Who raises the hamsters? Imbrium?

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lol no they're in a plastic bag and look like a large feed or extra large stove pellets. I gave em to the rabbits and they ate it without dying. Gerbils turned their noses at it and Rhodey gave me the who pooted look. He got sunflower seeds this morning. Oh we REALLY like those. He is so cute when he eats his little meal worm. I can't wait until the little urchin is feeling better!

HEB right around the corner from the house and I was impressed with the revamp they got. Love the healthy living aisle and they carry gluten free stuff. That's where I got the coconut oil. Rhodey likes cocnut oil as well.

He better be a sweet little thing or I swear Jen he will end up on your doorstep. Mysteriously
ohhhhh, the pellets! no, those are not rabbit pellets, lol. that's Kaytee Forti Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat and Hamster food. sorry I forgot to label/mention that! I went with the lab block style food because it thwarts any attempts at selective eating that could unbalance the hammies' diet (though that food's really only great for syrians and robos - the list of three foods I PM'd you the other day are the best ones for non-robo dwarves). I figured it was better than gerbil food, though :p

as a note, the sunflower seeds should be limited to 2-3 a day (and only if you're not feeding a food mix that already contains them - I sent them because the food I sent needs to be supplemented with them).

you may know where I live now, but I have your address too, if you recall! if he "mysteriously" ends up on my doorstep, he's going to "mysteriously" find his way back home.

also, did you text Jay about finding a time to meet up at the pet store?
So I've been reading parts of this to my husband because it makes me laugh and when I laugh he either 1) gets scared or 2) asks me what I'm laughing at. Its usually the first one. ANYWAY! I told him that you got this hammie from the pet store and it was hurt, these are close to his exact words "ohmygod you crazy ass women and your need to constantly 'save' things! Why didn't she just leave it there for nature to take its course. Was her husband with her?"
So my response to that was "yes, her husband was with her and nature? F-that, nature went out the window when they took the things to a pet store. Don't even give me the look like you're going to give me the Darwinism speech, because survival of the fittest also went out the window when they took them to the pet store. What really happened at the pet store was a*sholeism. Oh you don't know what that is? Its when a bunch of a*sholes get together and put some non-social animals in the same cage and see how many of them come out alive. Its like Darwinism but for a*sholes. And you sir, are an a*shole for say she should have left it!" Then I got up and walked out of my own living room.
So that story is why we don't talk about hammies in this house anymore. Or pet stores. Oh yes and my husband is still under the assumption that the men run the show, that they control the things that happen. That they still wear the pants. Well, he may wear the pants but I pick them out! He still thinks he calls the shots, if that were true then we probably would have no animals, but instead I call the shots and have 923875983u5823u7. Yes, that's how it works in my house.

I really hope your little hammy is nice too, because if it wasn't after you doctoring him up...I would drop him at Jennifer's too. hehehehe. (sorry Jen.)
strange thing I noticed when I started to pick the corn out of my hamsters' food - the level of hammies with tumors dropped like a rock. I started taking the corn out because my rodents tended to get fat after their first year and corn is a big factor in that but now I do it for everyone and I've only had one hamster develop tumors since. Hamster corn is now anathema in my house.

Also Rodney will litter train just like the rabbits. Same approach and they sell little corner hammie litter boxes in pet stores. The poop - not so much, but the pee you've probably already noticed always goes in the same corner and it's easy to just slip a box in there. Makes clean up much easier. And I'm sure Rodney will be a sweetie. It's just a matter of frequent handling.
Hey there! I was wondering how long after Fraggles was mentioned you'd show up. Your little radar must have tingled.

lol Morgan. You're so passionate about everything! I bought him before my husband saw me. He just stopped when he saw me and was like "whats in the box and why do we have it?"
Once I explained the situation and told him that's just the way it is. That's all there was. Thankfully he's a pretty understanding guy and use to strays (sometimes people) coming in and out of the house.

I saw the little litter boxes at petsmart and was a little......Jeeze really? And put it back.

I am now picking the corn out of the gerbils food as well. Even though they ignore it. -_-

I'm calling Jay tomorrow. There's been some family drama I had to clear up but I am free allllll day tomorrow. I mean he's just a stupid little hamster but do you have to have fing 30 of them in a cage? How long do you ignore a little life until it's snuffed out? It's your responsibility. You brought them into your pet store. F you. If people can't treat hamsters right how are we ever going to get them to treat rabbits right or for heavens sake each other?! I'm waiting for a rampit flu strain to wipe man kind off the face of the earth. We dont deserve it anymore.

