Who raises the hamsters? Imbrium?

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I bet if he and I ever met, it would be really loud and heated. Everyone would think we were trying to kill each other, but chances are we would be loudly ranting about the same thing. So in ranty agreement we would effectively begin taking over the world, one sh*tty pet store at a time.

Sounds legit.
oh, you'd totally be ranting really loudly about the same stuff, I can see it already! if you ever come to Texas, we're totally taking a trip to Houston to meet up with him... and for once, Debbie better actually be around! I've yet to meet his infamous wifey - she's too damn social, always off doing stuff with people when I wander through town >.>
Lord have mercy on us all.

So little dude has "wet tail" bacterial gastroenteritis. I akined it to a GI stasis in rabbits, correct me if I'm wrong. He has septra I'm supposed to get down him twice a day. Doc wasn't even worried about his feet. He'll get to keep em of course minus the few toes that are already missing. Said with antibiotics he should be perking up in three days. Without the antibiotics he probably would have been dead in three days.
Worth the 67 dollars. Kind of. Because now I'm stuck with him. He'll probably be the meanest damn thing.

He bit the tech and drew blood! He bit me this morning too. But I saw how she man handled him in the fleece and I'm pretty sure I can get past his terrible squeaking to give him his meds. Poor guy he's just all laid out. In the back of my head I was secretly hoping he would die so I wouldn't have to mess with him. But seeing him all laid out and stressed I feel really bad for the poor little darling! Being cute really does get you a long way!

They asked who recommended them and I was like uh the gal with the sugar gliders. He said a name and I ran with it. Thought it easier than explaining the round about way.
You are doing a wonderful thing! And keep in mind...if you were his size, in as bad of shape as he is and someone as big as you picked you up...what do you think you would do? I can only imagine how badly a hamster would bite if it had a human brain in it. Hopefully, it is all do to the circumstances and as he recovers and gets to feeling at home then maybe the biting will stop.
was the name he said Debby or Priscilla? if so, close enough! they run TPG together and Debby recommended them.

the good news is that medication time will get a LOT easier once my package arrives tomorrow - I'm guessing they gave you a 1CC (1ML) syringe to dose him with and no feeding tips, because that's what my vet does... it didn't actually occur to me that he'd get put on meds, so I didn't think you'd need feeding tips, but I put some in there anyway because they're SO good to have around if you have tiny animals.

I've got a pic of the feeding tips here so you know what I'm talking about - http://www.hurricanesleucisticfriends.com/first-aid-supplies.html (you just shove it onto the end of the syringe)

the tip of the feeding tip is very tiny compared to the syringe tip, making it very easy to slip it into the mouth of something like a glider or hamster - the breeder I got Hurricane and Trouble from gave me one when Trouble developed bacterial gastroenteritis (hers was caused by stress from being re-homed; pretty common in gliders, it seems - two of the five I've brought home developed it) and it made a WORLD of difference.

bacterial gastroenteritis isn't really akin to most versions of stasis... it's basically a bacterial imbalance in the gut (too much bad stuff/not enough good stuff) that causes diarrhea and is easily treated with a round of antibiotics. probiotics are VERY good in that situation, plus they're an absolute must when giving antibiotics to something that tiny anyway as antibiotics can be very hard on their little systems. hopefully he'll eat the benebac gel I sent right out of the tube or off of your finger... if he snubs it, try mixing it in with something. normally I'd suggest peanut butter, as it would hide the taste well, but that's a potential hazard for hammies because it can cause problems if they try to pouch it. you might try squash or veggie flavored baby food with no preservatives and no added sugar.

oh, and I'm not sure when your mail comes/when he'll be getting his morning dose, but make sure you wait at least 2h after an antibiotic dose to give the probiotics. the little mini-tubes I sent say to give it once a week, but the larger tube like I use for the bunnies says two doses three days apart. given the antibiotics and digestive upset, I would go with a dose tomorrow and another dose on monday; you can give him another dose a week after that if you feel he could use it. (I sent three 1g tubes; 1g is supposedly the dosage for animals under 10 lbs, but I really don't buy that a glider or hammy needs as much as one of my bunnies - 1/4-1/2 of a tube should be plenty for him or better yet, you could phone the vet to ask for a more exact dosage.)
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btw, I just want to say that if you and Jay go through with my master plan to have him make a HUGE scene at the pet store, it's gonna be the best freaking thing EVER!! I've always talked about taking him somewhere to make a scene for me, but there was always going to be way too much traveling involved to follow through since I'm in SA and he's in Houston and wherever I wanted him to make a scene was usually in another state (or country) entirely. but this... this is a rant-worthy offense happening 20 minutes away from him! it's a perfect opportunity!

and besides, for how much money you've spent on that darn hamster, which I'm sure is well over $100 by the time you account for purchasing him, taking him to the vet, buying supplies for him, etc., you damn well deserve to see a tremendous scene get made on your behalf. word of warning, the cops will probably end up at the pet store when all is said and done - once Jay gets going, he's hard to stop and he doesn't take "go the hell away" for an answer from b*astards like those pet store people :p
That guy sounds like my new favorite person.
Good thing I don't live in Houston because that pet store would probably blow up with all the anger from me and Jay! LMAO.

