Windy day question

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2006
Reaction score
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hey guys...

Have you experienced your bunnies (mine are indoor, so I guess your house bunnies) going a little nutty during a windy day? We just watched Flower doing all SORTS of crazy binkies in her cage, and the only difference we can figure is that the wind is CRAZY out there today.

Do your buns do this? This is my first winter/windy season with buns, so I have nothing to compare it with, hehe!

Just curious...

I've never noticed it with my rabbits, but used to see it happen a lot with my cats when they were younger. They'd start running all over the house and be 'frisky', jumping about and dashing everywhere. They weren't spooked, just excited.

(Must admit, windy days affect me as well - though I don't go jumping all over the furniture...only Tom Cruise does that ;))

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