hartleybun wrote:
in reply to your post 20 april - what a poignant piece yet so true. i found it very touching. i like to think that my mum and grandparents 'look in' every so often. a very moving blog entry.
on a lighter note - we actually have sunshine
Sunshine is so good!!! I am enjoying it through a window right now until I get to the barn in a moment!
Without sounding "touched" or "creepy" I "see" my grandparents often - especially when times are tough for me. I was very close to them and my sons have identified a being they saw in their rooms as my grandma. It is comforting and lets me know there is life beyond... makes the impending situation with dad more bearable... and his friends have reported seeing his mom and sister who died within days of each other... which he told me about. I tell him when he "gets his wings" to make sure he visits!!!
I had a psychic reading done and confirmed I have many relatives who have passed on about me - some I know and others who passed before me, that try to bolster me. I was also encouraged to see a Reiki master for further teaching and the little I have read has me interested. There is so much out there we don't know about and my mind is open.
My sister (masters in psychology - licensed social worker in her state) read a book that put her at ease about dad's situation and after reading it, I was hooked - life is intertwined and repeats so we learn lessons - a far cry from my teachings in the Catholic Church but I am looking beyond those teachings as mere men do not know the mysteries of the universe... some may have insight yet one law runs deep and my grandpa always said it to me - Treat others as you would like to be treated.
My other rule is "What goes around, comes around." Hence, I try to greet all with a smile and want to help as best I can... what you send forth comes back threefold.
On that note, there was a post I commented on on another thread that was closed that I will share my insight on.
We are the stewards of the animals in our care and we must do what is best for them. After much consideration, I placed my pot belly pigs with a coworker with a larger herd as I felt here they were not living to their potential... and they are doing very well. It was tough but I felt their needs and tried to deliver. The reports I am getting is that they are thriving and interacting - better than I was doing for them and I felt that from them, even though they doubted it at first.
Animals will tell us what they need... my rabbits, horses, dogs, pheasants, cats and snake remind me of what they need in their worlds. I am blessed that I want to learn, yet wise enough to know I am not and never will be an expert. Anyone who professes themselves to be an expert has much to learn... life with animals is an ongoing lesson... sometimes sweet, other times bittersweet, and other times it... pardon my American English... it sucks... but life is always a lesson to be learned from.
Mercy will be doing "Farm Day" at our local humane society tomorrow... learning to speak horse she taught me over the years - how to interact with people of different abilities - how to be gentle with some and eager with others... as my rabbits try to educate me each day...even 15 day old kits have opinions I have had to question when they started venturing out at 10 days with eyes still sealed and no nestbox eye...but when it was below 32F here today, even they were nestled in the nest box. The eyes opened at 14 days... oh, the experience of living and "seeing" for the first time...
Always, in my humble opinion...and grateful to be a student of life in all its forms....