Well-Known Member
Today it was bright, sunny and 65 degrees (F). Yesterday, it was overcast and 43. Go figure...
43 in Cali? WhoaToday it was bright, sunny and 65 degrees (F). Yesterday, itwas overcast and 43. Go figure...
Right now it's 7*C and clear outside. Our Englishwinters don't usually really set in until a bit later on and we rarelyget snow until after Christmas. Up where I live we get most of our snowbetween January and March. Hopefully we'll have another cold winterhere, we hadquite afew really good deep snow fallslast year which was great. The buns absolutely love playing in it aswell!I'm so sick of waiting for it too get colder though, Iwant it tosnow!:waiting:
*sigh* I wish we got snow here!i cant wait for it to snow either butyou will get much more than me being further north!