picture of me with normal PJ's and not in the pictures of me in the onsie. So one can logically deduct that the higher power supports the more modern look for bed time.
I hope my big sessy cowboy doesnt see these pics... he will leave me fo shooo..

I am jealous.. seriously....im 6ft3.. when my mother in law bought me some of those, I had to cut the feet off.

The gifts only get better the longer your married to her son.... so you have lots to look forward too...HA.

Now, if ya'll will excuse me.. I have to go wear my snow boots and gloves...in TEXAS, a gift from my Monster-in-law..

'Cause yanno they were a good buy... CLEARANCED!

Mother in laws should be banned... they are right up there with evil hamsters and clowns.

My daughter and grandson have the pleasure of having lunch with my mother in law today. I laughed and told her *Better you than me*... me and my son will literally be in therapy today... so we're excused from the berating.

I am sure there's some sort of joke in there... *An amazon and her spawn were having therapy and....*

Oh.. and your window ghost looks like Pac-Man with a Toupee and a box cutter...

waca waca waca waca wacaaaaaaa

now take thos jammie pictures and get them blown up, something like 11x7 or bigger and put them in a frame and give it to her for Christmas!!!!!!!!!! And whenever you go over her house ask her, innocently, where is the picture of me in your present. And every year she gets you a crappy present take a picture of yourself in it and get it blown up and give it to her for a present,maybe just maybe she will catch on and get you better presents,lol.