Sorry. Done ranting. Rhodey didn't look so good tonight. And of course the vet isn't open tomorrow. So of course I'm even more pissed at the stupid pet store.
Now Rhodey's little nether regions look even worse. They are rock hard. He hasn't been pooping as much and when I went for his evening dose of medications I noticed a rock hard turd stuck. He got a butt bath. I managed to get him from soaking to damp. Not his whole body just the butt end. He's back in his little cage and covered up out of direct line of a vent. He seems to be a little better. He was trucking around on my dads broad belly and he was wandering around the counter. If he was really bad off he wouldn't be moving would he? He's still eating and drinking.

He got benebac friday afternoon and I gave him a little bit more this evening. No vetrycin or coconut oil.

*Edit (sorry I think of stuff after posted) Morgan how did you manage to only type the "U" in your number smashing?
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I don't know how I managed to mash the U. hahaha. I saw them but I was like, eh screw it and left them in there.

I'm passionate about certain things and I get a little ranty about animals and religion. And tailgators. I just hate when I see stuff like that, it makes me insane. Because those poor animals can't say "hey it sucks in here! OMG get me out!" I hate when I see that stuff. I don't like going into petsmart or petco, f those places. I don't like to go into the pet store down the road from my house, thats how I got Ellie. I hate when people are like "oh well this lady died, so her cats are going to the pound" thats how I ended up with Smokey BC and taking a cat to have it put to sleep because it was in full renal failure.
Or the betta fish incident. I was at a petsmart with my husband and we were just looking at stuff and probably getting something for Foo. So I have this huge weakness for betta fish, I love them. Anyway, I was looking at the male bettas and they were in like 1 inch of water. Dirty-blue-poop-filled-1 inch-water. So I look at their gills and tails and they have ammonia burn. I WAS PISSED. So I go to the cashier and ask him to get a manager for me to talk to. He asked why and I told him I had an issue with the bettas. He was like "well, are you a fish expert? How do you know they're not happy?" I said "really? LOOK AT THEM! They're in 1 inch of water and they're burning in their own poop!" He was like, "well, I CAN get a manager but I don't think there is a problem." I stopped for like .3 seconds and completely lost my mind on this guy. My husband had to hold me back from hurting him, I almost went across the counter to get to him. I screamed at him until a manager appeared. I then turned on the manager. I told her what was going on, but by this point was was screaming at this woman. Like, neck veins popping, the middle of the forehead vein popping. She took all the fish to the back and hopefully filled their cups, but I was told to leave before the police got there. I also threw out some not so nice slurs. It was really bad. I was so mad though.

And this children is why I am a stay at home mom and I don't interact with people often. When I did work with people, I threatened a lady with coming across the counter and punching her in the brain. I really wish I was kidding about most of this stuff, but a lot of stuff makes me mad and I know life is short and it isn't worth getting mad about but I find that to be BS. I agree with Kaley, I think something huge needs to come and wipe half the people off the earth. Mother nature needs to find something big. We don't deserve this anymore. People don't treat their animals right and people don't treat people right. We abuse each other and don't care. There is no humanity left and its infuriating. Well, apparently god flooding the earth and killing humans didn't work the first time. We clearly didn't understand and went back to terrible ways.

Wow. Sorry. I just went kind of crazy. Its been a long day and the hammy story has bothered me.
I'm calling Jay tomorrow. There's been some family drama I had to clear up but I am free allllll day tomorrow. I mean he's just a stupid little hamster but do you have to have fing 30 of them in a cage? How long do you ignore a little life until it's snuffed out? It's your responsibility. You brought them into your pet store. F you. If people can't treat hamsters right how are we ever going to get them to treat rabbits right or for heavens sake each other?! I'm waiting for a rampit flu strain to wipe man kind off the face of the earth. We dont deserve it anymore.

that's horrible, hilarious, and sadly, pretty true.

on a side note, I'm thrilled to discover yet another person who goes on glorious, curse-filled rants :D you and Morgan and I should make a club! Jay can join too, he'd be all over that.

I know life is short and it isn't worth getting mad about but I find that to be BS.

honestly, if you're not passionate enough about stuff to get mad over the BS of life, then life is boring and living is pointless... and if you *are* passionate about stuff, then forcing yourself to believe in and follow the mantra of "it's not worth getting mad about" leads to bottling stuff up, which leads to mass murdering. I'd rather bitch and moan and throw a fit so that once I've vented, I can get over it and get on with my life.
I don't know how I managed to mash the U. hahaha. I saw them but I was like, eh screw it and left them in there.

