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It is still a shock to see his empty cage...

Lenka's kits are working on their cuteness to get my mind off of things... gave Roxanne's kits a box with cutouts to destroy... they LOVE doing that...

Segal reminds me "Hey, up here!" He is a good boy about not spraying me, especially since he is top of the stack and he would get me in the head if he was so inclined...

Kids and teachers were back today... if one more person asked me how my break was... arrgh!:grumpy

I do not get the holiday breaks off...someone has to help steer the ship and I am coming into my busy time of year with graduation and awards night... but I am grateful for work so I try to smile it off but to those that had a week off and time by the ocean, I am definitely jealous!!!!!

And with the veterinarian out again to try to vaccinate Weatherly (she did not succeed but I did after some talking and gently arguing with Weatherly)...

Stepdad is excited to receive a CD I bought him and mailed to him tomorrow...

Kits are doing well...

Today, life is good. It is good to be thankful.

Dad got the CD in time to listen to it yesterday and my sister had it playing for him all day today as dad going downhill quickly, as my sister said. She said when I talked to her briefly that Dad called me "his Christmas angel." He saw the priest today and mom said he is at peace - for her to go up to see him, since they had a tempestuous marriage and she is great at holding grudges about their time together, was a moment.

As I am in a "holding pattern" at the moment, I will be headed out to the barn to play with all the rabbits and horses... good therapy for me lives out there.

Lenka's kits have decided no more nestbox - they are practicing little binkies on their little legs...they are a handful each of Holland Lop cuteness.

Roxanne's kits are growing quickly and make me laugh with their explosive binkies that come out of nowhere.

Axel, my reserved "older" bun, has taken to making sure he presses his nose to the cage now for noserubs... he was never like that before.

Jemima, Segal & Juno's daughter, who I kept for showing, is a character like her father... she does binkies and watches for my reaction... then does it again.

Grace, who was my "nasty" doe, is getting friendly.

Segal is always trying to get my attention - he poses in his cage, gives me a look and then comes over to me with his rattle in his mouth, then drops it so he can chin me.

Seems rabbits know when their human needs rabbit medicine in the form of chinning, binkies and entertainment.

My horses are the same way... all clinging to me, nuzzling me and then running off to express themselves with bucks, head tosses and other actions that get a reaction from me.

All part of life... you're born, you die and life continues on... and it is toughest on those left behind. I am hoping Dad gets those angel wings he so deserves.

After a week with my sister and her family and spending quality time with Dad before he passed away on Monday, I am trying to find what "normal" feels like.

My brother said "Normal is just a setting on a washing machine."

It will be good to be back at the farm - Calliope has a litter due next week... and two Holland Lop litters are due on the 14th - I have to review my cage charts and get things ready.

Just proof that life goes on - we love, we sometimes lose and lives are renewed...

The one dilemma I have is which rabbit will be cuddled and snurgled first when I get home....

Jemima and Jared tied for snurgling rights... Segal happily sprayed me to remind me that if chinning me wasn't enough to say I was his, marking me as his own should galvanize the fact.

Of course I took the shot right to the face... glasses were covered... and I am sure the little guy winked at me.

It is good to be home, even with 60 mph winds yesterday and snow... uh, yes, SNOW... today.


hartleybun wrote:
first jelly fish, now bunnies. i wouldnt stand behind any horses for a while:big wink:

And these were not a jellyfish I was familiar with - knee deep in water... thought they were seaweed until I saw them swimming.... luckily the sting was not as bad as the red jellies that come in during August...

Segal still looks pretty pleased with himself.

First of my pheasant eggs in the incubator pipped but the little bird was dead... watching the rest of the remaining eggs to see if anyone is pipping and chirping... the chick was formed and looked ok but I am a novice hatcher so I am not sure what caused the chick's demise...

Horses are being good for the moment... not inclined to ride today with the cooler temps - Weatherly is dancing on her hind legs, feeling pretty good.

And as life revs up with June coming on, I spent some time cleaning cages, bonding with the buns and my new Crested and regular Indian Runner ducks.

Having Roxanne's kits - almost six months old - in with the ducks was fun to watch - the ducks have their private pool where they hang and the does kits are still hanging together and are good to each other. They graze, explore, binky as necessary and then do the bunny flop under the duck hutch.

Patience, my marked blue Remy x Roxanne daughter, decided to investigate the pool - a hop, skip and a jump and I had a wet rabbit. She hopped out (she can touch bottom and is supervised when it is turnout time), gave a mighty shake and ran, shook again and found a quiet place to groom herself. The ducks did not like the four legged intruder and quacked and squeaked their displeasure... "Ugh, rabbit hair... or hare?"

After the CG kits were rounded up and returned to the barn, I was checking on my Holland kits - Andy and Juno's litter. The light tort shows no sign of being orange so it is a waiting game to see what he/she is. The black and the broken tort are easy, then there is the opal kit. He/she was lying on his/her back trying to stay cool... every so often twitching as he/she would dream. Their eyes are open and they are sampling food and doing mini binkies as they venture around their cage.

