Who has Guinea pigs here or anyother small animals

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3 pigs , 3 siamese gerbils ,multitude of rats , 2 birds, 2 adult cats4 kittens , chickens ducks turkeys ,a kid a hubby and toomany bunnies to even think about countingright now.
In addition to Chinny we have:

3 dogs, but one is getting rehomed, 1 cat, 1 rtb, 1 leopard gecko, 3horses, and some fish. And I think Im getting a chinchilla end of thismonth

RusselandRoxy wrote:
I have 2 guinea pigs that live with Russel. And i have toloverly gerbils :D
I just wanted to say that itsREALLLLY bad for rabbits and guinea pigs to live together...
Other than Bayle, I have 2 girbles (very cutenow that they are use to us... you have to play with them a lot inorder for them to really do well being held)... and 2 mice that I nevertouch.... not because they are mice, but because they poopconstantly.... ewww. They are also VERY scared of us, probably becausethey aren't really sold as pets, they are "feeding" mice, and we werewarned that they could be VERY inbred... but I thought they were cute.
