Where do some of you "plus size" ladies shop?

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Yep.. Katie Holmes new do.. but I told her to have it razored because her hair is thick and it's easier to do the messy look without the severe edges of a scissor cut..
Yeah! she'll like that I think.

Lexi has thick hair - like none other! Everyone freaks!

My hair used to be thick but fine. Now it's thinning..... oh I love my daddy! Hereditary male pattern baldness affects women too......... :X
OK, you all are so good about clothing (now I'm shopping online lol) I need to know where to get:

1 pair of short legged, chunky waist and thigh black suede western full-legged chaps.....

Oh yeah..... I love getting stuff for my daughter! :banghead
TinysMom wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
TinysMom wrote:
maherwoman wrote:
You can check out their selection here.

Thank you - give me a link to a site that has 30% off everything....and I'm bfoke...

With friends like y'all - I really better start praying, "Lead me not into temptation and take away my internet..."
I'm sorry...I didn't mean to send you something when you're broke...:(
Rosie - I wasn't upset or offended....I was sitting here dying laughing...I'm sorry - I should've put a laughing bunny on here...

Let me see if I can find one...


Ok - maybe that will work?

I'm laughing because it seems like I always come across sales AFTER I've spent money and am broke.....so its sorta the story of my life!
OH!! Okay, GREAT!! :D I was hoping...lol!! *LAUGHS*

I'm sorry you don't like your hair. Like many others I have been there too. If you choose to go to a salon again, phone round loads of them and find a place you get a good vibe from, and maybe also go in for a consultation beforehand so that you and the hairdresser can discuss what you want.

I LOVE the outfit, that really suits you. Hopefully even if you don't like the hair, the outfit brings you some confidence back in your appearance.

I hope the dyeing goes well, and that maybe in a couple of days you will hate your hair less.
It is why I am petrified of cutting my hair. I am cutting off ALOT because I plan on sending it to locks of love in my great grandmas name. I measured if I wanted I could cut enough for two wigs. Still not so sure about that much.
Ali, when you have that cut off - you won't believe how it feels! Do you have neck or back problems? My neck used to hurt from carrying so much hair!!
:shock:Yes, I was hit by a car an my spinal cord was screwed up. Well most of me was. I am also top heavy.:p:DAlso migrains.

I just have ALWAYS had long hair. :?
You should have them take the "locks" minimum at a GOOD salon (cause I think sometimes the cheaper salons throw it out if you don't actually take it yourself) and just have them cut it straight. You still have long hair, you can still have a pony tail, etc. That's what we did with Lexi (and we need to do again soon). She likes having it razor cut at the ends so she can flip those up and straighten it and stuff. She has really wavy hair.

I like long hair but I know that when it gets too long it is a pain to deal with!
I used to be able to sit on my hair (while it was attached to my head :p) and I had it cut to just below my shoulders. It was sooooooooooooo weird, but it does feel good. I'm growing it again now, it's half way down my back, but it's in far better condition.

Do it do it do it! And let us see before and after pics like Peg has :D
JadeIcing wrote:
I will make a new thread no more hijacking Pegs.

Like I'm REALLY offended......


The only thing I know about Locks of Love is that you should check w/ them ahead of time to find out the minimum length....and I think there is a special procedure for bagging the hair as it is cut or something....I asked once about it at a salon .....

I can NOT believe this. I woke up this morning and almost as soon as I was awake my first thought was (besides "I gotta go pee").....that today is the day I'm coloring my hair.....and I was soooo excited.

You have got to understand....there are certain things in my life that I hate doing ... with a passion.

At the top of the list is going to see the dentist. I literally shake driving by the dentist's office....let alone going inside - even just for cleaning.

The next one down is going to the doctor...I am ok till I get into the building...then I start to shake.

The third one down is going to the hair salon....I want to cry at the thought 99% of the time 'cause I never know how to say what I want and I never really know what I want.