Jared and Calliope's kits are well - one self black, three marked blacks and one marked blue. I am going to need more carriers for the fall show season and I am hoping there is a judge who likes Checkered Giants as I like showing the breed as I am learning about them.

Hope fostered three of Calliope's additional litter and they are thriving on their Holland Lop mom. It was a necessary step for Hope, who lost her four peanuts and was looking depressed until she got the opportunity to be a mom. She is a different rabbit now - friendlier and brighter.

Brielle, who lost her remaining two kits, did not seem phased by the experience as it was her first litter.
I do not like breeding in warm weather so we are going with what we have at the moment - Lenka's kits have been sold to a neighbor but his kids want me to show them for them... I told them they might need to come to a show and try themselves as it is fun. I still have the kits and will until they are 11 weeks old - this way I know they are onto a solid start. My neighbor's kids come down and are learning to speak rabbit in easy lessons. And, if they decide the rabbits are not right for them (which I doubt as they keep asking to come down to help in the care, which also involves cleaning up poop and pee), they would come back to me.

The horses are well - still waiting to hear from Arlene on Weatherly's reading... I got a feeling from Weatherly today about the camping trip... she said something about the group of horses she was running with on the trail and it was frightening to her... why did we run? Was there something to be afraid of? She did not know where she was and since I felt nervous to her, she felt the same way and was scared... so it will be interesting if Arlene can get a similar reading or a deeper one...and how to convey my feelings better to her when I am in the saddle since I have been launched one too many times...

And (drum roll please), Buckley B. Bunny will arrive at my farm on Saturday... I am looking forward to him getting turnout time here and socializing in the house with me. I hope the rest of his years here will be fulfilling for him.

And the most amazing thing happened - was cleaning Buckley's cage and he was acting pretty territorial... and his honks sounded almost doe-like... hmmmm.... and his tail was up in a most suggestive manner... not like Segal or my other boys when he is about to spray me...hmmm... In the time that this happened, I would have been sprayed twice!

Turned the little guy over... and Taco Bell, not Yankee Franks was staring me in the face... Buckley B Bunny is actually a doe!:?

I kept getting a feeling in the car that he/she wanted to be called BB so Buckley B. Bunny is still her official name but she is "BB" for her nickname.:big wink:

She is quite a character... big doe eyes for sure that watch my every move. She has a soft fleece blanket in her cage now that she likes digging and perching on... is good about her litter box although she leaves marbles here and there... oh, this is mine, I was here, this can be mine... going to have to make a trip to Petco for some soft toys and one of the rattles that Segal and Brielle love so much.

Sometimes life brings great surprises but no matter how you look at it, this is one really neat rabbit!!!!:inlove::thumbup

seems the gender fairy has been busy this week! first beth's chloe, now buckley!

are we going to be seeing any pics?

have you heard the results of weatherley's talk with the communicator? poor weatherley sounds quite confused - a herd of strange horses and a rider worried about falling off:?

regards to quinn:)
hartleybun wrote:
seems the gender fairy has been busy this week! first beth's chloe, now buckley!

are we going to be seeing any pics?

have you heard the results of weatherley's talk with the communicator? poor weatherley sounds quite confused - a herd of strange horses and a rider worried about falling off:?

regards to quinn:)

The communicator and I have been trying to connect... Weatherly has been good on her own turf and is chatty again with me... nosing me and even reminded me when I missed my appointment but the communicator was busy too and missed as well.

Andy is visiting his girlfriend and has not returned my call about the camera yet...:grumpy

Buckley is doing great... the ducks are doing well - they LOVE grapes! The buns are warm as we were 91 Fahrenheit here today...:sunshine:not my cup of tea for sure! 60s would be my preference... they are keeping cool as the breeze is blowing correctly to circulate air through the barn.

Spent the day trying to weed with 1 1/2 hands...the ducks and buns enjoyed dandelion leaves and timothy grass today, soaked in water to make it more "watery".

Another hot day here at the farm... got the kiddypool set up for the ducks... they are so funny with their private pool club...

BB was right at the door for a nose rub and there has been no more stomping... she has some plain paper to tear up but she is digging her soft fleece blanket.

Patience launched herself out of her pen and darted throough the barn... she is Remy's carbon copy daughter and for a second I thought he was "visiting"... as I went to the spot where I saw the flash and there was no rabbit hiding.

Went around the corner and saw Patience sticking her head up over a bucket and I retrieved her and secured her pen a little better - it has a solid roof and I wanted to let more air circulate... it now has a wire screen on top.

Hope has been so much happier being a mom, even when the kits are not hers. She looks less depressed and comes up to greet me now.

I think in her former home, she would have a kit and it would be fostered so it would not be lost (as she is a grand champion and has produced some nice kits over the years) and she lost the real benefit of being a mom. She was grooming her three Checkered Giant fosters very carefully and always seems to be guarding them.

