Well-Known Member
MMM see when I first opened WoodyPet I have to admit I thought thesmell was quite nice and this may sound corny but it did smell woodyjust like it said on the bag.
It'd be interesting if we could smell all 3 and compare, don't know whyI want to know about this but I just do, it's really got me thinking, Imean it'd have to be different or else these 3 companies could accusethe others with imitating each others product.
Yet Seniorcats I could see how they may smell the same, because theylook exactly the same, if you were to put all 3 in a pile with no tagsand asked what brand they were I'd say WoodyPet. well on here they lookthe same anyway.
So is the texture the same???? I mean do they feel the same???
edited to ask the last question