I'm passionate about certain things and I get a little ranty about animals and religion. And tailgators. I just hate when I see stuff like that, it makes me insane. Because those poor animals can't say "hey it sucks in here! OMG get me out!" I hate when I see that stuff. I don't like going into petsmart or petco, f those places. I don't like to go into the pet store down the road from my house, thats how I got Ellie. I hate when people are like "oh well this lady died, so her cats are going to the pound" thats how I ended up with Smokey BC and taking a cat to have it put to sleep because it was in full renal failure.
Or the betta fish incident. I was at a petsmart with my husband and we were just looking at stuff and probably getting something for Foo. So I have this huge weakness for betta fish, I love them. Anyway, I was looking at the male bettas and they were in like 1 inch of water. Dirty-blue-poop-filled-1 inch-water. So I look at their gills and tails and they have ammonia burn. I WAS PISSED. So I go to the cashier and ask him to get a manager for me to talk to. He asked why and I told him I had an issue with the bettas. He was like "well, are you a fish expert? How do you know they're not happy?" I said "really? LOOK AT THEM! They're in 1 inch of water and they're burning in their own poop!" He was like, "well, I CAN get a manager but I don't think there is a problem." I stopped for like .3 seconds and completely lost my mind on this guy. My husband had to hold me back from hurting him, I almost went across the counter to get to him. I screamed at him until a manager appeared. I then turned on the manager. I told her what was going on, but by this point was was screaming at this woman. Like, neck veins popping, the middle of the forehead vein popping. She took all the fish to the back and hopefully filled their cups, but I was told to leave before the police got there. I also threw out some not so nice slurs. It was really bad. I was so mad though.

And this children is why I am a stay at home mom and I don't interact with people often. When I did work with people, I threatened a lady with coming across the counter and punching her in the brain. I really wish I was kidding about most of this stuff, but a lot of stuff makes me mad and I know life is short and it isn't worth getting mad about but I find that to be BS. I agree with Kaley, I think something huge needs to come and wipe half the people off the earth. Mother nature needs to find something big. We don't deserve this anymore. People don't treat their animals right and people don't treat people right. We abuse each other and don't care. There is no humanity left and its infuriating. Well, apparently god flooding the earth and killing humans didn't work the first time. We clearly didn't understand and went back to terrible ways.

Wow. Sorry. I just went kind of crazy. Its been a long day and the hammy story has bothered me.

I absolutely HATE how they keep bettas. I mean is it really that hard and time consuming to change water in some cups? I mean really? And couldn't they print out sheets with CORRECT info on there animals i mean really i just can not stand PETCO or petsmart, but they are the only pet stores near me so I have to deal with them since I have so any animals.
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Our petsmart here is pretty good. I've never seen anyone grab a rodent by the tail and the tanks aren't overcrowded. There's always someone working in the fish changing water, feeding, etc. We almost never find dead fish in there and they have a quarantine tank. The last time we were in there they were having a meeting discussing the rodents. I have no idea about the reptiles of course but they have thermometers in every tank and they aren't over crowded. Mind you petsmart is about the only place we shop here. It's kind of nice because there are so many banned petshops back in oklahoma. And a apparently a rising number here in Houston. I think its kind of nice coming from a chain store. But the manager is very active and you see him all over the floor. Probably where it stems from. It just sucks there are so many bad ones compared to good ones.
Wow, I've been offline for a few days, and stuff seems to be developing. Sorry the little guy's not feeling well...it's very unusual for dwarf hamsters to get wet tail (the lay term for enteritis)...it must have been a really ****ty pet store.

It's possible to litter box train hamsters, but it's more difficult than rabbits. They're just not as smart, and I haven't really found that it makes cage cleaning any easier. If you feel like it, give it a shot, but it's no big deal if he doesn't learn.

And yes, hamsters are the ones that pouch. :) The name is derived from the German "hamstern" which means "to hoard." It's impossibly cute, especially when they try to stuff food that's too big, like Syrians with baby carrots sticking out of their mouths. This adorable behavior is partly responsible for their popularity as pets.
So my little urchin looks a little better. He's not as swollen and it looks like his feet are finally scabbing over. However he's not pooping so normal any more and he looks like he has a poop plug. He was pooping normalish yesterday. He's still running amuck, eating, and drinking. Still on septra. Letting him eat dry food only and one worm a day. Should I stop those as well? Going to the vets tomorrow (should make it) to double check everything. Any thoughts? He's so weird. Hamster problems are weird. Hamsters are weird period. WHY DO I HAVE ONE?!!
you have one because you know he would be dead right now if you hadn't intervened on his behalf :p

if he's not pooping, you might try giving him a tiny dollop of canned pumpkin (the plain kind with no spices) once a day.