I got escorted out of a petsmart in my area because they were abusing betta fish by not adding water to their tanks. I could totally go off on some people for not taking care of the mammals in a pet store. I do have a weakness for betta's though.
Nope that is the one thing where it turns into every man for himself! Being Army I can not get arrested for nothing. Not with a deployment coming up! This could be epic though.

Edit* Wait pouch it? Hamsters are the things that stick stuff in their cheeks and run around with it?​
Weird. So do they ever get stuff stuck in there? Do you have to try and clean it out? This little creature is turning into a butt pain. And a stinky one at that. He's so pitiful. But has a nasty bite.
We could ALL go to the store!!!!! Jennifer, me, Kaley, Jay, and Morgan come on make a special trip for us and Rhodey!!!!!
I've never had a hamster get something stuck in their pouch, but then, I've never fed one peanut butter. did you text Jay? I told him to tell Debby about what they did to that poor hamster... not only did she sanction the fit-throwing, she might even come HELP make a huge scene! I'm sure Jay can keep the cops occupied while you make your escape, hehe.
Shnikeys Jen! I wasn't expecting that large of a box! So many helpful items!

Rhodey just got his antibiotics and some vetricyn on his back feet. His left one looks pretty bad today. Very swollen and a little ***** (yes I did indeed spell that out). Also found some coconut oil and he got that on his front paws. Boy did he come a live for meal worms. He got three. Probably over fed him but I think I'll goop up his paws at night and feed him a worm to distract him from licking it all off. I'll wait and give him his benebac in three hours. He just got a couple of new things that wont agree with his gut. Poor guy just squeaks and squeaks while I work on him. Seems to like my dad though go figure. He has big man hands that are probably really warm and he just sits and shooshes him for however long I need help with. What a crotchety old teddy bear.

We leave monday for Oklahoma and will take him with us in case he needs to go to the vet again. Pretty sure mom wont take him but our rabbit vet will see him.

*Edit I was curious if RO would let me get away with *ussy or not
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LOL @ the edit... the filter's pretty unpredictable. for example, I can say crap, damn, ass (and all compound nouns that involve the word ass), all versions of the word bitch... but not sh*t (which I would've thought was less offensive than ass) or the f-word (the f-word being blocked is hardly a surprise though :p). I remember when the filter used to catch "pissed" and censor that, wtf. the glider forum I use is more strict and they filter pissed, pissy, etc. and even filter WTF... and I got bitched out for using "FUBAR" (if you know what it stands for then you're already familiar with the f-word, damn it) because I was "circumventing the filter". I also got in trouble for "p*ssed" (typed just like that - censoring it myself) for the same BS about circumventing the filter. yet when I typed "*******", fully expecting it to be filtered over there, it WASN'T and I went back and edited it to self-censor so I wouldn't get fussed at for the five millionth time about breaking some asinine overly-strict rule.

anyway, I'm glad the stuff in the care package is coming in handy! don't forget to let the bunnies play with the brown packing paper I put in there :D
Hamsters need a 20 long tank ... You have a winter white hamster which are prone to diabetes. They need a special diet. Sorry its 2 am so I am a bit tired I didnt read the whole thread. Pick up Hazel Hamster food and pick out the corn, Corn flakes and peas. I would also get him some recycled paper bedding :) I have the same species :)
bin cages are cheaper than tanks, last I checked... 360 square inches is the minimum; you can get a clear bin that's 407 or something at walmart for no more than $15 bucks.
I swear a lot so usually I just type out my post then go back and edit it myself. Hilarious that you already know what you can get away with and not. Such a trouble maker! I was suprised to get away with the word Jackassery myself but it's currently my new favorite word.

I got him a bin but I'm not sure I like it or not. Used tanks arent too terrible difficult to get a hold of so I'm still debating. Right now he's in his little critter Keeper and doing just fine with it. I change his fleece out everyday. But I'll use Carefresh for him same as the gerbils. I need to post a picture of his little foot. I think he'll be tameable once he gets to feeling better. He walks around squinting everywhere like life is just to difficult to look at right now. Atleast he perks up for meal worms so I know he'll have a shot.

My male gerbil was very interested in the worm but wouldn't take it. But he's kind of slow anyway. His name is Needer because he needers to find a brain. My female wasn't around so I don't know if she'll like them or not. I totally dropped the worm in the tank so I'm hoping someone finds it

Jennifer what are the larger cylinders for? Or rather who are the larger treaty looking things for? lol actually a lot of that I had to look and see if it was for rodent or lagomorph!

And yes Franklin got the paper as he's my big destructo bun.

I feel so ready for any rodent crisis now!

*Fraggles could be a closet hamster. Or is it she was stuck in the closet eating the hamster? One never knows with her.
after the site got revamped, there were a couple pages in my blog where Morgan and I were going back and forth chatting about and testing out the new filter to see just how much we could get away with, lol.

jackassery is indeed an excellent word... and "needers to find a brain" is a great phrase!

larger cylinders? wait, the toilet paper tubes? everything in the ziplock bag that has the milkbones and toilet paper tubes in it is for hammies (or gerbils if the hammy feels like sharing).

I think I sent a slinky, baby keys, packing paper, pomegranate-infused craisins and papaya tabbies for the bunnies (and if I sent hay, that too... I can't remember everything I put in the box, lol). everything else should be for the hammy. well, the syringes and vetericyn could work for both.

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