The fourth one...is coloring my hair. I put it off as long as possible.....to the point that Art has sometimes come home with hair coloring for me (he has the number in his wallet) and said, "I wasn't sure if you had any hair coloring stuff....so I picked some up when I walked by it..." (yeah sure - like hair color was on his way to the exact opposite end of the store.....at least he is sweet about it). At other times he's asked outright (usually while playing with my hair)..."So hon....can I help you color your hair? I have some time right now.."

Yeah - he's a sweetheart.

But I've had times when I did my hair - and it just didn't turn out well....even with using the same color from time to time. The few times I've tried a NEW color....have been horrid also.

So - I'm gonna have my coffee....some quiet time w/ my Bible (which I'm trying to get back into doing every day anyway).....feed New Hope....

....and then I'm gonna bite the bullet and dye my hair before he gets home so I can surprise him....

I'll let y'all know how it goes...

Well - I did it. I colored my hair - I'm letting it air dry right now while I figure out what to do.

This morning as I looked at it - I realized that I didn't think the two sides were quite straight (when the curls are gone from the curling iron)....so I'm sorta gonna let it air dry a bit....(fluffing it up with my fingers)....and play with it in a bit...

I have a feeling I am going to like this color - not sure....but I suspect when Art gets home he's gonna wanna toss the other boxes in the trash (I have 3 of them that he's picked up for me at various times).....and he's gonna wanna keep the label from this box in his wallet so he can always make sure I have some on hand for when my roots get bad....(this time they weren't bad - they were HORRID)..

I'm glad you think you will like it. That's one step in the right direction.

I hope when you play with your hair later, that you find something that you like :)

Everytime I open this thread I see the helicopter hair and it makes me giggle, lol. So random. At least your hair is better than that! Even you can't deny that.
YAYY!!! How fun!! I can't wait to see how your hair turned out!! Are you gonna post after pics for us?

Danny does that, too...he has the number and type memorized now, but before he didn't, he took the box top (with the info on it) in his wallet to be sure (it's Loreal Feria #74, Copper Shimmer). :)

I used to have sit-on-able hair, too! It was so long in high school...and it's so heavy, I used to get headaches if I wore it with a scrunchy. A couple weeks after graduation, I went into a salon and had it chopped to a tad under shoulder length...and LOVED IT!! I've been trying to wear it that length ever since.

I did start to grow it long again this past year, but then chopped it again recently, but didn't have enough for Locks of Love (and didn't know about it with my initial just-after-high-school cut, or I would've given it to them).

And now, it's fiery red, hehe...I LOVE having red hair...:D
I don't like these photos 'cause they don't do justice to the new hair color. After walking into the bathroom three times and startling myself when I look in the mirror - I have to say I'm buying another box of this color when I go to Walmart tomorrow so I have it on hand for next month. I think I'm just gonna note on my calendar to redo my roots every X weeks or something.....

I didn't try to mess much with my hair this afternoon after I colored it. I ran my fingers through it and let it air dry some (with me playing with it) - but I wanted to get a feel for the basic shape of it before I started blow drying it or whatever.

I'm not thrilled with the cut - I am not sure I'm really happy with the back either right now...you'll see why I'm sure.

BUT...the upside is that hair grows....and I now have a color that I really like...and I think Art likes it too. He kept saying over and over today 2 or 3 times how pretty I am and how much he likes it...



I wanted to bump this for the full-figured ladies to pass on some information....

I think I may have mentioned earlier in the thread (I haven't checked) that I ordered some tshirts and stuff from Old Navy - from the plus size part of the website.

They arrived today.....

I haven't tried them all on yet - but I have got to say that I am THRILLED with them. I love the way they hang (drape?) on my body - the cut is really nice. The fabric is really soft and the colors are beautiful.

The only thing I don't like about them is how low they are cut in the front (I got 3 scoop neck tees and 3 vneck tees). However, I put on a lace trimmed camisole underneath and I'm thrilled with the look. I'm thinking that I may go to Walmart and get some pieces of lace and then find a way to attach it underneath (depending upon my mood, etc). I'd like to find a way to do it (and I do have an idea) so that the lace could be in or out and I could have different types of lace to interchange among the tops.

But yes - I am THRILLED with the Old Navy tops - and I'm thrilled with the speed of their service....

I am definitely buying more from them....


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