as for the mealies, I give mine about 5 a day when I remember to... no scientific reason for it, I just figure that sugar gliders are supposed to be limited to about 5 a day (not that it stops me from giving them extra, hehe) and Syrian hammies are about the same size as sugar gliders (actually, many of mine weigh more than my gliders now) so they should be able to have the same amount :p. for a dwarf, I'd guess 1-3 a day, but I recommend asking the vet - they'd know better than I would.
hamsters are weird! It's part of the joy of them. Or... something like that ;) Good to hear yours is healing up so well. They're also poop machines. little tiny poop machines. Like - well, rabbits really. Whenever mine seemed to get a bit backed up, I would always add a little olive oil to their hard pellets. Just something to grease the tubes so to speak. Chances are with all the medication and rearranging going on in Rodney's tummy, the poop would get weird too. The vet will probably have advice for you tomorrow too but that's what usually works with mine.

Good on you for the corn too. I wish I knew more hamster owners so I could see if the corn was just something I'd noticed or if it was something they'd noticed too. It's not exactly something I want to test out by giving it to half of my hams and not the other half or anything. And the potty training for me was always a piece of cake though it might have been different for others. Much easier than rabbits because while Georgie picked EVERY corner to pee in to begin with my hamsters always just picked one and stuck to it. Dropping the litter box in their chosen corner took care of everything and made cage clean up much easier. Until several of the girls got into the habit of kicking their little back legs up so high in the air when they peed that they'd pee right over the back of the litter box... Have I mentioned they might be pure evil in fuzzy little track suits? Let's not talk about Tiny Bubbles who used to like to pee on her wheel - and then RUN! How's the handling going? Is Rodney still nippy or has he resigned himself to his fate of being manhandled at the expense of his tiny hamster dignity? Also - your dad sounds adorable. Just had to say that.
I wish I knew more hamster owners so I could see if the corn was just something I'd noticed or if it was something they'd noticed too. It's not exactly something I want to test out by giving it to half of my hams and not the other half or anything.

even if it doesn't specifically cause any health problems, it's really just cheap filler - it doesn't provide any valuable/necessary nutrition.
So not happy. Rhodey went to our vet here in Lawton today and he got put to sleep. Doc Black went to scrubbing on him and his whole rear end sloughed off. I had to work but omar said he could see bone and blood and it looked like a horror movie. I dont know if the original vet even looked at him that thoroughly now. I thought he was looking better but he would flip on his back in a certain position and I thought I saw nastiness but wasnt sure. Just pissed. It takes a while for necrosis to set in so how long was he like that before we even came into the picture. That's neglect and cruelty. Those f*ckers are going down. Just....... F*ck them.
I am so sorry for you. I know attachments at times can happen instantly. Most of all I am sorry for Rhodey and all other animals that have or ever will be in that pet store. :(
Poor little bugger. I had a robo that went home with me from the shelter because his cage mate was beating him up. He was scabby all on the hind end and his ears were bitten, but he healed fine. I wouldn't mess with the wounds much--let a scab form. That should protect it from getting infected. I bet the vet can give you some pain meds for him and maybe oral antibiotics. I would be cautious about putting antibiotic ointment on it because it's hard to control the amount closely and he might eat too much. Keep him warm, and I'd give him a hidey house. If you do decide to pick him up, make sure to hold him cupped in your hands or scruffed because they are very fast. Also make sure he's never too high off the ground in your hands in case he does try to make a flying leap. The vet will probably want to sedate him a little to get a good look at him. Hams can be quite amazing--that robo lived with me for quite a long time and was a happy little guy. He had a few little holes in his ears after they healed. My current Syrian was also beat up and is a bit bald on the bum, also with some healed ear holes, but he's doing just fine as well. I did not have one with reduced limbs, however, so that might be an issue since they like to run so much. It would be sad if he couldn't occupy himself by running or it was painful for him to run. I have seen front leg defects on gerbils, and the gerbils did fine as long as they didn't have to compete with full-legged buddies. Robos really don't like being picked up and often squeak. A quick scruffing to get a good look at him, even if he squeaks at you, may be a good idea to make sure his underside is ok and there's no emergency=type wounds there.
Oh, I'm so sorry about this...all your hard work and effort, and it came down to this. :( Poor little Rhodey.

I would use the vet bills and photographs as evidence against the pet store (and maybe the vet can write up a report on your behalf). That's neglect to a horrifying degree.

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