Will your bun help out other buns?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2007
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, , Singapore
The water bottle is adjusted to daddy's height causehe's smaller, afraid that he'll have trouble drinking if it's too high.

When ever sugar is drinking water he'll be below her head letting her lean her headon him.

Daddy's such a sweet heart :heartbeat:



Will your bun help out other buns?
Okay now THAT is really adorable.

My Ozzy has been going through a bout of Stasis and the whole past two days Pepsi won't leave his side she just keeps grooming him and getting in between us when I try to take him out to give him meds.

It's so sweet when they're that bonded isn't it?? Just makes you feel like such a good matchmaker;)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww that is adorable!

It's really fun and heart-warming to watch bonded bunnies and how they interact with each other.:biggrin2:
Yeah it's really heart warming to see them like that.

Do you guys have any photos of your buns interacting? care to share?

I just had to show them off. So proud of them.. they actually know how co-operate! :biggrin2:
Ah, what a sweetie :) Unfortunately my buns will fight with each other if they both want to drink at the same time, nudging each other out of the way. They love each other so much but when it comes to food and water there is no help going on there!
Well for mine, they don't exactly fight. I use a glass bowl for their pallets and sugar will normally drag the bowl towards her. At first I thought she was just naughty but after seeing properly, it's kind of daddy's fault. He eats at the bowl with no space for sugar to squeeze in so she just drags the bowl towards herself. She eats much faster and when she's done she'll leave the rest for him. They're always grooming and looking out for each other. :inlove:

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