Thanks for the Pictures Pam as always your onestep ahead of me lol I didnt thinkof posting pictures just facts Doh!too much on my little mind I guess , But the pictures show what i wasexplaining lol Thanks again.
Check her for an ear number. She might belong tosomeone. That looks like a standard chinchilla rabbit. Or an americanchin. But more then likely a standard because theres only 1-2 breedersof americans in CA. But theres 3-5 standard chin breeders in CA. howbig is she do you know? Its head is shaped like an SC doe. If i wascloser to you Id take her in a heart beat because of the breed.
I think they decided to keep her!!! Maybe we'llhave a new member soon Apparently the owner raised her but didn'twant her anymore so she just let her go. Well, her loss, and thisfamily's gain.
Hi I am the lady that found the bunny runningaround outside and I think we are gonna keep her! I live near the otherlady from So Cal that is so cool! ANyways I have lots of questions, Iwant to get her/him an outside cage and bring her in the house when weare home but I worry about the temps outside, what do people do aboutthis? Also do you ever have problems with flies and maggots? I am gonnago at lunch today to see what type of cage I can buy and I will need toget food and stuff so any and all suggestions are appreciated! I knownothing about rabbits only dogs and birds LOL! Also I saw I should haveit checked by my vet first before bringing into my home, that is goodto know! Well that's it for now, thanks Megan for directing me here!
You're doing a great thing for this poor rabbit. If you goback up and click on "all topics", there is a thread titled "Top Picks"and there is some really great reading there, particularly inthese: Cheat Sheet for Care and Cooling a Rabbit.
Flies can be deadly to rabbits. You can read about "FlyStrike" here, too. If it's not in the top picks, you can justuse the search box at the top of the page.
Thanks Laura for the info I am going to go readit now! I do not have her contained right now, there is an older ladyover by where she is that has been feeding her and keeping an eye onher lately! I did not have anywhere to keep her so today at lunch I amgoing to go and buy her a cage, I told my daughter to get her afterschool with her dad. I am pretty excited to adopt her I had bunnies asa child but that was a very long time ago LOL!
Thanks! I have a question for you guys, do youthink since this rabbit has been outside that by me getting it andputting it in a cage it will die or something since it is used to beingfree? Now I am worried about that! It is so confusing knowing what theright thing to do is! My yard doesn't have a whole lot of shade butsince this bunny has been outside do you think he is already acclimatedto the outside weather? Also how common is pasturella in bunnies, Ineed to be careful with that since I have birds as well! How do the flystrips work as far as keeping flies away! Sometimes I am such a worrywart and all these things go thru my head and I get confused so forgiveme LOL!
You have a beautiful standard chinchilla bunnyright there. She is a rare breed. It looks like a she anyhow because ofthe shape of thehead, and the dewlap. Although some SC buckscan have feminine shaped heads.Youll find that they are avery docile breed. Ive caught wild domestics before and caged them.They settle down just fine. Pooh to that owner abandoning her. You wonthave to worry about fly strike as long as your bunny stays healthy.keep her dry. since it can get very hot in CA, you might be better offbringing her indoors just in case. She should adjust fairly well. Ifyou keep her outdoors make sure you predator proof the area fromcoyotes, dogs, and other nasty predators. I have a bun I keep indoorsthat is snuffles prone. It doesn't seem to bother my three birds.
I also have standard chins. If you want to see what i mean heres a link to pictures of some of mine on my webpage
My bunnies are inside so I've never tried it, but I know several folkson this forum swear by the vanilla. They say flies don't likethe smell and will stay away.
She does look like your bunnies I went andprinted out the article your friend wrote it is a very good one! Mybiggest worry now is the summer heat, wonder if I could get a cage forindoors when it is too hot? I wonder since she has been outside forawhile if she would be acclimated to it! Boy am I gonna have fun at thepet store today LOL I would rather go to a feed store but my daughteris bugging me and I don't think there is any near my work so I am offto Petco to see what they have!
Myfirst rabbit was dropped off andabandoned outside as well. We built him a hutch outside andnamed him Nick. He lived for about 4 years and was such acharacter.
I wouldn't worry about keeping him outside as long as the hutch issecure and off the ground so dogs, etc. can't get to him/her.Everyone else gave you pretty good advice about keeping it comfortableand free from flies.
Thanks Jenni. I found a feed store by my work soI went there and the guy was very helpful and, I bought the bunny acage, food, toys and a water bottle, he also sold me a salt blockthing, do you guys know what that is for? Oh and I got the bunny a woodbox he can go in. I hope this is good to start with? Now let's hope thebunny is still there when my daughter get's off school, if not I willjust have to get another one LOL!
I have some bad news we can't find the bunnynow, we have searched everywhere and the couple that had been feedingher said they haven't seen her since yesterday morning at 12:00 am andshe is always at their door waiting on food, so I just hope someonetook her home and not that someone that has happened! I gave them mynumber in case they see her!