I guess that is one of the benefits to having my rabbitry... I have to slow down and listen to what is going on with everyone... and that is good for my health as well.

Enjoy your Monday!!


She was also playing with her ball - she has a Wiffle ball that is her favorite toy.
Hope lost one of her fostered kits today... he/she just looked asleep.

Farm life, as I mentioned before, reminds me of what life is like. Somedays you have a bumper crop, others you are fighting the weather, the market or whatever challenges you might have... but then one little thing happens to make you believe you can live to fight another day.

While hubby and I try to figure out our life paths, my sons are here today - Andy and his girlfriend (who I adore!) and Benn...the kids are what bring us together.

Greg visited yesterday - a year of college under his belt, in hopes of being an English teacher in high school someday.

I have to sit Andy down and get the camera out...

The ducks look "grown" - they were feathered when I purchased them but I now need a bigger kiddypool as they have grown in size and do not have a lot of room to move about. They can graduate and the baby geese arriving can inherit the little pool when they are old enough.

Yes, the baby French Toulouse geese ship tomorrow - ordered from Metzer's - guessing today is their "hatch" day. They are going to be organic weeders for me.

Buckley had fun in the turnout pen but she looked concerned when I left for a minute - and relieved when I returned with the hose to refill the ducks' kiddypool. She is pretty territorial about her "stuff" in her cage so once she adjusts to turnout time, I will make sure I clean her cage then. She also looks like she feels that she was going to be "released" before JimD rescued her and she wanted to make sure I was not doing that. Inbetween duck chores, she would come up to me for a nose rub of reassurance, hop away a bit and do a tiny binky and then she would watch to make sure I was still there. It is amazing how they read the world and feelings around them... part of what I learned from Weatherly's reading is my own personal wild racing thoughts she picked up on even though they were not directed at her and they stressed her out. I told Buckley she is safe and I will try not to mess with her stuff but her cage has to be cleaned. She said the poop and pee lets her know it is hers... I said a little is Ok but a stinky litter box would not be good and as much as she dislikes me messing with her stuff in her cage, it has to be done. She agreed.

One of Calliope's kits is a marked blue - just like his late uncle Remy (Remy and Jared were brothers and littermates). He is already Remy Jr or Remy II. There is another very expressive marked black buck who was checking me out and let me pick him up...I am going to have to give him a good name, too.

I definitely have Checkered Giant show babies for the fall... just have to get more carriers and a cart to pull them along in as carrying CG cages is not good for the back.... I had trouble carrying the four seniors I showed back in April.

Juno definitely has a blue tort, an opal, a black and a broken tort in her litter by J-N-J Andy Rautins (an orange rabbit). They are round and plump as young Hollands are - it will be fun to show the unusual colors to see how they do - tough against the very typey torts that are out there but hopefully they will develop good type as they grow.

Lenka's kits - all does - have a new home to go to now - they are growing here to 10 weeks before I will let them go next week - I wanted to make sure they were eating well and the new owners - my surgeon's kids - who have a wonderful rabbit mentor - their nanny is a neighbor's daughter who babysat my kids and she had two rabbits of mine as she grew up. She can read rabbit behavior well and instructs the kids to sit and be secure before you hold a bunny...she will be getting married in July and said she forgot how much fun rabbits are... her fiance would like a rabbit and I know they have their eyes on Juno's black kit... I said once she is settled and things calm down, to lete me know and I can get her and Matt settled with a house rabbit as well. The surgeon's kids will be out of school then and Meaghan will be watching them so it will be good for kits and kids alike.

Gardens are all in - and raining today, which we needed.

Freedom is on the mend after being ill last week... she is back in her grazing muzzle and we are working on her diet again. She gets breaks without the muzzle for intake of salt and her 1/2 handful of grain. She is not happy about it but her veterinarian said she is still fat. As soon as I can get a cart and harness for her, we may take up that form of exercise, since I cannot run well these days and with the wrist, I don't have the strength to hold her on the line. I used to drive Mercy years ago and Freedom is ground broke to drive.

Benn was asked by the college he is attending in the fall if he can be the "face of MCC". He said it would involved getting a small payment from the college and he will then appear on billboards, online or print ads. He wants to do some modeling so this is a start!

And as the school year winds down, life is ramping up towards graduation. I have to get the faculty their hoods and gowns and the kids get their caps and gowns on Friday. To me, that makes it all very real.

Benn will graduate just before my "work kids" do - I have a whole weekend devoted to graduation from high school. I love working on graduation... and the ceremony we host is meaningful, to the point and without long, boring speakers, in a covered outdoor venue with no tickets for family - seating is first come, first served. Our kids speak, the administrators and class advisers speak, the senior choir sings and our orchestra plays...then they get the diplomas, toss their caps and head out into the next stage of life - all in an hour and forty minutes with 300 graduates.

Benn's school has 80 graduates, incorporates their awards night into the graduation, crams all the kids and faculty on the stage and gives 4 seats in the audience per graduate... and it lasts 2 1/2 hours.

Gotta make my cup of tea...


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