worried to death

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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2005
Reaction score
ozark, Alabama, USA
well the reason why i am so worried is becauselast night about 10:00 i went out to the building where i keep therabbits, well anyways i notice that there was a bunch of fur thatroxanne had pulled, what i have been told is that they do that whenthey are pregnant, but when i went out there this morning there were nobabies, i dont know if she did that last night so she would not have todo it right before she gave birth

Please help me i am so confused!!!


She seemed to be very aggitated last night and this morning.

that was what i was thinking because when she hadher last litter she pulledher fur out a few hours before she had thebabies! so yall think there is nothing to be worried about? my momthinks that she will probably have them tonight or tommorow!
I wouldn't worry too much. Do you know when she was bred? Are you sure that she is pregnant and this isn't a false pregnancy?

If she is over her due date by a few days then I would start to worrythat she is retaining a kit and it isn't able to pass. That would be asituation where you would need to involve a vet.

Fergi's mom
Would this be her first litter with this buck or has he "proven" himself already?

Do you know how to palpitate to confirm pregnancy? I am not sure whatelse to say. If she is far along then palpitating her will be of no usefrom what I have read.

Hope someone with more experience will answer this post...I am all out of suggestions!

Fergi's mom


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